Admiral Woofington
LMAO at the delay in the blood and then coming from the opposite direction like someone squirting ketchup
Hearts of Stone item.Auction house.
LMAO at the delay in the blood and then coming from the opposite direction like someone squirting ketchup
LMAO at the delay in the blood and then coming from the opposite direction like someone squirting ketchup
Posted this on the last page (but at the very bottom), so just reposting it again:
So I have a Witcher 2 clear save file on PC that I can use to I assume have my choices automatically show up in Witcher 3. Do I miss anything by doing this? Like, I know you get a scene while being shaven that lets you choose what happened in the Witcher 2. If you import a save flie, what happens during that scene? Would it be better to just not import my save file so I can choose stuff and hear the dialogue (I assume it's basically a recap of what happened)?
The shaving scene is solely there to simulate witcher 2 decisions.
long story short for the most part they're useless, except to keep certain people alive, most of which. I'd say depending on your witcher 2 save state you might as well ignore it, as simulating decisions is just as good.don't even appear in this game
Ah gotcha, might as well just do the decisions again via the shaving scene.
Also, I thought I read that using a Dualshock 4 showed the Playstation buttons instead of the 360/xbone buttons. But when I use my Dualshock 4, it doesn't do that. Did I read incorrectly or maybe there's just a mod that does that.
They added native support for it in a patch, but the buttons still show as if it's a MS pad.
Ah okay. I'm sure I can get used to it anyway.
luckily the game lacks quicktime events, so any "PRESS X" won't confuse you![]()
Look into how to lock prompts to buttons for the Stream Controller using mouse/controller simultaneous input. I get PS icons with the DS4 plugged in that way (I thought it might have been patched in but perhaps not and it's a weird quirk instead?)Ah gotcha, might as well just do the decisions again via the shaving scene.
Also, I thought I read that using a Dualshock 4 showed the Playstation buttons instead of the 360/xbone buttons. But when I use my Dualshock 4, it doesn't do that. Did I read incorrectly or maybe there's just a mod that does that.
There are some good combos with different types of armor/hair/beard styles. I like Ursine with long, loose hair, and a full beard. Also like the loose, but not so long hair, and clean shaven.
I still think that this one's the best hair style for Geralt:
You just hatin'I'm sorry but anyone who puts glasses on Geralt should get banned
His cat eyes are a defining feature.
i'm willing to bet that it was indeed ketchup
You can even see it's Heinz (the glow reflection hue)
Geralt of Relish
Triss Mayonnaise
You just meditate. They refill like potions do.Quick question about crafting...I already crafted Grapeshot bombs, and used them up. So now I'm out. If I want more of those bombs, the crafting menu says "You already have this item". So how do I replenish these if I can't craft anymore?
Quick question about crafting...I already crafted Grapeshot bombs, and used them up. So now I'm out. If I want more of those bombs, the crafting menu says "You already have this item". So how do I replenish these if I can't craft anymore?
You just meditate. They refill like potions do.
Every time you meditate one bottle of alcohol will be used to replenish ALL of your potions/oils/bombs to max. Only need to craft things once, and then their upgraded variants.
Just finished the wedding in Heart of Stone. Shani I just want to let you know ahead of time, the women in Toussaint will mean nothing to me.
Yes. Any other hair/beard looks wrong to me at this point.I still think that this one's the best hair style for Geralt:
Where can you change Geralt's hair style?
Go on, tell me more, saved you a seat right here.I'm sorry but anyone who puts glasses on Geralt should get banned
His cat eyes are a defining feature.
So i just walked into a question mark that had a Spike trap and you have to walk only to the squares that aren't red or you die.
Fuck this.I have played the game for 200 hours and this is easily the absolute worst part of it. That will teach me to go looking for question marks i guess.
In a game where the character movement is NOT precise why would you ever have something like this???Ridiculous
Started the game tonight. Not super far yet, doing some sidequests and exploring some of the first area. Beautiful game and loving the music so far.
Is it possible to "respec" in the game? Or are there enough ability points to unlock everything by the end?
Does it typically matter if I want a reward from a quest or if I am "nice" and just do the quest for "free"?
Just got my first body piece upgrade and it's HIDEOUS compared to the starting gear... Love how the first piece of gear looks.![]()
Hey that was pretty goodA buddy of mine worked on this for the past month or so. Came out pretty good and I thought I'd pass it along.
