Firestorm said:Isn't their next RPG Tales Wii? I'm assuming they'll just show it off some more. Would love an HD Tales announcement though. They need to use the Vesperia engine on something. Would be such a waste if this was only one.
Not sure if this means engine-wise or storyline-wise, but either way, it gives me hope that the next Wii Tales game will turn out very said:Finally, some small news on the next Tales entry on the Wii. Remember, this is going to be a main entry in the Tales series, not a side-story. According to Bandai-Namco, the game will be fully 3d, and it should be closely related to Tales of Vesperia on 360.
Hm, I'm pretty sure the did issue the press release the next day, with the exact thing they said.duckroll said:Go Nintendo should be ignored. Didn't they come up with some bullshit some time ago where they said S-E would issue a press release on FF:CC Wii the next day? Stop quoting that site.
Yeah, I got that once I saw your actual post. That it feels like Vesperia is hugely encouraging, though, since Vesperia is amazing.Rpgmonkey said:I didn't say it was closely related to Vesperia though...
Just that apparently it has a similar feel/atmosphere as Vesperia, and that it's 3D (well, that's sorta my assumption, but that one screenshot we have of it and the impression made me think that).
RocketDarkness said:Hm, I'm pretty sure the did issue the press release the next day, with the exact thing they said.
Besides, it appears their source is legit, as far as I can tell.
EDIT: GAF >Internet>GAF
Maybe you can buy grade.Dr. Kitty Muffins said:Will any new DLC be available sometime soon?
Perhaps some DLC starring everyones fav knight?
They did issue a statement the next day...duckroll said:Go Nintendo should be ignored. Didn't they come up with some bullshit some time ago where they said S-E would issue a press release on FF:CC Wii the next day? Stop quoting that site.
Early in the game you can do three normal hits before using a base arte. Once you get arcane artes, you can do 3 normal hits, a base art, and an arcane arte for a combo. As you gain skills you can start mixing up your combo patterns.Zzoram said:When you get a negative grade score, do you actually lose some of the grade you've been accumulating? That would suck.
I'm kinda bad at the combat. You can't keep mashing, since you'll just suddenly stop attacking it seems.
MrDenny said:Is Namco going to reveal their next RPG at Jump Festa? Maybe Tales of Vesperia will be announced for the PS3, just like Eternal Sonata.
Tales of Vesperia is the opposite of good.Zzoram said:I just bought this game, will play soon. Hope it's good.
Yeah, took me a while to get that too when I played Tales of Symphonia (first Tales for me) thinking it would be like Star Ocean 2. D: You'll get used to it.I'm kinda bad at the combat. You can't keep mashing, since you'll just suddenly stop attacking it seems.
RetroGamer42 said:My tale of woe and lament, first. I went through the game not worrying about Grade. (This is the first tales game I've played to completion, though I plan to go back and do the others sometime soon. My wife is loving Vesperia.) So now I'm at the end of the game with a woefully small amount of Grade. I read up on the cheap way to grind grade, but sadly, I cannot do it. I sold a weapon for Rita, and I can't re-make it, becausethe town that sells the base weapon recently got wiped off the map.
So I'll do it next time around, I guess. Meanwhile, I've got my Blue Dice on, and I'm just going to hope for the best as I go through the final dungeon again. The final boss kicked my butt last night, so I'm going to try again tonight and see if I can't find a good way to beat him down.
Then we plan to start over. My wife REALLY likes this game. (I do, too, but my enthusiasm for it is nothing compared to hers.)
Zzoram said:I am wondering if my girlfriend will be interested in this game. Unfortunately, she generally hates games with a lot of talking/text because she likes to be playing. However, maybe she just needs the right art and story to get her to care.
I just checked around GameFAQs. Go to Dahngrest and buy the Sash there. Then you can synthesize it to Sash+1 and start farming. Find some music or podcast or something you're in for some tedious hours of farming. Also turn off your TVs sound before you go crazy.RetroGamer42 said:My tale of woe and lament, first. I went through the game not worrying about Grade. (This is the first tales game I've played to completion, though I plan to go back and do the others sometime soon. My wife is loving Vesperia.) So now I'm at the end of the game with a woefully small amount of Grade. I read up on the cheap way to grind grade, but sadly, I cannot do it. I sold a weapon for Rita, and I can't re-make it, becausethe town that sells the base weapon recently got wiped off the map.
So I'll do it next time around, I guess. Meanwhile, I've got my Blue Dice on, and I'm just going to hope for the best as I go through the final dungeon again. The final boss kicked my butt last night, so I'm going to try again tonight and see if I can't find a good way to beat him down.
Then we plan to start over. My wife REALLY likes this game. (I do, too, but my enthusiasm for it is nothing compared to hers.)
There are maybe 2 or 3 pre-rendered cutscenes in 3D and a couple more anime cutscenes. The pre-rendered stuff looks worse than the in-engine stuff to be honest. Almost everything is in-engine.Zzoram said:Why is Tales of Vesperia only 1 DVD, and only 5.9GB at that? Does it have no pre-rendered cutscenes? Is it shorter than Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey? At least it seems to have better replayability.
You're going really fast. You're somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 of the way done.Archie said:I just hitfor the first time. I'm about 15 hours in. I was wondering approximately how many hours left until the end of the game.Yormgen
Firestorm said:I just checked around GameFAQs. Go to Dahngrest and buy the Sash there. Then you can synthesize it to Sash+1 and start farming. Find some music or podcast or something you're in for some tedious hours of farming. Also turn off your TVs sound before you go crazy.
i HATE when rpgs make you do that shitZzoram said:You know what makes Tales of Vesperia an auto +10 over Blue Dragon? When you walk up to an object that you can search for an item, it shows you "Check (A)". This means I don't have to mash A as I rub against every object in the game.
dfyb said:there's a twist early on in the game. yuri's a man.
You won't get it until you reach the town "Aspio".Zzoram said:So wait, when do I get the item collector's book? I just got my first party member and got out of theCastle
Kestastrophe said:Is this game clearanced anywhere yet or is it still full price?
The only time it's been cheap was that Gold Box thing at said:Is this game clearanced anywhere yet or is it still full price?
You'll never get every skit anyway unless you do a new game plus and use your grade to unlock the skit viewer. Just way too many variables involved.Zzoram said:So I missed a skit. It was stupid, I just finished a world map fight, I noticed the skit button flash just as I was talking a step, and then it went away. Why do they have skits you can miss from taking 1 step? Ugh.
Also, what does Semi-Auto do? It seems to be the same as Manual, but without the Grade bonus. In theory, can you beat the game without ever fighting using Auto, if you grind enough?
None. Except just before the third boss and another boss later on (Secret Mission 12 was it?Zzoram said:How much grinding should I be doing? I got to the first town outside the starting one, and my party is around level 11.
Team Symphonia seems to enjoy doing thisFirestorm said:What ending?Seriously. Like no closure.