chubigans said:I totally have my Monday midnight planned. Gonna meet up with a chum at 8, watch No Country for Old Men, play some games, hit the launch and play till dawn.
Freaking A' man. Freaking A.
Xevren said:Yay my gamestop is doing a midnight release! There was a whopping 2 people there for Halo 3 so hopefully it will be just as easy getting in and out fast.
chespace said:Also, don't forget to watch this:
chubigans said:I totally have my Monday midnight planned. Gonna meet up with a chum at 8, watch No Country for Old Men, play some games, hit the launch and play till dawn.
Freaking A' man. Freaking A.
cjtiger300 said:Seriously? They are expecting at least 100 at my store. The Red Bull promo guys are supposed to be there passing out Red Bull for free. I figure I better get there around 10:30 if I don't want to be in waiting in line for a while after midnight. Also, I hope they have some damn cops or something out there. Its just Columbia SC, but there are some crazy people here.
Xevren said:There's 4 gamestops in the area, but the one I go to rarely gets business compared to the other three. I'm surprised they're doing a midnight release at that one but it works out for me since im too lazy to go to the other ones.
BobFromPikeCreek said:I can't do midnight launch because stupid Canadian Wal Marts aren't 24 hours and it's too late (and I'm too lazy) for me to switch preorders. Oh well.
dedhead54 said:Hoooooooooly shit. Explosions in this game are fucking AWESOME!!
Do you think Wal Mart would take a refund on a preorder for a game AFTER it comes out? I might hang on to my Wal Mart preorder and try Futureshop at midnight. If successful I'll just refund my preorder at Wal Mart if I can.Fatghost said:Futureshops are doing midnight launches. Some EBs are doing midnight launches. Gamerama in Toronto will probably do a midnight launch (they have for Halo 3 and other big games). Some WalMarts are 24 hours (Barrie South for example) as well.
Xevren said:There's 4 gamestops in the area, but the one I go to rarely gets business compared to the other three. I'm surprised they're doing a midnight release at that one but it works out for me since im too lazy to go to the other ones.
BobFromPikeCreek said:Do you think Wal Mart would take a refund on a preorder for a game AFTER it comes out? I might hang on to my Wal Mart preorder and try Futureshop at midnight. If successful I'll just refund my preorder at Wal Mart if I can.
dejay said:My EB (in Aus) are doing a midnight release - safety deposit box edition here I come. They open at 10 and start giving them out at 12.01. This will be my first midnight release - is it usually a first come, first serve thing, do they give you a ticket or is it pure anarchy?
dejay said:My EB (in Aus) are doing a midnight release - safety deposit box edition here I come. They open at 10 and start giving them out at 12.01. This will be my first midnight release - is it usually a first come, first serve thing, do they give you a ticket or is it pure anarchy?
When I went to the midnight launch of San Andreas, they had 3 lines. If you only paid 5 bux you were in the long line. If you paid more but not all then you got line 2. Line three (fully paid) was only two people, myself and a marine who knew way more about the game already than I did. They went from the shortest line out, so I got mine first and was miles away before they even got to the mob. I heard the store I'm going to will be having pro street and madden tournaments for a few hours before hand but I don't really like those games : (. I tried REALLY hard to get them to hold a Resistance tournament LOL but they wouldn't go for it.dejay said:My EB (in Aus) are doing a midnight release - safety deposit box edition here I come. They open at 10 and start giving them out at 12.01. This will be my first midnight release - is it usually a first come, first serve thing, do they give you a ticket or is it pure anarchy?
what just Bailey's? Get some Guinness and Jameson too. Then Do a car bomb every time you do a car bomb, the GTA4 drinking game.Acid08 said:I'm picking up a bottle of Bailey's this weekend to drink while I play. AWESOME.
You do realize people are just going to look up your gamertag then go through all your friends right?Kingpen said:I just saw a pretty prominent GAFFER playing GTA IV on my friends list....
I don't know how the fuck he got it so early... Hopefully he will post impressions. I won't spoil who it is so I don't steal his thunder if he comes in and talks about it.
BobTheFork said:what just Bailey's? Get some Guinness and Jameson too. Then Do a car bomb every time you do a car bomb, the GTA4 drinking game.
Tasty and competitive : ).dedhead54 said:God that would get you so hammered considering how awesome car explosions look. I'll be blowing up every car I see!
Car bombs are the shit, though.
kylej said:midnight Monday night is Tuesday.
Which is when the game is released.
*looks at profile*dedhead54 said:I'll down some carbombs next week while we play some multiplayer. We'll do freeroam and make a drinking game out of it.
For 4 more days.Himuro said:Favorite game ever.
BobTheFork said:*looks at profile*
I really wish you could go cross platform with this game above all others. Smurf a live newb for me : )
cjtiger300 said:I doubt there will be anarchy as they have done this before. All the ones
I have been too, they form two lines. One line is for people who have the game paid in full and will just be picking up the game. The second line has the people who still owe money. The line of paid in full moves a lot faster so I would suggest paying it off if you haven't already!
I know.Eiji said:I really want this on my PC!!!
Rockstar, release this shit on PC NOW!!!
chespace said:Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?
If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?
I've only started getting excited for games like this again just recently. After Vice City I for some reason stopped getting excited like this for big games, but now I can say that I've been pretty excited for Bioshock, Rock Band and this.chespace said:Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?
If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?
REII(awesome), Code Veronica(awesome) , Lost Odyessey(awesome), and the sequel to FFVII which was a let down.chespace said:Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?
If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?
Pretty much, and my college classes end the 28th.chespace said:Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever??
chespace said:Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?
If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?
chespace said:Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?
If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?
ZOMG!dedhead54 said:I'll down some carbombs next week while we play some multiplayer. We'll do freeroam and make a drinking game out of it.