Solideliquid said:Do many people still play this? I've reinstalled Vista and considering wasting some Xboxers.
I can always get into a game. It's not hugely populated but there is a solid community
Solideliquid said:Do many people still play this? I've reinstalled Vista and considering wasting some Xboxers.
MMaRsu said:Hey do you guys still play this? Man I'd love to play this again..I need to RROD my 360...
( which I'll do tomorrow ). When I get it back, I'll buy Shadowrun back and we shall play Shadowrun again ( at least I will)
I re-bought it like 2 months ago new for 29.99 CAD at Best Buy. Am I crazy though or haven't there been ads for it being 19.99 scattered around xbox live marketplace/blades?ToyMachine228 said:I have to re-buy Shadowrun. Anyone know any good deals on the 360 version? I miss it so much. One of the most under-appreciated games this generation.
Nozdeuce said:I re-bought it like 2 months ago new for 29.99 CAD at Best Buy. Am I crazy though or haven't there been ads for it being 19.99 scattered around xbox live marketplace/blades?
besada said:MMarsu, MasterFox, Homez and I are all on playing. Right now!!!!
ToyMachine228 said:Hey guys, it was good playing with you earlier, definitely hoping to get more in this weekend. Just found out that MLG is holding an online Shadowrun ladder tournament June 1st through 30th. Wish I had found out sooner, we could create a team. It costs money to enter though. It'd be sweet to have an official GAF Shadowrun team competing. Top team gets $1,000.
ToyMachine228 said:It boils down to $19.99 per team I believe. Here's the link to the Tournament news piece. Tournament starts tomorrow! Anyone else REALLY interested?
What is 10 p.m. GMT in EST?homez99 said:Next official GAF game is tomorrow night 10PM GMT, please work that out in your own timezones fellow squires, it will be a well righteous time, maybe spend an hour or two before the official kickoff to get the blood pumping and the life inside of everyone. Mmarsu is hosting it as my connection is not very astute for this sort of thing. Hope to see you all there, one love mah bredas an ting, seen?