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The Official "Real-Time with Bill Maher" Thread

I thought it was a decent episode. The nuclear guy was a bad speaker but the stuff he was discussing was really important.

I always enjoy Michael Steele because he's not doing stupid talking points and will laugh at how stupid his party acts at times. He will still defend stuff saying there are a lot of Republicans that don't get their voices heard.

"What does the $4000 buy you?"


I thought it was a decent episode. The nuclear guy was a bad speaker but the stuff he was discussing was really important.

I always enjoy Michael Steele because he's not doing stupid talking points and will laugh at how stupid his party acts at times. He will still defend stuff saying there are a lot of Republicans that don't get their voices heard.

"What does the $4000 buy you?"

I'm surprised Maher didn't respond to that with an STD joke. I guess he used up his quota with the crabs joke during new rules.


Jesus, Bill laughs too much at his own jokes.

And is it me or are his monologues somewhat similar to Jay Leno's in terms of the punchlines he uses?


Here I thought David Frum represented the Reasonable Wing of the Republican Party, but he was absolutely insane on this episode. His opposition to the ACA was nonsensical and his analysis that Obama is trying to distance himself from the law was laughable. His inability to give a straight answer on GMO labelling was telling, and his answer to medical marijuana was hypocritical given that he couldn’t give a provide a valid reason why alcohol should be legal but not MJ (that was on the Overtime segment)

He was approaching Stephen Moore levels of bad in this episode. Thankfully Chris Hayes was there to talk some sense.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Watching Frum on Overtime stammer and stumble when trying to explain why he thinks marijuana should be illegal was fantastic. Pretty much sums up the entire anti-legalization side- full of shit.
I honestly FF through the monologues. They are Leno/Conan tier of bad.

Really? I disagree completely with this. I think him laughing at his monologues kind of sell them a bit.

Here I thought David Frum represented the Reasonable Wing of the Republican Party, but he was absolutely insane on this episode. His opposition to the ACA was nonsensical and his analysis that Obama is trying to distance himself from the law was laughable. His inability to give a straight answer on GMO labelling was telling, and his answer to medical marijuana was hypocritical given that he couldn’t give a provide a valid reason why alcohol should be legal but not MJ (that was on the Overtime segment)

He was approaching Stephen Moore levels of bad in this episode. Thankfully Chris Hayes was there to talk some sense.

Yeah I agree with this but I realize why he keeps having these guys back because they know how to keep calm in a debate even if their points don't make sense. Bill could never have say Bill O'Reilly on the panel (having him for the studio interview or live via satellite is different) because it would get completely out of hand.

Was it this year or last year that he had that girl Kennedy on? I hope she never comes back.


Yeah I agree with this but I realize why he keeps having these guys back because they know how to keep calm in a debate even if their points don't make sense. Bill could never have say Bill O'Reilly on the panel (having him for the studio interview or live via satellite is different) because it would get completely out of hand.

Was it this year or last year that he had that girl Kennedy on? I hope she never comes back.

I like David Frum. He's been on the show many times (including a couple times already this year) and he normally can hold his end up of the argument well. But besides from the conversation about guns he was oppositionist on every topic in this episode, adding nothing of value to the conversation.

I remember when Kennedy was on. She was terrible, but the guest that was on with her (Republican Congressman Dana Rochbacher (sp?)) was a complete idiot who got showed up many times. I remember it well.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The financial chick was pretty useless. Barely said anything the entire show. I mean, she didn't say enough to even be sufficiently aggravating.
Mmmmm California

Cali should join with Oregon and Washington and join Canada :D

Tell me more and if anyone else from Cali-GAF can join in. I just am curious because while I know there are a lot of advantages to California, I like cold weather for at least a few months out of the year although I'd take about 45 degrees Fahrenheit year round if I could.

Currently I am in central NJ

Where does it get the coolest in California? Bay Area?

Kennedy was on last year.

Thank you. Yeah I couldn't wait until he did new rules that episode.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Tell me more and if anyone else from Cali-GAF can join in. I just am curious because while I know there are a lot of advantages to California, I like cold weather for at least a few months out of the year although I'd take about 45 degrees Fahrenheit year round if I could.

Currently I am in central NJ

Where does it get the coolest in California? Bay Area?

Big Bear, probably.
Is California really bouncing back like Bill said?

The financial chick was pretty useless. Barely said anything the entire show. I mean, she didn't say enough to even be sufficiently aggravating.

"Bu-bu-but Asians and Indians moved up why can't everyone else!"

Its because they moved up at the expense of other people. The nation can't support 30 million more entrepreneurs.


Decent episode, but never reaching the highs of last week. I would love a long form interview with Billy Crystal, guy is awesome.

I do echo others comments about Monica Mehta being pretty useless. Bill had several digs at her during the episode. "Well I wish we would get ice-cream in the mail too".


Monica's analysis was very shallow. I mean, lamenting why they couldn't be bipartisan support for the health care law? She must not have been paying attention when the law was being formulated, when democrats were making concession after concession just to get the bill out of committee.


"Who were you rooting for to get out of the Poseidon, it was Gene Hackman, right?"
"No I was rooting for all of them to get out, because I am not a Republican"

I really liked Matt Kibbe. He was so calm, cool, and collected that I hope he comes back. He was way better than Reihan Salam ever could have been. Kibbe is actually 50 years old I researched. Christ I thought he was 35.

Edit: Also the New Rule where he talked about wearing pants. I was in tears.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Was there no Overtime this week? There's a link to it on the website and it's even labeled as the correct date but it goes to last week's Overtime...
What happened to Salam?

He may have canceled in the middle of the week or they may have canceled him. I would try tweeting Bill's staff (since I doubt he replies to many tweets himself) and see if they give you an answer. Matt Kibbe was much better.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkWdP2d6FIY <--- Here he is with Chris Wallace. Now you may not agree with him but throw that out the window and pay attention to his demeanor. He doesn't get upset and frustrated like Salam. If it was Salam and Alan Grayson, it might not have been such a decent episode.
Heh, she was trying so hard to be heard over Matthews and Glassman that she said something that lost her all credibility

Oh hey, she said something
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