Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
Hiya all, I am Redneckerz. Let me introduce some history first here.
My interests/What i did there:
What i want out of GAF:
Hailing from Dutchland, i am a small time reviewer/editor on a game site, writing articles, spellchecking them, review games/movies, studied IT, help the elderly and play keyboard. (And more, but this should be sufficient)
What GAF wants out of me (or so i hope):
My sanity, no doubt!
One more thing:
Anyone made it this far? Good! It means a thank you from me for sticking it so far! Thank you and hello! Lets do this.
- Ive lurked on GAF for years and years, so i am familiar with the history, both the good, and the bad.
- I was an early member on ResetERA (October 25 '17, to be exact).
- Recently (say, yesterday!) i caught a permban. Details wont be here for now, but i was already considering making the move to NewGAF anyways.
- Regardless, i still keep ERA close to home. Because i had some amazing conversations there and met with some geniunely great people, member and staff a like. So before anyone goes, not a grumpy user to ERA as a whole. Just a part.
My interests/What i did there:
- Was part of AAU, or Adopt-A-User. Basically what happens here aswell to provide threads for Neophyte members. Me and 2 others provided this service for early birds that could not yet post. I am so glad that this still exists here, so i hope i can be a part of that service here aswell.
- Absolutely loves technical debates. Digital Foundry is what i breathe, tech papers are what i inject inside my digital fingers (Well okay not that extreme but you get my drift)
- Occasionally providing ears to the Mental Health thread.
- Fan of the obscure gamings. How obscure? Well, it goes in hand with:
- Shooter historian. My ire of games is the First person shooter and all that it encompasses. If GAF ever needed a talking encyclopedia on this..
- Official founder of the Useless Trivia movement. Dedicated to providing those nonsensical factoids and details not many will care of, but it will do great on quizzes
- I am an eternal fan of John Linneman (Dark1x) from Digital Foundry. (Actually, its a damn shame he only resides on ERA, as do most other DF staff members).
What i want out of GAF:
- Be a proactive and argumentative user. This is what i did on ERA aswell and i hope i can be of significant service in that regard here aswell.
- I make lengthy, detailed threads and posts (When i turn as a member, that is). This goes in line with my fascination for obscure titles, shooter history, and tech interest.
- What peeked my interest in GAF is the new moderation standards. I am well aware of OldGAF, and also well aware of Evilore, but, instead of accusation, i want to engage in dialogue and discourse, both with Mr Malka, and also with the (new) moderation staff. To all of you: Welcome and thank you for accepting me on GAF!
- I can be quite a persistent user, to the point of annoyance. I know this, i am aware of this, and ill try to limit this as much as possible.
- My bigger pet peeve: I love to multiquote. Love to. So if you see a long post with multiple quotes, that is probably me. Please understand that i am aware that this is annoying to some users, and ill try to not go overboard on it, but throughout the years this has been my posting style.
- If i joke, am annoyingly persistent, or multiquote in lengthy manners, understand my intents are good.
Hailing from Dutchland, i am a small time reviewer/editor on a game site, writing articles, spellchecking them, review games/movies, studied IT, help the elderly and play keyboard. (And more, but this should be sufficient)
What GAF wants out of me (or so i hope):
My sanity, no doubt!
One more thing:
Anyone made it this far? Good! It means a thank you from me for sticking it so far! Thank you and hello! Lets do this.