Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
JudgeN said:WOW thought I was the only one that puts Code: Veronica in high regard, guess not.
isn't his name an obvious giveaway ?
JudgeN said:WOW thought I was the only one that puts Code: Veronica in high regard, guess not.
If it's like Capcom's other games, beating the game on hard will unlock the achievements for easy and normal as well. It's most likely the same case here.masterkajo said:Another small question as some people already finished the game. Do you get the achievements/trophies for easy and normal when you play on hard? Or do I have to play it for each difficulty?
DarkUSS said:
dark10x said:OK, now that some folks have both versions of RE5, can we get some proper comparisons? CVX (or anyone, for that matter), would you care to comment on the differences between the PS3 and 360 version? It doesn't need to be in depth, I simply want to know if the framerate is still unstable on the PS3.
Yeah that is real cool, awesomeBaloonatic said:That's awesome, thank you so much for telling us that!
cvxfreak said:In terms of pure experience and ignoring technical and gameplay merit (i.e. the feeling I had as a fan when playing RE5 the first time), it would probably be RECV > RE4 > REmake > RE2 > RE1 > RE3 > RE0 > RE5
In terms of holding up in subsequent playthroughs, without considering RE5, it would probably be something like RE4 > RECVX > RE3 > RE2 > RE0 > RE1 > REmake.
Interfectum said:Why not just get the 360 version? From everything I've read that's the one to get.
Diablohead said:Yeah that is real cool, awesome
When is RE5 out in the UK again? I need to push uni work to one side that day.
Interfectum said:Why not just get the 360 version? From everything I've read that's the one to get.
Interfectum said:Why not just get the 360 version? From everything I've read that's the one to get.
cvxfreak said:In terms of pure experience and ignoring technical and gameplay merit (i.e. the feeling I had as a fan when playing RE5 the first time), it would probably be RECV > RE4 > REmake > RE2 > RE1 > RE3 > RE0 > RE5
In terms of holding up in subsequent playthroughs, without considering RE5, it would probably be something like RE4 > RECVX > RE3 > RE2 > RE0 > RE1 > REmake.
Kyleripman said:Say you started a game on SP...could you play as Sheva instead of Chris? It's been said before but I appreciate that she takes up less of the screen.
Kyleripman said:Say you started a game on SP...could you play as Sheva instead of Chris? It's been said before but I appreciate that she takes up less of the screen.
"I" want to buy the 360 version, however, I will also be playing through this game with a friend in CO-OP right away and they want the PS3 version. It's not really an argument, per se, but I would like to know for certain one way or another.Interfectum said:Why not just get the 360 version? From everything I've read that's the one to get.
chandoog said:isn't his name an obvious giveaway ?![]()
Very interesting read, thanks!Manos: The Hans of Fate did something strange in talking about race, they showed it to one of the UK's cultural anthropologist and guess what: He didn't feel it was racist. Heck, he even found an implicit anti-colonial theme in the game. Really a very interesting article talking about cultural themes in the game. It's a lot more than the simple "Oh Chris Kills Black People, RACIST!!!"
I know some have heard about the issue way too much, but I feel this article and interview presents the situation in a whole new light.
Laurent said:Very interesting read, thanks!
Teknoman said:Sucks that Mercenaries mode isnt online. Maybe they'll patch that eventually...or one of the other unlocked modes is online.
EDIT: Did they fix that PSN greyed out screen co-op glitch?
Nemesis556 said:I just finished a pretty decent playthrough of the game and I am very impressed. That being said, I've yet to come close to finishing. I think I am about halfway but I am not 100% sure. So far, I've clocked up 6 hours.
Heaps of boss battles, some really nice and interesting characters (I really like Sheva) and a bunch of cutscenes that aren't too long but aren't too short either. The cutscenes feel just like movies, and the characters react just as you would expect them too. Voice acting is top notch as always, and there's alot of emotion, particularly in Sheva's face which adds to it ALOT.
