Oh, I wish this game had splitscreen co-op!
First reviewout of 103
I haven't noticed any.Huh sounds cool how is tearing on Xbox?
I haven't noticed any.
Yeah it has to be pretty egregious for me to even notice, like in Dirt 1 or Darksiders 1. I don't think it's in this game though.Doesn't surprise me. I never noticed a lot of tearing in Ghostbusters on either PS3 or 360. Course I never notice that unless it's pretty damn bad.
I played for about 3 hours and got towards the end of Act 2 I think. I'm enjoying it. I like the small survivor and fuel managment aspects, also that you basically have to play it twice to see the levels you don't get to. The story is pretty much nill. Just boils down to moving from location to location surviving, and pushing forward to get to Alabama I think? I'm having fun but the game will most likely get ripped apart. Though I like how it's not just a game about shooting zombies. As a matter of fact, shooting out in the open is one quick way to getting swarmed fast.
Justin's review lives up to almost precisely my expectations.
We have a new worst game of 2013, sorry Aliens.
I've also been reading Angry Joe's tweets for the last hour or so:
Justin's review lives up to almost precisely my expectations.
We have a new worst game of 2013, sorry Aliens.
I've also been reading Angry Joe's tweets for the last hour or so:
Anyone expecting this game to be amazing, well... seems a bit off. I feel its more to fit his whole persona... you know, OHHHH I'm SOOOOO ANGRYYYY!!! lol
This is a guy who managed to find some positives in Aliens and had the best video review of that game on the internet. He's just calling this one as he sees it.
Heh, thanks. I worked on Kinect Star Wars as well, so I'm used to pretty much anything the internet can throw at me, haha.
99.9% sure (barring some crazy mixup) it should support the Xbox 360 controller (no idea about other controller types). I'll have the final version to try out whenever it unlocks tomorrow to confirm, but I played it a few times during development with one...
I'll be absolutely Shocked if review scores are anything close to Infinite next week!
There's no comparison to be made. One is Crysis and one is Soldier of Fortune: Payback.i'm genuinely interested in seeing people compare this and ZombiU
So it seems I already ran into a annoying glitch in the second level. I'm supposed to get these keys in a certain place but they are nowhere to be found. I don't think I have the energy to start over again. This game is something else...
The walker in red with the cowboy hat has them, if you killed him, search around his body for them.
Nice review. Thanks for this, guess I'll now look for it during the summer sale.Here are my impressions I posted elsewhere:
The first time I killed him the game glitched and nothing dropped. Restarted the level and they dropped next time.
I have yet to find a new car (other than the ranger jeep.) In general what should I be looking for?You come across usable cars along the way, and must find the keys for them in the area.
I smell an instant price drop
I agree 100%. I wish in this game there was a zombie randomizer though because sometimes when you get attacked by a group there will be like 2 or 3 of the same exact looking zombie. Not a big deal but its a little silly.I like that it has only zombies. Most games are like "Hey, we're a zombie game". And then there are fast running infected, strong infected, puking infected, jumping infected and other nonsense.
I agree 100%. I wish in this game there was a zombie randomizer though because sometimes when you get attacked by a group there will be like 2 or 3 of the same exact looking zombie. Not a big deal but its a little silly.
Also while I'm complaining I wish the execution (sneak attack) animation would be done with whatever melee weapon you were holding. Unfortunately its his knife every time even if you were holding a hammer when you pressed RB. There are a couple different animations but it would have been much cooler if they were weapon specific.
I like that it has only zombies. Most games are like "Hey, we're a zombie game". And then there are fast running infected, strong infected, puking infected, jumping infected and other nonsense.
Total Biscuit's WTF is.
PC version with a view of the options and all that.
There's a PC version of this? I thought it was console only. Might check it out but after watching some gameplay...it looks like kinda naff.
Total Biscuit's WTF is.
PC version with a view of the options and all that.