Higher Ground is a damn cool level because it changes up the spatial formula for jamming. So it's more about which gate to jam to open up the path rather than staying on the ground and going one after the next. I've definitely gotten better at some levels now once you realise the triangulation stuff where you can pull out a connector like in
Window through a Door.
Got scared the fuck out when I encountered a "ghost" right after
Road to Death!
I did look up the solutions to two levels (Deception, Window through a Door), I'll admit to that. It's always a simple setup of certain elements, you just need to plan ahead a lot sometimes especially with the connectors.
I wish the game gave more paint unless if there really isn't some kind of Dark Souls-like asynchronous multiplayer where the messages I can leave can be read by another human player.
Had a good chat with the computer about my consciousness and had to actually renounce my position. This reminds me of the ethics philosophy classes I had to take as part of my degree, here at least the teacher doesn't have an axe to grind.
I'm going to take back what I said earlier about there being a lot of variety in environments. There isn't really, each world has a specific template and most of the levels are not that memorable against each other. But that's just visual fatigue, the level design still is fresh like any good puzzle game.
Jump pad woohoo!