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The Official Stranglehold Thread (behold the power of Blu-Ray!)


Gold Member
Applied for a forum account when Bioshock was coming out and finally it went through.:D
Anyways Stranglehold is alot of fun. Check out my youtube page for lots of gameplay videos I took. Personally I'm loving the game.

Enjoy guys.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
I'm glad the PS3 demo is coming this week, how it plays determines if I keep my CE pre-order or cancel it and buy the 360 version.


Can't wait to play this one, waiting for the PC version. I'm curious to see how well the gameplay holds up in comparison to Max Payne 2. Plotwise i'm not expecting much. John Woo knows how to use a camera, but he's not much of storyteller.
JCtheMC said:
Can't wait to play this one, waiting for the PC version. I'm curious to see how well the gameplay holds up in comparison to Max Payne 2. Plotwise i'm not expecting much. John Woo knows how to use a camera, but he's not much of storyteller.

Yeah the plot is pretty standard stuff... really just more of an excuse to blow stuff up.


The game is 47.99 right now at Circuit city.... I'm 95% thinking of picking it up, despite the 7 reviews (I thought the game would score in the 8's)...
Kingpen said:
The game is 47.99 right now at Circuit city.... I'm 95% thinking of picking it up, despite the 7 reviews (I thought the game would score in the 8's)...

If you love action movies and games with lots of explosions and in your face shooting, pick it up. Its alot of fun and while playing you definetly feel like a badA$$.


Distinguished Air Superiority
They said that the PS3 demo is gonna come with something extra right? Wonder what it will be.


JdFoX187 said:
Have it preordered and paid off. Just wish it'd hurry up and release already. Can't wait for it.
360 versions have been available for a while now.

Unless you mean the PS3/PC versions. In which case, nevermind. ;)
sleeping_dragon said:
why cant Chow and John be good friend again and make classic such as The Killer, Hardboiled or A better Tomorrow?
I would quite enjoy that. Recently I watched A Better Tomorrow I & II - they are so good.


So has anyone beaten it yet? Curious what your thoughts were on the gameplay, story, cinematics, flow of the game.


painey said:
wow the multiplayer looks so bad :lol :lol

Too each it's own, but man it was a fricking rush to run into a group of people fighting each other in MP only to throw down the Tequila Spin Attack and kill them all ... 4 points :)


I read that the slowdown bar is called Tequila Time. When I hear that, I think its a really messed up version of TMNT "PIZZA TIME!". From there, I start imagining how each of the ninja turtles would act drunk. Then I realize Michaelangelo seems like is high off his ass all the time. Then I wonder why I'm typing this out.


The single player is pure fun but multiplayer looks a little tacked on. Havn't tried it yet but it looks just as The Darkness multipler was; added for the sake of having multiplayer.
Thorhald said:
So has anyone beaten it yet? Curious what your thoughts were on the gameplay, story, cinematics, flow of the game.

Well I believe I'm on the 4th level now. Not sure how many there are. You can check my user videos of me playing most of the whole second level. It'll give you a feel for the game. Also have two multiplayer vids as well.

Multiplayer can be chaotic alot of times but it sure is fun when you see three guys all slow motion diving at each other with bullets whizzing by. :D


Thorhald said:
So has anyone beaten it yet? Curious what your thoughts were on the gameplay, story, cinematics, flow of the game.
im going to get it from work now, I hope to have it beaten buy the end of the day.
Jirotrom said:
im going to get it from work now, I hope to have it beaten buy the end of the day.

Apparently its a rather short game from what everyone is saying. If the game continues to be as awesome and fun throughout, its definetly going to be a game I can play through a second time. Thats more then I can say about some other games.

Gnar Kill

Definitely going to play this, just not sure if I want PS3 or 360 version. Achievements or Hard Boiled in HD.......


nice thread!

love the movie, looking forward to trying the game.

thats damn cool that the PS3 version has the movie included. hopefully its in no way gimped like Kryptonian suggested. guess we'll see.


Junior Butler
Daigoro said:
nice thread!

love the movie, looking forward to trying the game.

thats damn cool that the PS3 version has the movie included. hopefully its in no way gimped like Kryptonian suggested. guess we'll see.

It's not.

That myth has been debunked time and time again.

The PSN demo comes out tomorrow too.


wow, I have a big smile on my face. I just beat the first mission and the fight in the bar right after where the demo ends is f'n manic.


Jirotrom said:
wow, I have a big smile on my face. I just beat the first mission and the fight in the bar right after where the demo ends is f'n manic.

Do you see yourself going back and playing through the levels you have already played again? What difficulty are you playing at. I've seen some comments that say upping the difficulty will extend the time needed to beat the game.


Kingpen said:
Do you see yourself going back and playing through the levels you have already played again? What difficulty are you playing at. I've seen some comments that say upping the difficulty will extend the time needed to beat the game.
actually, yes. I'm playing on hard right now, and I would play that level again on hardboiled.
Jirotrom said:
actually, yes. I'm playing on hard right now, and I would play that level again on hardboiled.

The game is super replayable if you ask me. The boss fight/insane gun battle he was talking about in the teahouse was amazingly fun. Did you happen to swing from the lights hanging above?


slasher_thrasher21 said:
The game is super replayable if you ask me. The boss fight/insane gun battle he was talking about in the teahouse was amazingly fun. Did you happen to swing from the lights hanging above?

not to mention some of the later Mexican Stand-offs are insane lol
I'm currently on the four level (I think) and I'm in a parking garage, bullets flying by, and I'm wearing some a$$ kicking shades. Anyone know how many levels are left after this?


slasher_thrasher21 said:
The game is super replayable if you ask me. The boss fight/insane gun battle he was talking about in the teahouse was amazingly fun. Did you happen to swing from the lights hanging above?
yes i did, this game isnt so forgiving in the second level. 46.99 at fry's? I think i'll probably buy at that price.
Jirotrom said:
yes i did, this game isnt so forgiving in the second level. 46.99 at fry's? I think i'll probably buy at that price.

Wait till you get to the casino area... I died about 5 times.


Jirotrom said:
38 dollars at circuit city with 10dollar discount according to CAG.

I just scored this deal just now. There is a scan of the Circuit City coupon you need for it to work on the gamefaqs board. It rings up at the sale price, and then they scan the coupon and take off 10 bucks. $40 is the ultimate price for this game with everything else coming out. I can't wait to play it.


raYne said:
360 versions have been available for a while now.

Unless you mean the PS3/PC versions. In which case, nevermind. ;)
No, I don't have a Best Buy or anything around me that's selling the game early. Both EB Games and Wal-Mart still have not received them. I keep getting told "this week" so I don't know.


absolutely loved the demo. certainly put the game on my radar (enough to have it imported to the uk). even made me pay £10 for the movie which im happy to say was worth it.
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