I particularly like the interactions between Chris & Sheva as things start to go a little less as planned, and some of the interactions between Birdwoman and Irving are nice too - I like their relationship (though I've not seen a lot of them).
New weapons are fairly awesome too, with some just being down right fun (to give a hint, it was featured in RE4 but was an enemy-exclusive weapon). There's heaps to unlock too.
Some really awesome flashback scenes too! Very nice for the old school RE fan.
Within the first two hours, this game has already surpassed RE4 as being so much more enjoyable and just downright disturbing. Some of the worst enemies in the game also come simply from nature - and are definitely the creepiest.
The game for me oozes atmosphere. The opening scene where Chris is walking down the streets of Kijuju as the villagers stare is something that I cannot ever forget - the eeriness of the whole situation as the citizens just stop doing their cruel and inhumane acts just to stare at you as you walk down the main road. Brilliant stuff.
Cannot wait to put some more time into this tomorrow. =)
Nemesis556 said:I just finished a pretty decent playthrough of the game and I am very impressed. That being said, I've yet to come close to finishing. I think I am about halfway but I am not 100% sure. So far, I've clocked up 6 hours.
Heaps of boss battles, some really nice and interesting characters (I really like Sheva) and a bunch of cutscenes that aren't too long but aren't too short either. The cutscenes feel just like movies, and the characters react just as you would expect them too. Voice acting is top notch as always, and there's alot of emotion, particularly in Sheva's face which adds to it ALOT.
I particularly like the interactions between Chris & Sheva as things start to go a little less as planned, and some of the interactions between Birdwoman and Irving are nice too - I like their relationship (though I've not seen a lot of them).
New weapons are fairly awesome too, with some just being down right fun (to give a hint, it was featured in RE4 but was an enemy-exclusive weapon). There's heaps to unlock too.
Some really awesome flashback scenes too! Very nice for the old school RE fan.
Within the first two hours, this game has already surpassed RE4 as being so much more enjoyable and just downright disturbing. Some of the worst enemies in the game also come simply from nature - and are definitely the creepiest.
The game for me oozes atmosphere. The opening scene where Chris is walking down the streets of Kijuju as the villagers stare is something that I cannot ever forget - the eeriness of the whole situation as the citizens just stop doing their cruel and inhumane acts just to stare at you as you walk down the main road. Brilliant stuff.
Cannot wait to put some more time into this tomorrow. =)
I never saw the movie Black Hawk Down (yeah I know I suck), I was curious to see the scene they kept refering too but it doesn't seem to be on YouTube... maybe there wasn't a big debate around it being racist as well?Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Yeah, it was a lot more in-depth and intelligent then I expected. I give the person credit for taking the time to look deeper at the issue.
chandoog said:
FUUUUUUUUUCK. Even worse than RE0? Man, my hype just took one hell of a drop. Shit, I thought it looked awesome in the stream but I trust the world's biggest RE fan more than anything.cvxfreak said:In terms of pure experience and ignoring technical and gameplay merit (i.e. the feeling I had as a fan when playing RE5 the first time), it would probably be RECV > RE4 > REmake > RE2 > RE1 > RE3 > RE0 > RE5
TheCardPlayer said:But the only post game unlockable is Mercenaries and it's already online as IGN fucked that up???
Yeah it's online. The guy in the stream plays it on Live all the time. The menu goesTeknoman said:IGN was wrong about Mercenaries mode not being online from the start?
Nemesis556 said:I just finished a pretty decent playthrough of the game and I am very impressed. That being said, I've yet to come close to finishing. I think I am about halfway but I am not 100% sure. So far, I've clocked up 6 hours.
Heaps of boss battles, some really nice and interesting characters (I really like Sheva) and a bunch of cutscenes that aren't too long but aren't too short either. The cutscenes feel just like movies, and the characters react just as you would expect them too. Voice acting is top notch as always, and there's alot of emotion, particularly in Sheva's face which adds to it ALOT.
Tenbatsu said:I finished the game, total in game play time is 13hrs. If minus the time I wasted on sight seeing, its round 10hrs. Replayability value will be high as there is co-op.
