I saw the Blur footage with the better weapon effects... but I'd missed that video. Was that confirmed that it was probably going to be Blur 2 (or a derivation thereof)?
Fuck. That looked insane. The added touch of the glass shattering underneath the car was terrific.
PS. It was only a matter of time after they removed Blood Stone. I'm pissed about that, too... I literally only had a look on there to buy the game after the whole Lucid P.I. thing and found it was gone... and from what I can tell, nowhere to buy it digitally :/
Fuck. That looked insane. The added touch of the glass shattering underneath the car was terrific.
PS. It was only a matter of time after they removed Blood Stone. I'm pissed about that, too... I literally only had a look on there to buy the game after the whole Lucid P.I. thing and found it was gone... and from what I can tell, nowhere to buy it digitally :/