Leave the question marks enabled for White Orchard and visit them all, then disable them when you are about to leave. Exploration will be more enjoyable that way.
so just disable the question marks and nothing else?
Leave the question marks enabled for White Orchard and visit them all, then disable them when you are about to leave. Exploration will be more enjoyable that way.
so just disable the question marks and nothing else?
Finally came back to the game to dig into the Hearts of Stone expansion. Some really good stuff in here so far. Really makes me wonder how CDProjekt manages to pump out such high quality content in seemingly such a short time.
90+ hours played now with no real end in sight, especially once the next expansion comes out. Pretty sure this might edge out Bloodborne for my game of the year.
speaking of hearts of stone, is it recommended I play that before or after finishing the main quest?
speaking of hearts of stone, is it recommended I play that before or after finishing the main quest?
Are you able to play after the main quest tho? Is hearts of stone selectable from the main menu or does it show up ingame?
Is going CD Projekt to relase more real world Gwent cards? I have the two decks from HoS expansion and i want more...
Is going CD Projekt to relase more real world Gwent cards? I have the two decks from HoS expansion and i want more...
YesAre you able to play after the main quest tho?
BothIs hearts of stone selectable from the main menu or does it show up ingame?
I have a question concerning the start of the mission where you enter the Isle ofmists. It says in advance that certain side quests will fail if you venture beyond this point, so I ventured on, saw which side quests failed and reloaded the game to do those. One of those was A Deadly Plot. I've done it, and it's also marked in the completed section of the quests menu, but I just ventured beyond the point of no return, and it says again that A Deadly Plot has failed. I then look in the quest section, and now it's been put in the failed section. Did I miss something? Must I do anything further after I've escorted Thaler to his wagon? I had a feeling the mission wasn't over yet, but since it was marked as completed I had no further objectives for that mission.
Don't rely on quen, learn the movesets of enemies. Don't use lock on. Dodging is usually better than rolling in most circumstances. Read the bestiary and learn enemy weaknesses.
Potions and bombs are essential. Buy diagrams for them. Oils aren't necessary, but they do make a difference. This isn't a game that you can just burn through. Take your time.
Mix in sidequests(sidequests are amazing in this game) with the main quests so that you're not overleveled for them later. Gwent is really fun and even if you don't get it initially, it's worth sticking with because it has great payoff later.
I also don't recommend trying to beeline from POI to POI at all. Some say the game is better with the hud and minimap turned off.
Also, turn on alternate movement controls.
Thanks guys.Leave the question marks enabled for White Orchard and visit them all, then disable them when you are about to leave. Exploration will be more enjoyable that way.
I don't believe they've said anything officially about that yet, but I imagine Blood & Wine will probably get the same treatment.
I've played for an hour and I'm already in love with this game, but I've already spent way too much money this past week on games and other things so I'm thinking of only buying the $10 dlc but how much content does it add?
After a long time I finally strarted the game, any tips for Death March difficulty? Any abuse/cheap tricks? I like challenge and want to play on highest one as possible.
Got the game for Christmas and have been in love with it! Question, though. I heard people online say you could give honeycombs to the herbalist in White Orchard for 18 crowns but it's only saying 7 crowns for me. Am I doing something wrong or did they change the value of honeycombs with a patch?
I kept them for my next playthrough on NG+.
so few questions on that
What exactly carries over on NG+
What level is Hearts of Stone at and when do you unlock the ability to play it. I'm about to start over here completely no NG+ on another platform.....going to fix my ending that I jacked on the first go around lol.
So oils and potions and stuff can always be refilled for free when I meditate? I'm on the 2nd of the 4 difficulties right now.
This means in each fight I can use all the bombs, potions and oils I have and then meditate afterwards to immediately get it all back? It says it uses Alcohol, but where is it taking that from? Thanks!
What carries over in NG+:
Player level (If you're not level 30 or above, your character will be bumped up to 30 on NG+)
Your gear on the inventory (Including the ones on the stash).
Crafting/Alchemy ingredients
Alchemy recipes (Potions, oils, bombs)
Food and drink
What doesn't carry over:
Quest items
Crafting schematics
Gwent cards
Monster trophies
Books and letters
Difficulty level (You'll be able to re-select your difficulty level on NG+)
Points of Interest, Signposts, etc...
Anyways, for Hearts of Stone:
You need to be at level 30+ to play the expansion on non-NG+ playthrough. And yes, the expansion also scales up to NG+, therefore you need to be at level 60+ to play Hearts of Stone on NG+
As long you have any alcohol in your inventory (Dwarven Spirit, Alcohest, or White Gull), your potions and bombs will be automatically refilled after meditation.
And oils don't count since they have certain amount of charges depending on their quality (20 for standard, 40 for enhanced, 60 for superior). You can refill the oils on your sword anytime you want.
