One of the biggest flaws in this game is how much exp it dishes out.
You should get about half the exp you normally get and/or no exp for killing enemies or using quen in conversations. Whatever it takes to make feasible to do even a quarter of the game side-quests/contracts without being grossly overleveled.
I'm only doing quests and side-quests concerning main characters and I'm still ending up a little too far ahead. I grab a bunch of contracts only to ignore them.
EDIT: Something else that bugs me is that it encourages you to put character traits into overpowering levels rather than spread out for variety. This is because you can only equip a few and the game is surprisingly restrictive on what traits you can buy for one that already limit how many can take effect at a time.
Progression systems hurt more than they help, unsurprisingly.
Death March = Super Hard.
Aka super hard until you reach ~level 15-20 when the game becomes incredibly easy with a few exceptions.
I would argue it's only super hard for the first 5-10 levels. Once you get some decent gear and potions it becomes remarkably easier. The second you put on your first set of Witcher gear the difficulty takes a massive tumble. And if you're doing every side quest and contract alongside the main missions, fuhgeddaboutit.
The hardest fights in the game so far for me have been the griffin you fight in WO, the wraiths during the Baron quest, and the drowners/water hag combo during the Forefather's Eve quest. Everything else has been pretty smooth sailing.
I couldn't disagree more. It felt too slow to level up if you ask me.One of the biggest flaws in this game is how much exp it dishes out.
You should get about half the exp you normally get and/or no exp for killing enemies or using quen in conversations. Whatever it takes to make feasible to do even a quarter of the game side-quests/contracts without being grossly overleveled.
I'm only doing quests and side-quests concerning main characters and I'm still ending up a little too far ahead. I grab a bunch of contracts only to ignore them.
EDIT: Something else that bugs me is that it encourages you to put character traits into overpowering levels rather than spread out for variety. This is because you can only equip a few and the game is surprisingly restrictive on what traits you can buy for one that already limit how many can take effect at a time.
Progression systems hurt more than they help, unsurprisingly.
Just finished the game for the first time....
- Baron- Vesemirhanged himself- Keiradied (not sure if this is avoidable)- Ciriwas impaled by Redanians- Geraltwent through the portal, probably diedhad a full on breakdown in the epilogue, slaughtered all the peasants and the Crone before sitting in the house waiting to die
Overall I'm feeling pretty bummed out, it's actually legitimately got me kinda down.
Being dropped intoafter the credits and then justKaer Morehnwith that wistful music playing really got to me also.walking around its empty halls alone
I know that New Game plus is coming but I just can't help thinking it won't feel right. My own version of Geralt has a lot of baggage and experiences. It would feel weird to restart the game with all his gear and talents and items and then have a different set of experiences. Something just feels odd about using him again - the story is very much a long, start-to-finish arc, for better or worse.
Doubt it, as she gets dealt with in one of the endings.
There's no way to answer this without spoiling things for you, lol.
But no.
Look up the bad ending on Youtube. It's pretty cool how they make you fight the last Crone. Ciri is dead and Geralt wants Ciris medallion back from the Crone. After that Geralt dies too (implied death), over-run by monsters.
I couldn't disagree more. It felt too slow to level up if you ask me.
Use weather cards. Works everytimeCharacters who play monster faction in Gwent are bastards.
Oh you think your winning here's a card that pulls another five from my deck. Every bloody time.
Use weather cards. Works everytime![]()
They only have a couple of cards with that ability, and they're one shot only (so once they've done it in one round, they can't do it in any following round). Try to get them to pull one (or more) of those cards in the first round, and then throw the round. In the following rounds you'll have a big advantage. Weather cards can help too, especially in conjunction with Scorch, but I'd generally rely more on the alphabet dragon card (Vilantentrenthtentetierth lol). Once you become familiar with those specific Monster cards you can start to plan for them.Characters who play monster faction in Gwent are bastards.
Oh you think your winning here's a card that pulls another five from my deck. Every bloody time.
Characters who play monster faction in Gwent are bastards.
Oh you think your winning here's a card that pulls another five from my deck. Every bloody time.