Holding out for a Hero (Witcher version) by Bonnie Tyler.
Is it possible to "respec" in the game? Or are there enough ability points to unlock everything by the end?
Does it typically matter if I want a reward from a quest or if I am "nice" and just do the quest for "free"?
Just got my first body piece upgrade and it's HIDEOUS compared to the starting gear... Love how the first piece of gear looks.![]()
You can buy respec potions later on and they're fairly cheap. Just not sure if they're unlimited.
See the OP FAQ about the respec potion. A number of merchants sell it. There are only so many ability points available so it forces you to chose a selection but since they can be swapped out anytime for others you've unlocked, and the respec potion is available, you have room to experiment.
As for quest payments it's up to you and what your version Geralt wants.
In the Hearts of Stone expansion the starting armor has a full upgrade under a different name with darker materials. I guess it could be considered a very minor spoiler but it's also missable so I'd google the Viper gear if you own the expansion and are interested.
You should probably rephrase that. "What happened in Toussaint stays in Toussaint".
I'd like to give some clarification for this discussion. Like our writers already mentioned a few months ago, Iorveth used to be part of the game. However, as time and development went on, this chunk of the story had to be cut for multiple reasons, but it was quite a big part of the game. At this time, it was simply not possible to "just" create another quest that would replace it and we had to finish and polish the rest of the game. It's perfectly natural that parts of the game are cut in development, and in this case it unfortunately hit a part that Iorveth had a big role in. If we do something like that, we do it right and we do the character justice. It's not easy to make decisions like that, so I hope you can respect that.
So this is interesting. The question about Iorveth's cut content was finally asked by someone with clout, in this German interview.
The answers given are a bit strange, but at least something was said. Basically, the team wanted to tell other stories. But then why was it announced that he would appear in 2013? Why is Woodland Beast even in the game, and why was the dialogue for Iorveth and Isengrim being spotted in Novigrad also kept? It sounds like a damage control answer. It's a contradiction to say that you wanted didn't want to work on the Scoia'tael because you did them in TW1 and TW2, but then still work on them a little bit anyway in TW3. Originally Woodland Beast was going to be much bigger, so why not just cut everything instead of keeping something so small, which in my opinion, isn't half as good as it could have been.
I've criticised the pacing of the Novigrad section of the game for being a bit weird, as have others, and I knew that Iorveth and the Scoia'tael were originally planned to have a role there, but it seems it was bigger than what I had previously thought.
So, let's talk about 'Reason of State'.The strange thing about that last bolded part in that they're doing a small comic strip about Iorveth "SOON", like the one they did for Roach. That's not doing Iorveth justice, in my opinion.
I'm disappointed that the Scoia'tael were expendable. They're a massive part of the world, in the books and in TW1 and TW2. The fact that they just disappear into thin air, outside of Woodland Beast, is a major disappointment. The elves can't catch a break. First the Dol Blathanna chapter gets cut from TW2, then it happens again in TW3 with The Wild Hunt and the Scoia'tael. I'm still hoping for the EE, but it seems more unlikely with each passing day. I don't see them having a role in any kind of "Witcher 4", either.
I was still hoping to see Dol Blathanna got added in somehow before TW3 got released.
I couldn't even think that the entire elves story line would get cut out.
It's best that we moved on at this stage, at least I will, it literally hurt me inside whenever I read about it.
This and all that other cut content. It fucking sucks.
Technically the expansion can be started before finishing the game (after a certain part of the Novigrad story line), but it would be pretty hard to even try this, since the level requirement is quite high (of course the player can start a separate Blood and Wine game from "New Game" in the main menu whenever he wants).
Players will definitely have a nice experience if they play Blood and Wine after finishing the main game, since we created Blood and Wine not just as a last expansion, but also as a finale of the whole game that is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. So you can look forward to nice things.
Definitely. They said they want to "do it justice". Justice my ass. By throwing in a comics?The whole situation is very disappointing. The is the last chance to see those characters, and I mean.., the story with them ended on a cliffhanger in TW2, that goes nowhere in TW3. Even a journal entry would have been something.
Do you think they will add bonus content to an Enhanced Edition?
I actually meant physical bonus content. I do not think that they will add more content, since they neglected that already. At least, they said they won't work on new content and I guess reworking the cut content would mean "work on new content".
But never say never, it would be awesome. A final 17th piece of free DLC.