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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

On another note, i'll be jumping into this knowing next to nothing about it (just the way i like it) quite how i've steered myself clear from previews and the like i don't know.Somedays the temptation is too much.So i was wondering who's like me and who goes for the full spoiler experience as it were?
Dandare4444 said:
On another note, i'll be jumping into this knowing next to nothing about it (just the way i like it) quite how i've steered myself clear from previews and the like i don't know.Somedays the temptation is too much.So i was wondering who's like me and who goes for the full spoiler experience as it were?

ive been steering clear of everything too. pretty much all i know about the game ive learned from the 1st couple post of this thread and the 4 trailers. havent read any previews, havent watched any gameplay vids, and for the most part ive stayed away from this thread once the gameplay vids and impressions started rolling out. all im waiting for now are the reviews so i can see if theres a diff between 360 and ps3, how the gfx are, is MP fun, and can u turn off that filter.

4 more days to go.....wish to god the mgo beta was up, woulda made these 4 days go a lot quicker

EDIT: i almost forgot about the fucking snacks! im gonna buy a couple bottle of tahitian treats, big bag of swedish fish, and a large cheese pizza. that should last me til tuesday night when i pass out from exhaustion


Thank god that I got into the Mythos beta now because I need something to do waiting for GTA4. I can't remember ever wanting a game this bad...

chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever??
Final Fantasy XII (lived up to my hype), Halo 3 (still love it) and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (my previously most anticipated game now dethroned by GTA4).
When does the first "true" reviews" are coming ? (I mean not the exclusive ones that we know don't say a lot about the flaws that there could be...)


chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?

Not since I was in elementary school, when i wanted every game this badly. But it's been awhile. :D
chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?

No, I would say FFXIII or MGS4, and there were tons of previous games such as Outcast, previous ffs, C & Cs, Black and White etc that I anticipated far more...

Still, I am anticipating this far more than any previous GTA, really looks like a true sequel to GTA3. Still, MGS4 is the monster game coming out for me, and as good as this looks, I believe it will definitely be the better game. Two huge games coming this close together is ace though.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
AkuMifune said:
Not since I was in elementary school, when i wanted every game this badly. But it's been awhile. :D

Honestly, the last time I felt like this was probably COD4 (since I got a taste of it with the beta). But seeing all these gameplay clips and having not played it myself has made the anticipation for GTA4 that much more agonizing.

Before COD4... hmm... probably MGS2 (although reviewing it at Konami and having to finish it in one sitting kinda sucked).


chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?

Up until now, it is. But that record won't be helt for long since MGS4 is approaching.


chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?

I've felt absolutely giddy with excitement over these titles, like I cannot wait for them to come and I just reread every single thing written on the games, watch videos and even dream about the game and imagine how cool the games are gonna be. In the old days I used to tape childrens shows that show the game (Telekids and SMB3 for those who remember in the Netherlands) and just watch it over and over again.

FFXII- met all my high expectations
Earthbound- exceeded my high expectations
SMB3- met expectations
FFVII- met expectations
FFVIII- didn't meet exp. at first, but played again 2 years later and loved it
FFIX- exceeded high exp.
Zelda Wind Waker- met most exp.
Zelda TP- didn't meet exp.
Zelda OoT- exceeded.
Shadow of the Colossus- exceeded
DQVIII- exceeded
Super Metroid- exceeded
Oblivion- met most
Chrono Trigger- met
FFXI- met
Metroid Prime- exceeded
Megaman 2- exceeded
Mother 3- still don't know dammit.
Bioshock- almost met expectations

That my useless list for today.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wait, what's going on in this thread now? :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
eXistor said:
It's all good, just fuelling the hype further.
Great! :)

4 days left, holy shit.


chespace said:
Honestly, the last time I felt like this was probably COD4 (since I got a taste of it with the beta). But seeing all these gameplay clips and having not played it myself has made the anticipation for GTA4 that much more agonizing.