You actually did all the choices to kill everyone , lol ..i'm impressed . I'd recommand to wait for NG+ dlc and replay the game again , change your choices while doing another run of the game.
Look up the bad ending on Youtube. It's pretty cool how they make you fight the last Crone. Ciri is dead and Geralt wants Ciris medallion back from the Crone. After that Geralt dies too (implied death), over-run by monsters.
Don't spoil me on what happens, but is the ending withthat much different from the one withCiri being a witcher epilogue? I mean in theCiri being empressEmpress one, we see White Orchard covered in snow, and Geralt do some "non-empress" stuff with Ciri... is it the same?
Weather cards are a must when playing against monster decks.Characters who play monster faction in Gwent are bastards.
Oh you think your winning here's a card that pulls another five from my deck. Every bloody time.
They died while battling , in skellige, that means that they died with honor , so they don't care. NOt video game logic , skellige logic ( yes everyone at skellige are TRUE MORONS )Also skellige side quest spoilerDid the jarl mission yesterday where you have to lift his curse and put the baby in the oven. Now at no point is it explained what baby I did put in the oven. Or does no one bat an eyelid at the fact I had to kill two innocent guards. As long as the Karl is ok then it's fine.
Video game logic I guess.
Don't spoil me on what happens, but is the ending withthat much different from the one withCiri being a witcher epilogue? I mean in theCiri being empressEmpress one, we see White Orchard covered in snow, and Geralt do some "non-empress" stuff with Ciri... is it the same?
3 differents epilogues for 3 different endings.
So I guess there are 3 "base" endings with small variations in detail? That's pretty awesome. I've already started a new game after finishing last night. I can't bear to play as my "bad" Geralt anymore, too depressing.
I think I have a problem.
I can;t bring mysekf to spend the points I have (10 at the moment) on upgrading my abilities as I don't want to choose the wrong ones, lol. I'm only level 9 and I've spent about 4 points so far.
I think I have a problem.
I can't bring myself to spend the points I have (10 at the moment) on upgrading my abilities as I don't want to choose the wrong ones, lol. I'm only level 9 and I've spent about 4 points so far.
Ranking the areas: Skellige >>>>>>>>>>> Velen > White Orchard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Novigrad.
Seemed strictly visual. I couldn't interact with it or anything, but neat to see. Stupid that GOG doesn't have the option for screenshots yet...I don't want to run Fraps or something just for it.
My level 35 guy has around 14 unspent points, so just go for it. With only 12 slots and the high tier requirements, there are only so many skills that are useful at once unless you plan on swapping a bunch out. PLUS respec potions are easy to get, and cheap.
Just do it. You can respec later in case you change your mind. If you're unsure, get Sun & Stars (yellow), Axii (blue) and fast attacks (red), and then focus entirely on one tree after you have those base ones (until you can get the yellow skills for gear). If you still can't decide, going 100% fast attack in red tree will make you incredibly powerful, but I hear an all-alchemist and a mind-control build can also make you very strong.
You see that's my problem, so many ways to build a character, I can't make my mind up. It's a problem I have in all RPG's I play.
Yep.The Statuette sidequest is broken for me.
Is this a known 1.07 issue?
Just watched that ending. Holy shit. So glad I didn't get that.
I got that ending when I finished the game. Still hurts...
I think I have a problem.
I can't bring myself to spend the points I have (10 at the moment) on upgrading my abilities as I don't want to choose the wrong ones, lol. I'm only level 9 and I've spent about 4 points so far.
In terms of the ending,if you tell both Triss and Yen that you love them, you should get a threesome scene where they tie you to a bed and then leave you there. At the end of the game you're told that Geralt lived out his days alone.
Made perfect sense to me. Dropping the L bomb on multiple ladies usually ends in disaster. I think Geralt gets off easy.![]()
That's not really true, especially in Geralt's situation.Made perfect sense to me. Dropping the L bomb on multiple ladies usually ends in disaster. I think Geralt gets off easy.![]()
I think he's trying to say that Geralt could be able to find someone else, besides those two. That's my interpretation of his vague post, at least, lol.