Finally finished the game the other day. Steam says I clocked in at 158 hours which is probably only a little inflated.
But holy shit, what a game! I think its easily up there with Baldur's Gate 2 for me in terms of all time favorite games. The world and the story and the characters and character interactions were just fantastic.
Especially all the little character moments Geralt can have with Ciri once you reunite are just fantastic. The facial animations, body language and voice acting between Geralt, Ciri and Yen were wonderful. Especially a lot of the facial animation deserve a ton of credit. I recall thinking The Witcher 2's animations were often really stiff and subpar but the animations they pull off in TW3 really add so much to the characters- all the little smirks and glares and grimaces add so much to the characters.
One of my favorite little moments towards the end is when you're talking toAvallach about the sunstone and you can ask him about the full version of the backstory behind it, which Geralt asks in this sarcastic way, which Avallach doesn't notice, prompting Geralt and Ciri to share this knowing glance at each other and Ciri to interrupt. That was just such a fun little moment that really imbued some character into their relationship.
All those little fun character moments -- really fleshed out the characters and made the game feel like an old school BioWare game in the same mold of Baldur's Gate 2.the snowball fight, wrecking Avallach's lab (Yen drawing the goatee on that paintingGeralt and the Witchers drunken escapades, Geralt and Yen eavesdropping on Ciri meeting with the sorceresses
Yeah, I love those small details. One of my favorites was:
Geralt's facial expression after he rescues Ciri and the frost from the White Hunt appears. You know even him was fucking scared, even though Witcher's are supossed to remain calm. Something similar also happens when the White Hunt is ready to attack Kaer Morhen.