I'm bored of all the same threads lately (PS3 am doomed, DS prints money, my console is raping your console, the 100th I bought some random console what games should I now buy thread)
This thread has been a long time coming, but knowing GAF's PC gaming population this thread probably going to die rather quickly.
There are always the nostaliga threads of the good old console days, but in here we post about the awesomeness that once was the golden era of Point & Click Adventure games on the PC, a time when a story, ad-lib sound, artwork, and in some cases voice acting went a long way.
I think of myself as a point & click game aficionado, I've played them as a kid and I literally own drawers full of these games. There are so many point & click adventure I own and want to post, but now I present a few random favorites and I hope other people follow suit, so post pictures, videos, stories, what-not.
In other words, don't let this thread die!
Lucas Film Games (1993)
Speed Run Through The Game:

This was the first graphical adventure game I owned that came free with my family's IBM PS1 PC with a new fangled device called the CD-ROM (God, CD-ROMs, who needs them when floppies have plenty of space) and not to mention my rocking Sound-Blaster 16! This is probably my favorite adventure game of all time, the story, voice-acting, and art direction was phenomenal. Just watch the video above to see what I mean. And whoever at Lucas Arts who thought of using the musical staff to solve puzzles throughout the game was a genius, especially the fact how you can manipulate the spell songs to do variations of what the spells are intended to do.
Return To Zork:
Infocom (1993)

I was one of the people who grew up with the original Zork on my old PCs that ran just DOS. Command-line adventuring FTW! Like many other adventure game series I own, I own all of these through a collection that was sold in stores many years back. Out of all of them, Return to Zork is my favorite, even over the original. From it come such humorous video game moments as "Want some rye? Course 'ya do!", the Shanbar Ritual toast, and the Cliffs of Depression. One of the funniest games and series of all time.
Day of the Tentacle
Lucas Arts (1993)
Speed Run Through The Game:

LucasArts game, sequel to Maniac Masion, need I say more.
Cyan, Inc. (1993)

Cool montage video:
Slide show or not, I love the Myst series. I bought the 25th anniversary collection on DVD a year or two ago even though I own original copies of all the games. Now I officially own four copies of the original Myst game! The thing I love about the Myst series is the overall atmosphere of the games because they are some of the most immersive games. The game makes you feel so alone in such a empty world that seems like it was abandoned by some ancient civilization, which developed some crazy technologies. Added to that is the solid soundtrack by Robyn Miller, which just enhances this world.
This thread has been a long time coming, but knowing GAF's PC gaming population this thread probably going to die rather quickly.
There are always the nostaliga threads of the good old console days, but in here we post about the awesomeness that once was the golden era of Point & Click Adventure games on the PC, a time when a story, ad-lib sound, artwork, and in some cases voice acting went a long way.
I think of myself as a point & click game aficionado, I've played them as a kid and I literally own drawers full of these games. There are so many point & click adventure I own and want to post, but now I present a few random favorites and I hope other people follow suit, so post pictures, videos, stories, what-not.
In other words, don't let this thread die!
Lucas Film Games (1993)
Speed Run Through The Game:

This was the first graphical adventure game I owned that came free with my family's IBM PS1 PC with a new fangled device called the CD-ROM (God, CD-ROMs, who needs them when floppies have plenty of space) and not to mention my rocking Sound-Blaster 16! This is probably my favorite adventure game of all time, the story, voice-acting, and art direction was phenomenal. Just watch the video above to see what I mean. And whoever at Lucas Arts who thought of using the musical staff to solve puzzles throughout the game was a genius, especially the fact how you can manipulate the spell songs to do variations of what the spells are intended to do.
Return To Zork:
Infocom (1993)

I was one of the people who grew up with the original Zork on my old PCs that ran just DOS. Command-line adventuring FTW! Like many other adventure game series I own, I own all of these through a collection that was sold in stores many years back. Out of all of them, Return to Zork is my favorite, even over the original. From it come such humorous video game moments as "Want some rye? Course 'ya do!", the Shanbar Ritual toast, and the Cliffs of Depression. One of the funniest games and series of all time.
Day of the Tentacle
Lucas Arts (1993)
Speed Run Through The Game:

LucasArts game, sequel to Maniac Masion, need I say more.
Cyan, Inc. (1993)

Cool montage video:
Slide show or not, I love the Myst series. I bought the 25th anniversary collection on DVD a year or two ago even though I own original copies of all the games. Now I officially own four copies of the original Myst game! The thing I love about the Myst series is the overall atmosphere of the games because they are some of the most immersive games. The game makes you feel so alone in such a empty world that seems like it was abandoned by some ancient civilization, which developed some crazy technologies. Added to that is the solid soundtrack by Robyn Miller, which just enhances this world.