quick summary of how the game is played since there really aren't any in-depth previews or anything for the game (to add on to what slasher_thrasher21 posted earlier)
At the beginning of a level, if you have any survivors in your group, you can equip them with any weapons you have, heal them (using the same food items you find for yourself during gameplay, since there's no recharging health) and send them out on missions to find extra resources. You can also do some inventory management and move things back and forth between what Daryl carries, and what your vehicle carries. For example, you may want to carry more melee weapons and healing items into a level, so you leave all your ranged weapons in the vehicle (or give them to the aforementioned survivors to use). And of course, you (and your vehicle) only have so many slots to carry items.
Then you enter the level and play as Daryl doing the usual fighting walkers, sneaking around, finding resources, talking to NPCs, etc. It is usually beneficial to play stealthily with melee attacks, since guns attract more walkers, and ammo is relatively rare, but that's up to the player. And sometimes it doesn't hurt to just run.
When you complete the level, you get a summary of any new "recruits"/vehicles you found in the level you just played, and whether the survivors you sent out at the beginning found anything...or died, heh. And if you have too many survivors than can fit in your vehicle, you'll have to kick someone out. New vehicles are found in certain levels if you happen to find certain car keys to pick up. Different vehicles have different amounts of passenger and inventory slots.
Then you can go to your map to pick your next destination. After certain levels, your path can "split", where you basically choose to travel to 1 of 2 main levels (always progressing forward, you can't "travel back" to a different level on the same playthrough), with random smaller levels meant for scavenging popping up along the way during the level load. Of course, walkers will always be hanging around, so you can decide if you want to take the risk of searching for stuff in these levels, or just continue to your main destination. Gas is the main resource in the game, as that's what allows you to travel. The 3 travel options described earlier basically determine how frequent the "road events" pop up. So if you are the type to want to gather as much as possible, you'll pick back roads. If you just want to get to the end of the game quickly, you'll pick highways (but this increases your chance of your car breaking down, which forces you into a level to retrieve a part to repair it). If you run out of gas, you are forced into one of the road events mentioned earlier, and you have to find enough gas cans and then return to your vehicle to continue traveling.
The game is intentionally setup so that you can't play all the levels on one playthrough (there are 16 main levels total, while you can only play about 11-12 of them on any single playthrough). You eventually arrive at your next spot, and then you go through this whole process again, and that's your basic game loop, with story stuff mixed in of course.
Also, hold LB and left/right on the analog stick to lean. RB allows you to shove enemies, which can also break you out of a potential grapple if you do it right when a walker is about to grab you. Don't remember if those things were mentioned in a tutorial screen, heh.
That actually sounds really awesome. Wonder what they could have done with a AAA budget. Needless to say you have me actually kind of excited to play this game now.
full disclosure, I did work on the game, so I'm clearly gonna be biased, lol. Of course, all should feel free to like, love, hate, or meh the game. I just wanted to at least communicate the game's structure now that it's out (well, tomorrow I guess), since I think it's the most interesting thing about it, and I suppose it can be kinda hard to pick up on any of that from a few videos and interviews.
And yes, there is a PC version. The game is out tomorrow on PC/Wii U/360/PS3.
I have the Wii U version, I'll be back in a few hours to post stuff
I have the Wii U version, I'll be back in a few hours to post stuff
full disclosure, I did work on the game, so I'm clearly gonna be biased, lol. Of course, all should feel free to like, love, hate, or meh the game. I just wanted to at least communicate the game's structure now that it's out (well, tomorrow I guess), since I think it's the most interesting thing about it, and I suppose it can be kinda hard to pick up on any of that from a few videos and interviews.
And yes, there is a PC version. The game is out tomorrow on PC/Wii U/360/PS3.
My instincts tell me not to buy this game.
Still no price listed on SteamAnd yes, there is a PC version. The game is out tomorrow on PC/Wii U/360/PS3.
PsychoRaven said:Nice of you to disclose that. It's a shame you guys really did not get a huge budget for the game or any real marketing. I do think some of the stuff you guys are trying with it are interesting. I think the biggest reason I've taken a chance was because you guys did a great job on Ghostbusters. Also through the years the studio has made some mildly interesting games. Ironically some of my favorite games in gen's past in fact were made by you guys. Roadkill, 4x4 Evo 1,2, Monster Truck Madness 1,2,
That all said welcome to the thread and hope you have thick skin. It will be fun to get some insight once we've had chances to play it. lol
mileS said:Appreciate the honesty and the info. I will fully admit the first footage I seen a couple months ago left me with 0 interest in the game. I randomly decided to check the other thread today and watched the youtube video from the xbox version and I have to say, I'm actually excited to play. I'm sure I can't be the only one. Anyways.. enough of all that. Thank you again for the info, that peaked my interest even more.
