cvxfreak said:Gameplay: RE5 > RE4 > REmake > RE3 > RE0 > RECVX > RE2 > RE1
What control scheme did you use for RE5? Ive only dicked around with the demo for a bit, but couldnt find a setting that really worked for me.
cvxfreak said:Gameplay: RE5 > RE4 > REmake > RE3 > RE0 > RECVX > RE2 > RE1
Come now, the water was perfectly acceptable for a Dreamcast title. The hardware was not particularly adept at handling water surfaces. They didn't have a lot of choice in how they handled it if they wanted to allow player interaction.TheCardPlayer said:I recently played the game and the water effects made me question if I should finish it. :lol I never viewed it as particularly attractive. But I do think it's got wonderful art and style. The game oozes atmosphere and beauty from it's locations despite the primitive graphics. It's an early last-gen game anyway, so I can forgive that.
I think that the main problem is that CV(X) is pretty much made with the veteran players in mind. I finished it multiple times and I still find it to be the hardest title in the series. Even the puzzles are fairly difficult but if one perseveres, it's one of the most rewarding games in the RE franchise.
The problem with RE0 isn't that it's really challenging. But the inventory and item management is so poor that it makes the game harder than it really is. Evading the enemies isn't difficult by itself, but one little mistake and you have to backtrack to get a discarded key item and dodge all the enemies over and over again. It also has poor save points placement.slasher_thrasher21 said:Also hmm whats most peoples view on this. I never really had trouble with CV. RE0 on normal I died though... ALOT. I thought it was one of the harder ones but I only played it twice so maybe I'm imagining things. Though now that I recall the second time was on easy and it was much...easier so. Damn Now im lost.:lol
True. But even then I always felt it wasn't a big improvement upon RE3 graphically and RE3 came out literally moments before. But again, I must say that the game's art is beautiful. I still think it has amongst the best locations in the series. Such great looking vistas despite the visual constraints.dark10x said:Come now, the water was perfectly acceptable for a Dreamcast title. The hardware was not particularly adept at handling water surfaces. They didn't have a lot of choice in how they handled it if they wanted to allow player interaction.
Again, we're talking about a game released over 9 years ago!
What is your final play-time for the game. And what difficulty did you play at?cvxfreak said:Gameplay: RE5 > RE4 > REmake > RE3 > RE0 > RECVX > RE2 > RE1
TheCardPlayer said:And one thing I need to point out. Chances are, a few days after the game's release, I'll probably buy it and continually slobber over it while screaming BEST GAEM EVAR!, knowing me.
DEskofier said:Hey guys,
just wanted to give you a quick update that we have a huge RE5-gallery online, which compares the 360 and the PS3 version of Resident Evil 5:
360 vs. PS3 comparison gallery
Really? That's pretty surprising to hear. RE3 stuck to typical pre-rendered backgrounds and low poly, pixelated characters. The Dreamcast game featured much more detailed character models along with fully 3D backgrounds. It was a huge visual step forward as it was the first RE game to break free of the pre-rendered backgrounds. It was also able to present its story in a new way thanks to realtime cinemas.True. But even then I always felt it wasn't a big improvement upon RE3 graphically and RE3 came out literally moments before. But again, I must say that the game's art is beautiful. I still think it has amongst the best locations in the series. Such great looking vistas despite the visual constraints.
Vyse The Legend said:Just picked up the US version of RE5 in NYC. Woo.
Vyse The Legend said:Just picked up the US version of RE5 in NYC. Woo.
TheCardPlayer said:I watched an entire playthrough of the game and it took about 20 hours to be completed so these reviews are crap.
whatdidyousay said:NYC get too. Chinatown baby.
Ifrit said:Does anyone know if the asian version is censored or missing anything contentwise?
whatdidyousay said:NYC get too. Chinatown baby.
whatdidyousay said:NYC get too. Chinatown baby.[/IMG[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Lyte Edge]So far, so HOLY SHIT. Good game! Although the game basically has you diving right in, (which is a good thing) the story and presentation are better than RE4's. The atmosphere isn't anywhere near as creepy as the old Spanish towns were, but the enemies you encounter definitely are. Especially right in the beginning when you are just walking through town and everyone is staring at you.
