NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
I hope more tests like this to test the game before it launches.
Not being able to see other players really shouldn't matter, as long as you know and can see the results of activity around you then what's the problem?
Absolutely don't want text chat or visible characters, that would be a great way to demolish the atmosphere.
Couldn't even play. Just got these bugs are ironed out before release.
I'll definitely wait until I see that no one is complaining about connection issues.
Of course those issues will be fixed for released - the point of the beta test was to find those bottlenecks. We fixed one major issue an hour before the end of the beta test and things went very smoothly from that point onwards.
That's good to hear. I unfortunately couldn't connect every chance I tried.
I will say that the intro visuals, art style, starting credits, music.... very very well done.
I felt ready to watch a good foreign film.
awesome!! That's the atmosphere we wanted, like you are watching a strange eastern european movie..
Oh? That one struck me as the most likely candidate, but it never produced any results whatsoever.Look in the "towns holding events" filter
(Gotta change that name)
lol That was my girlfriend again, but I'd have likely done the same thing, so I'm blaming Dylan.lol I saw Silversurfer get jailed by one of the workbenches. How long are they trapped in there?
Oh? lol Don't recall seeing that specific filter, but I did scroll through all of the results returned by the various filters — most just had a few results, but a couple were about a page and a half — but I still couldn't find that town listed anywhere. Perhaps there should be a list of all towns, maybe with a string filter?Uh, corrections on these
The correct filter is the "Towns Needing Assistance" for Request towns, and there is no limit on the bus. As long as there's enough time and enough people loading, it should be able to fit as much as you can put on.
One of the mayors neuters the anti-Izverg turrets both in range and oomph. Might've been that.So, am I really the only one who noticed that turrets are completely gimp now? Shot power got severely nerfed, so not only is your range piss poor now, by the time you elevate the gun to get any distance at all, you can't see where your shots are landing. It's basically impossible to shoot the mantas now. =/
-50% turret rangeOne of the mayors neuters the anti-Izverg turrets both in range and oomph. Might've been that.
One of the mayors neuters the anti-Izverg turrets both in range and oomph. Might've been that.
Ah. Bastard.-50% turret range
It's the mayor's fault.
Pretty sure there was no All Towns filter. Defaults to Friends' Towns, IIRC.I want to say the default list when you first go to the subway is the all town list, but I'll double check.
Ah. Bastard.
Pretty sure there was no All Towns filter. Defaults to Friends' Towns, IIRC.
Is there an easy way to find your way back to your home town?
I had to search through each list to find it but kind of felt like luck that it was on one.
Furthermore can you obtain multiple home towns?
-50% turret range
It's the mayor's fault.
Yup, in GAF Town 2.0 (Galunka) we had that mayor the whole time I was playing. Higher bag capacity was just too good to pass up, really.
Yup, in GAF Town 2.0 (Galunka) we had that mayor the whole time I was playing. Higher bag capacity was just too good to pass up, really.
lol Yeah, I was thinking it might be pretty huge post-launch. That's why I suggested a string filter, but the system keyboard doesn't really fit your aesthetic very well, I suppose. Yeah, probably best to just get the existing filters working.Yep, no All Towns filter. That list has the potential to get pretty long...
Yeah, that filter never returned any results at all that I saw, so either there's a bug in flagging those towns, or in recognizing the flag. Perhaps a typo in the key on one side or the other.As for the Towns Needing Assistance filter, if that wasn't showing or the quest destination town wasn't showing on that list, that's a bug.
Oh, is that what it was? The increased carrying capacity was certainly nice, but I still think the turrets were way too gimp. Like I said, mantas are hard enough to hit will full shot strength, and I don't think the gimped guns are able to reach them at all. Rather than 50% shot power, I'd rather have 50% damage, TBH. Having the aiming mechanic be completely altered is annoying enough on its own, but the resulting ineffectiveness just adds insult to injury. Leave the aiming alone, and just make me land double the shots instead. A good point was raised about killing the godzillas at an easily harvestable distance, but that's just a skill gunners should learn on their own IMO; cutting the range of the guns doesn't seem like a good solution there. FakeEdit: Come to think of it, halving the damage would have a similar effect anyway.Yup, in GAF Town 2.0 (Galunka) we had that mayor the whole time I was playing. Higher bag capacity was just too good to pass up, really.
You got older...I actually wasn't aware we had a mayor! lol (I remember noticing that stuff in the alpha though; was something changed?)
I thought that was supposed to make me more interested in politics.You got older...
When the game is live I'm going to be the Koch brothers of making sure that mayor doesn't winYup, in GAF Town 2.0 (Galunka) we had that mayor the whole time I was playing. Higher bag capacity was just too good to pass up, really.
one thing really annoyed me in the game, when you put resources in your backpack and its full there is a pop-up that only disappears when you press x. Its just so unnecessary, a simple sound would do the job
More tests? ^.^Yes, I requested this but it will still the old system in the beta.
Oh, that's good. So when's it launching?Only internally... we got all our data and fixed all the biggies and also added some stuff and tweaked some stuff for launch.
Agreed, that mayor perk is pretty awesome. The positive flip side is that Izverg corpses were always winding up in town to mine, and we kept finding flashlights and paint cans in them.
When the game is live I'm going to be the Koch brothers of making sure that mayor doesn't win
Was it really 7? That's a bug, lol
I'll look into it!
Was it really 7? That's a bug, lol
I'll look into it!
Was it really 7? That's a bug, lol
I'll look into it!
That'll learn ya.The resource bag (for metal/wood/etc) could hold 7 items, yes.
I mean, uh, no, I made it all up, there's actually no bug, everything is the way it's supposed to be, nothing to see here...
aw dammit
We know you're waiting for a missive from the Ministry. Soon...
New beta for japan and it's open.From the 3rd to 6th of june.It's in the store right now to download.2,9GB.