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AI has found a use.

You think it’s funny but I can definitely imagine a custom AIs being fed info about a person to create a close-to-real replica for his descendants to talk to. Imagine how much of your info, opinions, actions is now forever available online. Even a century ago some famous people left behind thousands of letters, all a glimpse into their character and motivations.
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You think it’s funny but I can definitely imagine a custom AIs being fed info about a person to create a close-to-real replica for his descendants to talk to. Imagine how much of your info, opinions, actions is now forever available online. Even a century ago some famous people left behind thousands of letters, all a glimpse into their character and motivations.
I wonder if you can pay extra to have Morgan Freeman do the voice over.


Gold Member
You think it’s funny but I can definitely imagine a custom AIs being fed info about a person to create a close-to-real replica for his descendants to talk to. Imagine how much of your info, opinions, actions is now forever available online. Even a century ago some famous people left behind thousands of letters, all a glimpse into their character and motivations.
It just has to all come together in a tight package that is slick, accurate and affordable for the masses. Right now, most people have heard or seen some glimpses of deepfakes and AI, but it's one of those things where you dont really hear or see it unless someone posts it on the net for laughs.

But we got:

- Deepfakes images and videos
- AI voice (like all those cover songs in the AI song thread)
- AI doing all the text and essay kind of stuff

I dont follow it all closely enough to know if there's any AI program that can do it all well for dirt cheap or free. But that Jerry Jones thing is whats going to be coming soon in big chunks.

All the celebs are surely itching to get in on the AI train licensing their likeness for royalties assuming all the AI bits and bytes can make good content of them without even needing to be there to do it. Sit back and cash in.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
You think it’s funny but I can definitely imagine a custom AIs being fed info about a person to create a close-to-real replica for his descendants to talk to. Imagine how much of your info, opinions, actions is now forever available online. Even a century ago some famous people left behind thousands of letters, all a glimpse into their character and motivations.
There's an episode of Black Mirror that does this subject.

What's absolutely wonderful about the demonstration in the clip from the Cowboys here is that the question that people apparently are desperate to have answered is about corporate sponsorship and stadium naming rights. Hearing the answer from the horse's mouth is beautiful and brings a tear to the eye.
All the celebs are surely itching to get in on the AI train licensing their likeness for royalties assuming all the AI bits and bytes can make good content of them without even needing to be there to do it. Sit back and cash in
Absolutely fraught with all kinds of danger for a celebrity career, imo. There'll be all sorts of discussions about demand, scarcity and saturation to think about, but fundamentally, for the celebrity, I would think sitting back won't ever be an option, I can imagine a future where they'll just do even more interviews, appearances and schmoozing of moneyed people, the only difference will be that the movie/tv show/song they're promoting will be the product of AI. Actors will become professional chat show guests and Social Media posters, although maybe the latter goes fully AI too if they model the rest of the family too. Imagine your job being to play bullshit parlour games with Jimmy Fallon, talk about Matt Damon with Kimmel, and *shudder* having to pretend James Corden is driving you around while he harmonises with you on your latest song.
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Gold Member

"9 months ago everyone wanted him, 11 years ago as a foster kid, no one wanted him" :messenger_neutral:

Before blaming the foster parents, would you rather adopt the kid named Joe, Alex, Tom or the one named Re’Mahn Walter Zhamar Jamar Davis ?
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Gold Member
You think it’s funny but I can definitely imagine a custom AIs being fed info about a person to create a close-to-real replica for his descendants to talk to. Imagine how much of your info, opinions, actions is now forever available online. Even a century ago some famous people left behind thousands of letters, all a glimpse into their character and motivations.
It’ll be like Hogwarts. Imagine walking down your hallway while your grandparents are commenting on the clothes you bought and the trip you went on together as a kid.


Gold Member
Our species are fucked. We're done :pie_roffles:
It always have been like this since time immemorial.
Wanking ourselves about something we overinterpreted. Critics works this way.
We always manage, because everyone can be dumb about a topic, but most of the time the silent majority is not.

I've rarely seen a girl give such strong kicks. I wouldn't want to be on the other end of those.
I don't know about the little flicker of the hair at the end, she should train that technique more :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Ain’t scared.
Ain't scared either, on the contrary it would be glorious to see her whoop the ass of dudes without needing any help :messenger_smiling_hearts:
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