I totally fucked up that serial killer quest in Novigrad, I bet it was the coroner, fuck I'm stupid, I knew it was too easy. Nothing is ever that simple in this game.
Soooo...I totally fucked up that serial killer quest in Novigrad, I bet it was the coroner, fuck I'm stupid, I knew it was too easy. Nothing is ever that simple in this game.
Playing on Death March which means I'm dying a lot, which is fine. What I do have a problem with though is the load times on PS4 which are fucking atrocious and making me not want to play.
I timed it and it took exactly 59 seconds to load after a death. Not fun.
Not to sound like an ass, but if you're playing the game properly, you honestly shouldn't die a lot even on deathmarch. Make sure you ALWAYS have quen up and look at the beast guide to learn which potions/bombs/ and oils work best for the enemy.
Also,make damn sure you upgrade Axii so that you can mind control enemies. That makes MANY encounters trivial.
Don't get me wrong, its certainly not a cakewalk, but if you take advantage of all your tools and make an effort to use dodge instead of roll as often as possible and don't get greedy trying to get too many hits you will be amazed at how rarely you will die.
The cheapest enemy I have faced was a basilisk that could just sit in the air do a scream and poison me.
The poison was so strong it was dropping health faster than anything I had to recover it.
The joys of the game has been finding what spell works on what monster so far, really cool when you work it out and a tough enemy becomes easy.
There are 55 parts of the main quest. you've done 21 of them.Well, i just killedand unlocked thejuniorquest. I wanted to know approx how much game is left, if anyone could tell me."now or never"![]()
There are 55 parts of the main quest. you've done 21 of them.
"hey look an item" bzzzzz *bees killed me*
welcome to death march.
anyway, there really is no way to recover health besides using items? No way to sleep or something?
"hey look an item" bzzzzz *bees killed me*
welcome to death march.
anyway, there really is no way to recover health besides using items? No way to sleep or something?
"hey look an item" bzzzzz *bees killed me*
welcome to death march.
anyway, there really is no way to recover health besides using items? No way to sleep or something?
"hey look an item" bzzzzz *bees killed me*
welcome to death march.
anyway, there really is no way to recover health besides using items? No way to sleep or something?
CDPR Should had made Gwent for Mobile, or at least made Gwent multiplayer, I feel with Gwent I actually bought two games with Witcher 3, and Im so hook on it right now.
They've already explained why they didn't do it. Article was posted a while ago. Long story short; it's to simple to be its own game.
What about a MP within the Witcher game? did they mentioned something about it?
Don't think so, but it's probably the same reason: it's too simple and too unbalanced. It would just be about getting the right cards and there's one build in the game that's objectively better than all else, so as it is right now it wouldn't work. I agree that Gwent is really fun, but it simply wouldn't work right now in MP.
MP won't work in the state it is in but that's something that can be fixed.
That's what I just said, and it's why they didn't just do it. Of course it can be fixed, but it requires a lot of work and a lot of changing of the game mechanics.
Not to sound like an ass, but if you're playing the game properly, you honestly shouldn't die a lot even on deathmarch. Make sure you ALWAYS have quen up and look at the beast guide to learn which potions/bombs/ and oils work best for the enemy.
Also,make damn sure you upgrade Axii so that you can mind control enemies. That makes MANY encounters trivial.
Don't get me wrong, its certainly not a cakewalk, but if you take advantage of all your tools and make an effort to use dodge instead of roll as often as possible and don't get greedy trying to get too many hits you will be amazed at how rarely you will die.
I'm level 6, doing a level 6 quest for the Baron whereor whatever it's called and at this point I'm getting mauled by wraiths.he's carrying the fetus so we can try to turn it into a grumpkin
Sure, I know how to kill them, I use quen before it starts and every other chance I get, I know I need to trap them and what potion works. But when there is 2-3 of them and my magic takes long to replenish and I can only trap one while the other teleports and shows up out of nowhere right behind me and mauls me within a few hits (not to mention the barrels and fences and other random garbage in the court yard getting in the way making dodging difficult) then I'm going to die and get frustrated that I have to sit through another fucking minute long loading screen, only to have to go through the dialogue on top of it.