Thank you! And just to confirm re: the alcohol on my inventory, it doesn't actually remove 1 of them each time they're refilled via meditation does it? So as long as I have 1 in my inventory I can infinitely refill them each meditation? Why does that seem too good to be true to me? Haha.
It's a glitch, that I thought was fixed in the last big patch. :/Ok, this is weird. I just read the mission description in the failed quests menu, and the two totally contradict.
I, but in the description it literally says this:saved thaler in the game,
"he thus abandoned the task, and roche and dijkstra never mentioned the unfortunate matter again
Wtf, that's completely the opposite of what I did? And I feel like I'm missing out on a hugely important (side) quest now? What should I do now?
The smaller sized notes on the board are just world-building.So I think I've completed everything in White Orchard (game is crack), but I keep seeing letters posted on the board. They don't turn into quests when I take them so are they just for detail?
When you refill your potions/bombs after meditation, it takes 1 alcohol from your inventory.
But since there are plenty of places where you can hoard tons of alcohol (Like Dwarven Spirit for instance), you don't need to worry about whether you should re-fill your potions/bombs
@ViciousDS: I would turn off the Points of interests and not bother exploring them if I were you.
don't you get really good gearsets from the POI's though? I would feel as though I'm missing out.
I don't really know what you mean by hardcore, Skyrim and Fallout definitely have more interactivity with the world and less overall guidance than Witcher 3. They're just different games really, Witcher 3 still has action combat, it's not like you're throwing him in to Baldur's Gate.This question is coming from someone who doesn't know much about The Witcher 3. I have a younger brother who is into games like Skyrim, Fallout, etc. though from what I can tell they aren't has "hardcore" as The Witcher.
I've asked him if he wants this game since it's on sale but he said no, it doesn't look that great to him. He's said this same thing about plenty of games that he ended up loving. So the question is, should I gamble and buy it for him while it's on sale hoping he'll like it because he likes Skyrim and Fallout or are they nothing alike?
Anyway is there any reason to use the alternate Igni other than it looking cool? It seems like it covers a smaller area and it's obviously slower to cast. Does it do much more damage or something or what
This question is coming from someone who doesn't know much about The Witcher 3. I have a younger brother who is into games like Skyrim, Fallout, etc. though from what I can tell they aren't has "hardcore" as The Witcher.
I've asked him if he wants this game since it's on sale but he said no, it doesn't look that great to him. He's said this same thing about plenty of games that he ended up loving. So the question is, should I gamble and buy it for him while it's on sale hoping he'll like it because he likes Skyrim and Fallout or are they nothing alike?
He's said this same thing about plenty of games that he ended up loving.
I'm still not sure whether I should turn off undiscovered locations on the map or not. Hmm.
Anyway is there any reason to use the alternate Igni other than it looking cool? It seems like it covers a smaller area and it's obviously slower to cast. Does it do much more damage or something or what
This question is coming from someone who doesn't know much about The Witcher 3. I have a younger brother who is into games like Skyrim, Fallout, etc. though from what I can tell they aren't has "hardcore" as The Witcher.
I've asked him if he wants this game since it's on sale but he said no, it doesn't look that great to him. He's said this same thing about plenty of games that he ended up loving. So the question is, should I gamble and buy it for him while it's on sale hoping he'll like it because he likes Skyrim and Fallout or are they nothing alike?
This question is coming from someone who doesn't know much about The Witcher 3. I have a younger brother who is into games like Skyrim, Fallout, etc. though from what I can tell they aren't has "hardcore" as The Witcher.
I've asked him if he wants this game since it's on sale but he said no, it doesn't look that great to him. He's said this same thing about plenty of games that he ended up loving. So the question is, should I gamble and buy it for him while it's on sale hoping he'll like it because he likes Skyrim and Fallout or are they nothing alike?
I have a question about quests so far. I'm only about 6 hours in I guess? I just arrived in, and so far it seems way bigger than the first area.Velen
Anyway, the way I usually like to play RPG's when I get to a new area is try and explore the land as much as I can and do as many side quests as I can before continuing with the main story, so that I don't miss anything if quests or places become unavailable in the future. (This is why I was stuck in the damn Hinterlands forever in DA:I)
Now, I am noticing that I'm out leveled almost everywhere. I'm only level 5 and seeing 10-13 enemies a lot, and getting crushed.
Basically, in this game should I be progressing with the main story first until it's about time to go to the next area, then at that point try and do all the side quests? Or vice versa? Or a mix of the two ideally?
I'm 82 hours in, and just about tosearch for the sunstone
I really have the feeling that the game is nearing the end, and I don't want it to stop.![]()
I just started this the other night. Any general tips - what to put points in early, etc?