Before COD4... hmm... probably MGS2 (although reviewing it at Konami and having to finish it in one sitting kinda sucked).

That does kinda suck. Environment has alot to do with how absorbed you can get in a game.

I think another thing that makes this so agonizing is that we know this is going to be great. There's not many games we can get so worked about that we know will deliver. The only thing we're not sure about is just how awesome it will be.


Trucker Sexologist
chespace said:
Honestly, the last time I felt like this was probably COD4 (since I got a taste of it with the beta). But seeing all these gameplay clips and having not played it myself has made the anticipation for GTA4 that much more agonizing.

Before COD4... hmm... probably MGS2 (although reviewing it at Konami and having to finish it in one sitting kinda sucked).
I just put CoD4 on my to-buy list and picked it up during the holiday sales. I didn't even plan on buying GTAIV until they unveiled multiplayer, and now it's already paid for. I guess I got sucked into the hype, which is rare for me.

I haven't seen any gameplay videos, and the other thread that is slowly replacing this one is a spoiler-fest. So I might just go on a complete media blackout until I get the game (which probably won't be until next Thursday, since I got 2-3 day shipping). I don't think this thread will stay spoiler free on Tuesday though, so it looks like I'll be taking a break from NeoGaf too.
chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?

Diablo 2, no question. My most wanted game ever. And it managed to exceed my expectations even.


This is getting crazy.

I had big ass dream about GTA4 this night and tbh I wasn't really THAT excited about the game before the gameplay videos leaked.

OMG, what a dream: I was the main character a police rookie and the game started on the outskirts of the giant city. A fucking desert beside a gas station. I started from here and had to drive a giant truck (an 18 wheeler maybe) all the way to the city. When I did, the main game started. Lots of shit happened I don't remember now, only know that it happened. IT WAS SO AWESOME! :lol

I remember thinking: "Wait a minute. It's not like the intro I saw on the internet. I'm not on ship. I'm not Nico. Hmm...must be pallarel storylines, a second character."


Crazy time, crazy! Wha!


chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?


By far.

Lived up to my expectations, too. In my top 10, easily.


chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?

No, Baldur's Gate 2. The first (and last) time I pretended I was seriously ill so I could skip school, buy the game and play it for like 5 days before returning to school.

Chris R

From watching the videos it makes me sad that the cops aren't as anal as I think they should be :(

Not really a spoiler but I'll hide it just in case this minor detail makes someone upset
When the stream showed the guy driving the wrong way on the freeway by like 3 cops they didn't even give him a single star :(


I don't know whether it's already been posted or not, but the new PSW review (which also gives GTAIV a 10/10) says that PS3 users can also drive the vehicles and helicopters and boats by using the sixaxis' gyroscopic control. They also say that you can reload your weapons, by flicking the pad up in the air. How AWESOME is that?
Tr4nce said:
I don't know whether it's already been posted or not, but the new PSW review (which also gives GTAIV a 10/10) says that PS3 users can also drive the vehicles and helicopters and boats by using the sixaxis' gyroscopic control. They also say that you can reload your weapons, by flicking the pad up in the air. How AWESOME is that?
That's nice... i hope we can drive when we're drunk so i can try to drive with the sixaxis being drunk myself for real too :eek:


rhfb said:
From watching the videos it makes me sad that the cops aren't as anal as I think they should be :(

Not really a spoiler but I'll hide it just in case this minor detail makes someone upset
When the stream showed the guy driving the wrong way on the freeway by like 3 cops they didn't even give him a single star :(

Now is that something that R* could fix with a update?

The thing is a balance though you don't want to crack down on everything other wise it would be no fun to play.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
I dont know if I should get this game when its first released. Ive got exams coming up soon, so GTA would be a huge distraction. My mind tells me buying it now would be a bad idea and that I should wait until I finish my exams, but its also telling me that waiting is not the right thing to do.

