would it make you feel better if we rejoined you
Proud that Liverpool voted Remain. I visited there last week for the first time in years. It was the European capital of culture a few years ago and the regeneration has really turned the city around.
I think most people here aren't saying Leave was the right choice, it's just that saying Leave voters are all racists is absurdly reductive. It's about economics, class resentment etc as much as anything else. The referendum became a referendum on whether or not you approve of Britain today unfortunately.
The United Kingdom doesn't seem so United anymore. What shall be the new name!
I never said it will help thats just jumping to conclusion also no i am not a leave voter i am from austria jumping again but does it help to call everyone that voted leave a racist? Does it help that the eu prevents deportations for serious criminals, does it help that the eu makes immigration from outside the eu harder, does it help that you have Pakistani groups that sexually abuse and rape children in the thousands and everyone that talks about it gets screamed down with racist (bbc to the point that the media and politicians actively ignored because they feared being call racist by the opposition?
The willful ignorance of people that dont want to deal with or see the problems with immigration are the true PR for the leave vote and even for right wing parties.
You are really doing this to yourselves and dont even notice it.
The EU’s top leaders have said they expect the UK to act on its momentous vote to leave the union “as soon as possible, however painful that process may be” and that there will be “no renegotiation”. “This is an unprecedented situation, but we are united in our response,” they said in a joint statement.
I've been watching world markets this morning and this has had (and probably will continue to have) much more of a global impact than I thought.
I can't believe that voters would do this to their own economy. When the US had it's huge collapse, it wasn't due to anything we voted on.
The United Kingdom doesn't seem so United anymore. What shall be the new name!
would it make you feel better if we rejoined you
I really hope this is the case - 48% of the population don't want to leave so it could be argued in government
As someone living in Liverpool still, thanks. Its a city proud of being multicultural, despite being relatively poor still.
It's not as cut and dry as that and you can appeal the decision.You need to be in 75% of your national team matches over last two years. Payet had been involved in 4 out 10 in 2015.... Now he is on board with 7/7 in 2016, but averaged it will still be not enough to get over the limit atm. He will get enough caps at the end of the year though.
So annoyed about this outcome. At least it'll be entertaining to see the uneducated Leave voters regretting this decision once the adverse effects start affecting individuals.
So to put this in a US perspective would this be like some large state like California or NY deciding to say fuck it, we want to be independent? We will have our own money, companies in our state can't trade as easily with the other 50 states. No ease of travel or moving.
I dont really know what this means so can someone explain why this is so bad or at least someone give their opinion as to what is so bad about it
The United Kingdom doesn't seem so United anymore. What shall be the new name!
Same thing happens in the US too. Poor right winged voters who get assistance themselves voting against their own interests because they get fully caught up in the fervor. They'll say "THIS IS AMERICA" with out actually having any actual idea what that truly means.Oh sweet irony
Which reminds me, I read a comment somewhere on Twitter (from someone I used to follow, I don't know more purely because of this) that pretty much implied this referendum doesn't matter because, if after a month we don't like it, we can just join with the EU again.would it make you feel better if we rejoined you
Sort of kind of looks like the way we're going. Although the other way round
Thank you, I appreciate your reply. I wonder however, how is the system regulated? What are these "institutional safeguards" you mentioned.
Oh give me a break. The most pro-leave nation in the UK was WALES.
I've seen a few reports British Asian people over 40 vote leave while their children vote remain. Too much focus on racism and Trump nonsense when for a lot of people there's other reasons.
That means they get there money from the EU, not the other way around.Is it? I am reading it as "regions that give most of it's money to the EU want to leave" so I guess they don't like their money leaving for the EU, it is a close minded reason but a valid one.
Morgan Stanley moving 1000s of jobs to Dublin and Frankfurt.
Greece came in with falsified statistics (without those, they would have never been accepted) and as a messed up country. It would have fallen apart anyway and it was definitely the wrong decision to take them in.It's a sad day for Europe. But it was a sad Europe anyway. The EU only cares about economy (and not in a sustainable way either, just look at Greece).
Did the outcome leave you crying like an anime fan on prom night?I've never felt less proud of my country.
We would ruin them. They don't want it with us.This seems like a perfect time for Argentina to invade the Falklands again.
Trump on #Brexit: 'They took their country back, just like we will take America back'
Oh sweet irony
I dont really know what this means so can someone explain why this is so bad or at least someone give their opinion as to what is so bad about it
Oh give me a break. The most pro-leave nation in the UK was WALES.
I think posters claiming "everyone that disagrees with me is an ignorant moron" are missing the point on why this happened, though.
If you look at where the votes went, it's clearly not along party lines. This isn't a right vs left thing, or a north vs south thing. It's almost entirely an inner-city vs everyone else thing. Almost all of the events in the political make up of the UK since the recession can be seen through a lens of people outside of cities feeling like they've been left behind, ignored, not been appreciated and aren't represented by their leaders. Unless someone genuinely feels like the people of Scotland have some magic fairy dust that they put in the water that makes everyone there lovely and liberal despite having basically the same financial situation as the rest of the country, it's clear to me that the SNP have managed to fill a gap left by Labour wherein the people of Scotland do feel like their have politicians who understand them and represent them and know what it's like to be them. The SNP were then rewarded for this at the ballot box and the people of Scotland don't wish to rock the boat by voting out of the EU.
Those people in the rural communities in England and Wales that feel like they've been ignored do want to rock the boat. For some it's seen as about immigration and for others jobs and for others waiting times at hospitals or wage suppression or sovereignty or whatever other reason, but it fundamentally comes down to people being fed up of their voice not being heard and wanted to do something to make it get heard and bring about change, because they're fed up with a distant elite that doesn't understand what is important to them. So to people surprised at why this results come in (and it's surprised me, but to read this thread you'd think there'd be scarcely more than a handful of people that'd vote to leave), I think that's why. Dismissing all these people as idiots or ignorant or stupid or lied to by the press despite every major party's machine working towards a remain vote and half the media (including some of Mordoch's papers, by the way, so don't give me that shit) is missing the point entirely. This is a representative democracy and these people feel like they aren't represented. Quelle surprise.
The United Kingdom doesn't seem so United anymore. What shall be the new name!
Proud that Liverpool voted Remain. I visited there last week for the first time in years. It was the European capital of culture a few years ago and the regeneration has really turned the city around..
As someone living in Liverpool still, thanks. Its a city proud of being multicultural, despite being relatively poor still.
Counterpoint: Little England returned to its old habits formed across many, many centuries of fucking everything up through nationalistic, xenophobic impulses that have no basis in anything other than the country's own inflated sense of God-given, monarchical self-importance.
Some people still can't handle that we desperately need to move towards an interdependent, post-national world to stand any chance of addressing our coming climate apocalypse (of which Syria is just one canary in the coal mine). Because they've been lied to since birth by hee-hawing public-school donkeys and an old lady who wears nice hats and gloves. Because they think their problems are brown people and political correctness and not decades of self-inflicted austerity wounds, rancorous individualism, and total and utter submission to transnational capital.
The United Kingdom doesn't seem so United anymore. What shall be the new name!
Read it in Cartman's voice and laughed pretty hard :lolThe fractured butwhole + England and wales?
- Major uncertainty in the UK economy;
- Scotland and Northern Ireland open to a referendum to leave the UK. Who knows about Gibraltar;
- Both major UK parties are in a total mess;
Its not fear. Its stupid racism. The same we happen in Germany when uneducated people from eastern germany mostly think polish people are "teeking our jebs", while they actually dont wanna get asparagus out of fields..