I plan on picking up the PC version. Can you provide any details on that? The steam page doesn't mention anything about controller support, I hope its in there. Thanks for your time.
It'll be a far cry from anything quality.
4 Player Co-Oped through the terrible Fantastic Four movie licensed game and had a blast.One man's trash is another man's treasure.
I often find enjoyment in budget titles that I don't find in 'AAA' games.
On another thread here I was saying I was excited to play a walking dead FPS as Daryl and someone accused me of working for Activision. lol. Now we have someone here who actually worked on the game. Awesome!
I have 2 questions:
1. Is there any Multiplayer? (Online or split screen)
2. How long should it take someone to get through the campaign?
oh god the NPCs are from the TV show. Is there an option to side with the zombies?
Heh, thanks. I worked on Kinect Star Wars as well, so I'm used to pretty much anything the internet can throw at me, haha.
oh god the NPCs are from the TV show. Is there an option to side with the zombies?
It's my understanding that 65% of people in the games industry worked on Kinect Star Wars at one point.
Why does Andrea suck so much in the show?The million dollar question is, can you kill Andrea? If so game of forever confirmed.
no multiplayer.
I suck at estimating hours, but it'd probably be your typical FPS campaign length (anywhere from 6-9, depending on how good you are? I'm sure one of our testers could beat it in like 2-3, lol) As mentioned earlier, the game focuses more on replayability, so for example, you technically would have to play through twice to see every level/environment that's in the game. There are also "relics" that unlock depending on what survivors you have when you finish the game, so on subsequent playthroughs you can have increased melee strength, super speed, silenced weapons, etc.
K, so impressions:
Inventory stuff seems cool, graphics are pretty good, not totally smooth framerate, in the first level you can save two survivors, but your car only has space for one of them, dunno why we had to make a choice like that so early, loading times are ok, the diff stats in the melee weapons actually matter so pay attention to those, music from the show, and the intro is just like the show (thought it was awesome)
pretty decent overall
if any one has any specific questions, I'll do my best to answer them
Does it feel like a polished product (no glitches, good menus, UI, bugs, etc.) or does it scream budget game?
full disclosure, I did work on the game, so I'm clearly gonna be biased, lol. Of course, all should feel free to like, love, hate, or meh the game. I just wanted to at least communicate the game's structure now that it's out (well, tomorrow I guess), since I think it's the most interesting thing about it, and I suppose it can be kinda hard to pick up on any of that from a few videos and interviews.
And yes, there is a PC version. The game is out tomorrow on PC/Wii U/360/PS3.
Does the game give you the option or IR controls? I sat through The Conduit 1 and 2 just because of the great IR controls and would be willing to do the same for this game tbh.It's not the deepest game, but it does seem very polished (no glitches, simple menus) controls are pretty good too, and having the inventory on the Wii U Gamepad is a godsend
Does the game give you the option or IR controls? I sat through The Conduit 1 and 2 just because of the great IR controls and would be willing to do the same for this game tbh.
Wondered why there little official information about the game itself, gameplayów and other game-related promo is shown? Already I answer this one official material available somewhere in the American television caused a storm. It concerned the appearance of the game, the author stipulates that the early version of the game, bullshit! This game looks the same as it was then, but more on that later! So simply, the creators did not want to show how this game looks weak because it would not have sold as well as some deer always in sight.
FINAL - 3/10
The game is not worth your money (179 PLN or below $ 40), in addition to the availability of the product in the Polish shops are bad, just a few holds in the range of, well, why do you throw your money down the drain. AMC's The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is the title of made-for fast, on the well-known license that is catchy and just to cash in on players. I would not recommend this game, even the biggest fans of TWD.
Looks like a graphical down-grade though.
Heh, thanks. I worked on Kinect Star Wars as well, so I'm used to pretty much anything the internet can throw at me, haha.
I'll be absolutely Shocked if review scores are anything close to Infinite next week!
It's not the deepest game, but it does seem very polished (no glitches, simple menus) controls are pretty good too, and having the inventory on the Wii U Gamepad is a godsend
That's good to hear. Also inventory on the gamepad? Cool. I've actually started to go to love that feature almost as much as off screen play.