Knowing how these things turn out, I'll probably end up buying it when its first released.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?
MGS4 and MGS3.

However this is the first time I've been this exited for a GTA game.
I can't remember ever being this hyped for a game. I was really pumped for Uncharted, but I didn't even think about a midnight release.


Dabanton said:
rhfb said:
From watching the videos it makes me sad that the cops aren't as anal as I think they should be :(

Not really a spoiler but I'll hide it just in case this minor detail makes someone upset
When the stream showed the guy driving the wrong way on the freeway by like 3 cops they didn't even give him a single star :(

Now is that something that R* could fix with a update?

The thing is a balance though you don't want to crack down on everything other wise it would be no fun to play.

@rhfb - I'm with you, but I think not everyone agrees with us - earlier in this thread, people (Himuro?) were talking about how they would hate it if the cops aggressively enforced traffic rules.

For me, it goes to immersiveness - I hate how you can scrape a cops car's bumper as you blow through a red light, and it doesn't even provoke a reaction. I want something not totally realistic, but just a touch more believable.

@Dabanton - Doubtful they could/would change this behavior in an update. IMO, the most we can hope for in updates are new multiplayer modes - which I would be _fine_ with.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?
I won't deny that the hype has me caught up.. and it's all because of the internet. But if you take the internet hype away, games that I wanted more just on my own:

Zelda OoT
Mario 64
Phantasy Star

but really, the grandaddy of them all. The game I paid $220 FOR WITH NO REGRETS!!!!!


(I technically paid $250 for Mario 64, but I was REALLY hyped for SMW as I was reading more gaming magazines back in '91 than I was '96)


Just a little question regarding the preorder - is it normal that the order page on game.co.uk still have not been updated with the messeage "posted". I mean: if they are not going to post the game today then I'm definitely not gonna receive it on release day. Panic mode on.

Eric WK

chespace said:
Is this the most you guys have ever wanted a game? Like, ever?

If not, what was the game you wanted this badly before?

It's getting there. Bioshock, Halo 3 and the combination of Rock Band and Mass Effect on the same day were all pretty anticipated. The fact that I think GTA IV will be the best game of the five probably makes it my most anticipated ever.
Without the Internet the only game that the wait really hurt me was Mario 64.
I wanted this game so badly. Since the anoucement of the "Ultra 64" I started to want this game. Imagine... I almost died waiting...
I remember having a file with all the magazines news and previews about it... and i was reading it almost every night before going to sleep for months...

But i was 15 !

(I bought the system and the game during a trip in Canada... I couldn't wait more !)

3 days is nothing btw.


chubigans said:
Are you serious? YES!

Yes, Chubi. I'm dead serious! I saw the scans of the PSW review and one of them had this little window with text saying that reloading could be done by flicking the SixAxis in the air. Yeah, I know it's fucking awesome!


Junior Member
Ah flicking the pad up, I love it.

I would use sixaxis on helicopter but didn't want use on other vehicles, So is it separated option or not?

Doc Evils

Tr4nce said:
I don't know whether it's already been posted or not, but the new PSW review (which also gives GTAIV a 10/10) says that PS3 users can also drive the vehicles and helicopters and boats by using the sixaxis' gyroscopic control. They also say that you can reload your weapons, by flicking the pad up in the air. How AWESOME is that?

wow that is cool.:lol

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Last time I was this hyped for a game was probably Zelda: TP(sucked). Halo 2(dissapointmenton), FFXII(awesomesauce!), SMG(pretty good), and Oblivion(love and hate orgasm).


The Chef said:
I cant believe I just put a request in to take Tuesday off from work

3 daaaaayyyyyyssssssssssss

Double D

I'd take tuesday off, but I've got a housewife and two kids at home. I've got a 19" monitor at work. Maybe I should bring my 360 in here and just say I'm taking the day off, even though I'll be here. These are life-changing decisions here, people.
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