Shit, cvxfreak is the biggest RE fan around. He knows his shit. If he says it's worse than RE0, you know the game is fucking garbage.David H Wong said:I'm gathering a pretty clear, unspoken message from this thread:
If you can't find somebody to play co-op with you, this game is a rental.
It's pretty obvious reading people's comments that it's a dissapointment. The only thing keeping people from bashing it is pure hype and the fact that it's new in their mind. Read between the lines, the backlash is coming.Duck Amuck said:Huh?
TheCardPlayer said:Shit, cvxfreak is the biggest RE fan around. He knows his shit. If he says it's worse than RE0, you know the game is fucking garbage.
I just called the store and asked them to cancel my pre-order. Goddammit Capcom. At least my initial feeling didn't decieve me. I always knew it was going to blow anyway.
cvxfreak said:In terms of pure experience and ignoring technical and gameplay merit (i.e. the feeling I had as a fan when playing RE5 the first time), it would probably be RECV > RE4 > REmake > RE2 > RE1 > RE3 > RE0 > RE5.
Sorry but his opinion on RE is nearly the same as mine, as I am one of the few who think RECV is amongst the best and since he loves RE4 you know, he's not a new style RE hater. Consider that he spent thousands on the series and he bought every single version of every game.slasher_thrasher21 said:Your post makes me sad. I might not be as hardcore as CVXfreak but I'd consider myself a huge RE fan. Own all the games, multiple iterations on systems, chainsaw controllers, figures, the lot. Even with what he said im still getting it. You should let one persons view sway it for you so much to cancel your pre-order. Granted cvxfreak is one hardcore mofo concerning RE, doesn't meant you might find it better then he did.
TheCardPlayer said:Sorry but his opinion on RE is nearly the same as mine, as I am one of the few who think RECV is amongst the best and since he loves RE4 you know, he's not a new style RE hater. Consider that he spent thousands on the series and he bought every single version of every game.
If he says it sucks, even with his hype. You know the game is just garbage. Like I said, I cancelled my pre-order. No regrets. At least I won't be as dissapointed as some people here who are clinging to their hype.
You WILL be dissapointed. Come on man, he even liked RE0 more than it and RE0 is just horrible. :lolslasher_thrasher21 said:Well it will be interesting for me then because Code Veronica is a favorite of mine along with 4 and I myself have spent hundreds of dollars on Resident Evil stuff. If I come away dissapointed... hmmmmm
He spent hundreds of dollars to play the game. Of course, he won't say he hates it right now. Give it a few days. It's obvious that there is going to be a terrible backlash against the game.slasher_thrasher21 said:*edit* and saying its garbage is pretty rough. I don't think anywhere in his post did he say it was garbage. I think he said he enjoyed the hell out of it also.'re trolling a game. You haven't played yet, You already canceled your pre order on, and is entirely based off one huge fan's opinion.TheCardPlayer said:Sorry but his opinion on RE is nearly the same as mine, as I am one of the few who think RECV is amongst the best and since he loves RE4 you know, he's not a new style RE hater. Consider that he spent thousands on the series and he bought every single version of every game.
If he says it sucks, even with his hype, you know the game is just garbage. Like I said, I cancelled my pre-order. No regrets. At least I won't be as dissapointed as some people here who are clinging to their hype.
TheCardPlayer said:You WILL be dissapointed. Come on man, he even liked RE0 more than it and RE0 is just horrible. :lol
Man, did Capcom screw up hard. Without Mikami the series is pretty much dead.
TheCardPlayer said:He spent hundreds of dollars to play the game. Of course, he won't say he hates it right now. Give it a few days. It's obvious that there is going to be a terrible backlash against the game.
dark10x said:OK, now that some folks have both versions of RE5, can we get some proper comparisons? CVX (or anyone, for that matter), would you care to comment on the differences between the PS3 and 360 version? It doesn't need to be in depth, I simply want to know if the framerate is still unstable on the PS3.