Quick question. About to end Act I with the Questand I got the warning that I am hitting a point of no return regarding side quests. I am assuming this only effects side quests that effect the main characters, especially those related to the questIsle of Mists. Just want to double check I won't lose access to other sidequests, Witcher contracts, etc.Brothers In Arms
Quick question. About to end Act I with the Questand I got the warning that I am hitting a point of no return regarding side quests. I am assuming this only effects side quests that effect the main characters, especially those related to the questIsle of Mists. Just want to double check I won't lose access to other sidequests, Witcher contracts, etc.Brothers In Arms
Witcher 3 expansions "almost size of Witcher 2"
Game director talks combined play time of upcoming DLC packs, says it's possible "they will be bigger".
That's correct. Only quests involving main characters are affected. Also make sure you have finished the quest, and found " returning character spoiler"A Deadly PlotAll contracts, and regular side quests will remain.Letho, assuming you chose to let him live in the questionnaire.
Yes, it only applies to main characters.
Here's the Bear and Wolf armors:
I'm just now getting around to downloading the Wolf armor DLC. Where do I go to trigger the scavenger hunt?
I'm just now getting around to downloading the Wolf armor DLC. Where do I go to trigger the scavenger hunt?
Gotta buy the maps from armorers/blacksmiths in the game.
Eibhear Hattori, the Master Blacksmith of Novigrad sells two of the maps.
The Blacksmith of Lindenvale sells one map.
The Armorer in Novigrad square sells one map.
The Armorer in Kaer Trolde Castle sells one map.
The Blacksmith in Kaer Muire sells one map.
Then head toKaer Morhen
I cant' beat the Baron in GWENT. Getting stomped because my deck is what I start with in the game. Any tips on building the starting deck? Want to beat him before I complete his questline.
At least you didn't start a thread about the game being too short before figuring this out.Holy shit.
I thought I was almost done with the game.
Gotta buy the maps from armorers/blacksmiths in the game.
Eibhear Hattori, the Master Blacksmith of Novigrad sells two of the maps.
The Blacksmith of Lindenvale sells one map.
The Armorer in Novigrad square sells one map.
The Armorer in Kaer Trolde Castle sells one map.
The Blacksmith in Kaer Muire sells one map.
Then head toKaer Morhen
Is there a way to disable Triss's alternate outfit DLC? I really don't like it at all.
Is there a way to disable Triss's alternate outfit DLC? I really don't like it at all.
Just to point out that the Bear Armour in the game looks absolutely nothing like the concept art, it's such a disappointment.
This is how it looks in the game:
Main menu > options > DLC (can't do it from in-game).
Fantastic, thanks.In the main menu before starting the game, there should be an option for downloadable content. Click on that, and you will have the option to enable/disable any DLC.
I'm a level 10 now, what weapons or armor should I be trying to get?
Indeed. The save system is clearly something that was designed with the PC version in mind and feels very out of place on consoles, so it doesn't surprise me that some people would be confused by it at first. In the console space it feels a little amateurish TBH (sorry if that sounds harsh) after games like GTA V.
I'm a level 10 now, what weapons or armor should I be trying to get?
Apparently they toned down the sex scenes shortly before release.
I really don't care that much about sex scenes in games, but the stuff in W3 was a step down compared to what we got in W2.
I mean, beside the intro scene almost every encounter (love interests and prostitutes alike) is the same with the hand touching the but.
Again, I don't mind it that much, but it is a bit disappointing for a company like CDPR to follow the American way. Instead we got more violence and gore.
I had both mastercrafted with specs to play out there strengths and bear wrecks enemies quicker than cat, even with all the cruticals. And your constantly safe.
Älg;171416593 said:The biggest issue with Bear Armor is that it's heavy, meaning that you get hella slow stamina regeneration.
Griffin is ugly, but good if you're going for a sign build. Feline is amazing if you're going for a fast attack build. Bear is excellent if you want to be shitty, slow and would rather take hits than dodge/parry. Wolf is sweet but I don't think you can get it yet.
At this level: basic Griffin gear. Then, at level 14, switch to basic Feline and keep upgrading it until you reach the point in the story where you can get the Wolf gear. Then, use Wolf for the rest of the game. All imho, of course![]()
I think you're supposed to counter this effect with the skill that lets you use adrenaline instead of stamina for signs. I've never used it myself, but apparently it works very well, because Bear armor increases your adrenaline point gain (the full mastercrafted set gives you +90% adrenaline point gain!).
Älg;171429848 said:I never actually though of that. Is that a high level skill or can you get it early on?
It's one of the yellow skills, so you can get it immediately. I never paid attention to adrenaline in my playthrough (tbh, I'm still not sure what it does after 125 hours of playtime, lol), but, apparently, an effective Bear School build strongly relies on adrenaline.
Älg;171416593 said:The biggest issue with Bear Armor is that it's heavy, meaning that you get hella slow stamina regeneration.
It's one of the yellow skills, so you can get it immediately. I never paid attention to adrenaline in my playthrough (tbh, I'm still not sure what it does after 125 hours of playtime, lol), but, apparently, an effective Bear School build strongly relies on adrenaline.
This is the biggest game CPDR has ever made, I just think that they didn't want to risk any bad publicity. Maybe it would have flown under the radar, maybe not. GTA basically has Roose Bolton levels of plot armor at this point, so they can get away with most things, but a smaller dev like CD Red? Not so much.
It's unfortunate that they had to compromise their vision, no matter how insignificant it may seem but in the end, we still got a fantastic game.