This is my problem with the PGR4 hate. It never has logic. Why would you hate a game because it apparently didnt get enough ad space?WickedCobra03 said:And finally PGR4 was sad... I bought it the week it came out and was astounded by how much microsoft dug the grave for that game and eventually that studio. There was no advertising... nothing. It was crazy how fast MS buried that game. Sure, I was not a super fan of the bikes, but the game was amazing none the less!
Trunchisholm said:PGR4 is just perfect: the graphics, the tremendous variety, the perfect handling model...
imthemaid said:i haven't played much of 2, but i've played a lot of 4. i'm curious as to why so many fans seem to love 2 the most. anyone feel like explaining?
cjelly said:
Never?Phonomezer said:I haven't played PGR4, but I put PGR3 in a few weeks ago and was surprised at how good the game still looks.
op_ivy said:i <3 Washington DC, Sydney, Edinburgh, Las Vegas, and Quebec City
mr stroke said:more love for PGR2 here. As mind blowing as PGR3 was when 360 launched. PGR2 was perfect in every way(for its time) and had the best online racing community I have even been around.
Slayer-33 said:The city tracks in PGR 2 weresome ofthe best in any racing games history.
op_ivy said:i wouldnt make a blanket statement like that because pgr2 also had some massive turds IMO.
also, cone challenges are among the greatest things in a racing game ever. really REALLY wish more games had these, especially the "sims"
BCD2 said:Don't forget PGR2's wonderful online leaderboards with downloadable ghosts. My friends and I had some mega asynchronous battles using each others ghosts. It was so well designed, just like everything else with the game.
Oh man oh man oh man oh man, time to set this on repeat! The nostalgia!Lovegooder said:Any custom soundtrack I create for a racing game always includes tracks from MSR, even a couple of the radio commercials.
Club Paris
MikeDub said:Thought I would jump on PGR3 and see if anyone still roamed the hallowed halls of 'playtime' and I was in luck! A few lobbies about, managed to get a fix of cat and mouse![]()
Dunno if they fixed this yet, but PGR4 is known to get audio glitches when installed. The music will sometimes slow down and you get cracking noises during races.thundr51 said:This thread brings back so many memories.
Installing PGR3 and 4 to my new slim as I type this. Great game is still great.
You lucky sonuvabitch.ShinyBallBoy said:sigh, i still have one of these buried somewhere (not my pic)
Coolest racing game ever...
cjelly said:
Diablohead said:Only 1 year between MSR and PGR? wow shorter then I remember.
Speaking of MSR I had a dodgy first print run copy where you could win each championship race without actually winning, and the drivers arm would randomly not load up in half the races making him drive 1 handed, you could send your game off for a free fix but I never did.
Still own the game, woo! I loved the real time day/night thing at the time although it meant I always played tokyo at night time unless I had a day off from 6th form at school.