john tv said:I've been curious to try this but all the different explanations I've read have been inconsistent and none of them are explained well at all. What was your exact setup? I wanna try!
The Strategy setup I'm pretty sure I used:

(Can't remember why I forbade Estelle from using items...probably fine to let her)
Rita: Turn everything off except Tidal Wave
Estelle: Turn everything off except maybe Nurse or something. Just need heal.
Raven: Turn everything off except green FS artes
Rita: Minimum Damage, Light Magic (Disable Heavy Magic!), Stun Magic, Spell End, O.L. Boost, Reducer, OVL Bonus 2, (Disable Taunt and Taunt 2)
Everyone else: Minimum Damage, Taunt, Taunt 2, Item Thrower, Item Pro
Rita: Shizel's Necklace
Estelle and Raven: Risky Rings (I think! If that doesn't work out, use Faerie Rings. But I seem to recall them not actually getting attacked often...)
Rita will spam Tidal Wave over and over again (not quite as rapidly as doing it manually, but that's no big deal), and go overlimit whenever the opportunity avails. OVL Bonus 2 should restore her TP often enough that you won't run out of TP healing items.
Estelle will heal when/if necessary
Karol (or well, anyone else) will do nothing except throw orange/pineapple gels
Raven will try to get some green FS chains in too (he might not be terribly useful though)
Then put the game on Hard, and just encounter 3 of those red shelled turtles on the Weccea continent. They have over 80k HP. Just let the game run and come back after several hours, re-equip everyone with all the blue dice/dice you have, and end the battle with fatal strikes.
I can't 100% remember exactly how I used Raven, but it should be something like that. Might even be able to find ways to optimize this better. But getting nearly 4900 grade hands-off in less than 4 hours with it was just fine with me!