The enemies are more aggressive compared to RE4 and don't let up. Got a game over in the first area because Sheva let her dumb ass get killed by the axeman. How do you take down that behemoth, anyway? I could get him to stagger, but he'd get right back up again.
Installed the game on my 360 HD and the load times are zero, by the way. It loads so quickly that you don't even get to see the bits of RE trivia it shows on those screens.
I am reading some complaints that the game is shorter and just goes by quicker than RE4 did, and to expect the length to be like RE4 minus the castle. Something tells me a big part of this are the auto-saves; it seems that the typewriters are gone, and the game will just save at any new area. Makes things quicker when having to start over. It also is apparently more linear and has virtually no backtracking, which is AWESOME. I'd rather have it a bit shorter if it means constant new areas and enemies to fight.
Playing the game with the default controls, but I think I may try out the new scheme, since it allows for strafing. And yes, the knife really does seem to be more powerful than ever before. I had a few of those "beat-em-up" combos going with Sheva; definitely more fun than shooting.[/QUOTE]
So nice to hear about the load times being close to zero.
Stagger him, then close in, blast him a few times with the shotgun, uppercut, rinse and repeat.Lyte Edge said:The enemies are more aggressive compared to RE4 and don't let up. Got a game over in the first area because Sheva let her dumb ass get killed by the axeman. How do you take down that behemoth, anyway? I could get him to stagger, but he'd get right back up again.
MarkMan said:Took me 10 hours doing split screen coop with my brother.
Loved the game/experience... I really hope they follow up this game with something more definitive though (story/main character continuity wise).
It loads so quickly that you don't even get to see the bits of RE trivia it shows on those screens.
brandonh83 said:Okay now I HOPE it loads slower on the PS3 version :lol
slasher_thrasher21 said:Awesome sauce. Tell me is there a list of names in the manual from their contest? I ask because my name should be in there. If it is, I'll pm you my name and you can check for me?![]()
MarkMan said:Took me 10 hours doing split screen coop with my brother.
Loved the game/experience... I really hope they follow up this game with something more definitive though (story/main character continuity wise).
They, on the other hand, DID ask for proof.
USD said:Stagger him, then close in, blast him a few times with the shotgun, uppercut, rinse and repeat.
Facism said:do you have this one PS3? How is the splitscreen framerate? Is it as shit as the demo? I'm flip-flopping on a purchase. splitscreen performance is a major factor for me here, but it's seemingly unanswered despite a bunch of guys here owning the PS3 version -_-
duckroll said:I played all of chapter 1 in splitscreen co-op today when a friend came over. Noticed some weird shit. Aside from a less stable framerate, which was pretty much expected on the PS3, I noticed some weird shit. There were a few points where the game actually seemed to..... lag. For lack of a better term, that's exactly what it felt like, even though it was local splitscreen co-op on the same system with 2 controllers. The most obvious part was when I was dealing with the axe guy from the demo. I was shooting at him, while my partner was off on another area in the map taking on a different bunch of enemies. I started shooting the axe guy in his head, only to notice that he seems to have.... froze. He wasn't just standing still, he was frozen in mid animation completely. After about 3-4 seconds, he suddenly teleported in front of me, and I definitely felt a sudden jump in frames. Weiiird. Other than the weirdness it was pretty fun and playable after getting used to the odd splitscreen setup. Anyone else experienced something similar while playing splitscreen co-op?
and thisfps fanatic said:So the final retail version of RE5 on PS3 is good to go framerate wise compared to the demo? Sorry if it's been asked and answered already. I love the RE series and I'd like to know that the retail versions of the game are identical on both consoles...
now that the game is actually out.Facism said:do you have this one PS3? How is the splitscreen framerate? Is it as shit as the demo? I'm flip-flopping on a purchase. splitscreen performance is a major factor for me here, but it's seemingly unanswered despite a bunch of guys here owning the PS3 version -_-
I know! I've been playing tons of RE4 (Wii) instead. It took me two days but I got 5 stars with everyone in 'The Mercenaries' and I'm now playing Separate Ways.Nikorasu said:Why is god's name is everyone getting it now?
Oh well. *Plays through RE4 again*
Jtyettis said:DR touched on this on the previous page;