I appreciate the help but this isn't about "playing properly" because I'll get better eventually as I'm still early...this is about loading times.
Are you dodging/rolling effectively out of the way before attacks? You can cheese battles a lot of the time by rolling/dodging away and letting your stamina replenish in the meantime.
Not really a spoiler but I enjoy Geralt delivery of: "Lambert, Lambert - What a prick."
People need to see it in action when they reach Kaer Morhen.
Oh, you're at that part. Yeah that part is pretty tough.I'm level 6, doing a level 6 quest for the Baron whereor whatever it's called and at this point I'm getting mauled by wraiths.he's carrying the fetus so we can try to turn it into a grumpkin
Sure, I know how to kill them, I use quen before it starts and every other chance I get, I know I need to trap them and what potion works. But when there is 2-3 of them and my magic takes long to replenish and I can only trap one while the other teleports and shows up out of nowhere right behind me and mauls me within a few hits (not to mention the barrels and fences and other random garbage in the court yard getting in the way making dodging difficult) then I'm going to die and get frustrated that I have to sit through another fucking minute long loading screen, only to have to go through the dialogue on top of it.
I appreciate the help but this isn't about "playing properly" because I'll get better eventually as I'm still early...this is about loading times.
Why is that called cheesing? That's just plain good strategy and how the fighting was supposed to be done.Are you dodging/rolling effectively out of the way before attacks? You can cheese battles a lot of the time by rolling/dodging away and letting your stamina replenish in the meantime.
It's been a while since I had found anything too tough on Deathmarch difficulty, but the entire game makes up for it during that Imerlith fight. Man that was tough. Took me four tries. I kept getting owned during that final teleportation phase. I was always out of position and would accidently evade into him and take major damage.
It's been a while since I had found anything too tough on Deathmarch difficulty, but the entire game makes up for it during that Imerlith fight. Man that was tough. Took me four tries. I kept getting owned during that final teleportation phase. I was always out of position and would accidently evade into him and take major damage.
Luckily that part is passed. On my normal playthrough I found that fight harder than the Eredin. Hopefully that will still manifest itself for my Deathmarch run.
I mean it's not technically. Once you get dodging and rolling down, you can kind of take any encounter pretty easily (at least as far as I've gotten).Why is that called cheesing? That's just plain good strategy and how the fighting was supposed to be done.
I mean it's not technically. Once you get dodging and rolling down, you can kind of take any encounter pretty easily (at least as far as I've gotten).
Are you dodging/rolling effectively out of the way before attacks? You can cheese battles a lot of the time by rolling/dodging away and letting your stamina replenish in the meantime.
Oh, you're at that part. Yeah that part is pretty tough.
I have a question. I'm working on the Get Junior mission in Novigrad. I guess I will put the particulars in spoilers.
I started by following the lead with the arena and kept following it. I then met with the dude at the chess club. Now he told me where the hideout where Whoreson is. But now the other objectives are redded out (like finding his casino and hideout I guess, the latter I suppose I am doing in a roundabout way?). Am I missing out on a lot by having not done them? I suppose I could reload a save and do them before heading to the chess club, but am wondering if it is worth it?
Thanks. I never play RPGs and am a little overwhelmed by all the options and quests at times. Not sure which path to take sometimes I guess!
I find myself wondering if I should just get it on PC. I have an R9 290 and a core i7 4790k.
I have a question. I'm working on the Get Junior mission in Novigrad. I guess I will put the particulars in spoilers.
I started by following the lead with the arena and kept following it. I then met with the dude at the chess club. Now he told me where the hideout where Whoreson is. But now the other objectives are redded out (like finding his casino and hideout I guess, the latter I suppose I am doing in a roundabout way?). Am I missing out on a lot by having not done them? I suppose I could reload a save and do them before heading to the chess club, but am wondering if it is worth it?
Thanks. I never play RPGs and am a little overwhelmed by all the options and quests at times. Not sure which path to take sometimes I guess!