I finished up my trip to Universal Orlando last night. I had a really fun time overall, so I will probably go back in the Fall sometime. My half day Thursday went way better than I expected. I got to doing everything in USF that I wanted, spent a lot of time in Diagon Alley, and got to ride a lot of things twice.
IoA was crazy on Friday. About halfway through the day the park become hugely crowded with a ton of schools having groups of kids running around. I had enough of the crowds at the end of the day so I left an hour and a half before closing.
My overall impression of it is that everything Harry Potter related is incredible. I was shocked when I went into Diagon Alley the first day. It isn't just the rides themselves, but the ride queues, food, shops, and buildings are all at a level beyond anything I have ever seen. I have incredibly high expectations for the Nintendo expansion now, since the Kong construction also made me drop my jaw.
For the rest of the parks, I think I appreciated the IoA style more where each area was its own land rather than thrown together in the Hollywood setting of USF. I thought the Jurassic Park and Springfield areas were neat, but nothing touched HP.
Here are the rides I went on:
Rip Ride Rockit: 2
Transformers: 2
Mummy: 2
Simpsons: 1
Men in Black: 1
Gringotts: 3 (Ride broke at the very end of my first run on it, so I was able to get straight back on a second time)
Forbidden Journey: 1
Hippogriff:2 (Only went twice since my 4 year old nephew liked it a lot)
Dragon Challenge: 1
Hogwarts Express: 2 (Once each way)
Popeye: 1
Dr. Doom: 1
Spider-Man: 3
My only regrets were not riding Ripsaw Falls, Jurassic Park, and Forbidden Journey a second time. I was disappointed to find out that there were no single rider lines for any of the water rides. Doing single rider queue on my second time on Rip Ride Rockit was a mistake though since it still had a long wait time.
Here's my rank of the rides, and how much I enjoyed them.
GOAT Rides:
Forbidden Journey
Fantastic Rides:
Dragon Challenge
Rip Ride Rockit
Do-It-Once Rides:
Hogwarts Express
Men In Black
Dr. Doom
I don't think there was any ride that I outright hated, although Dr. Doom and Hippogriff should really only be done once for the queues and themeing rather than the actual rides. I was actually surprised that Simpsons didn't bother me as much as I expected.
Transformers was fun, but I liked Spider-Man way more even though it is an older ride. The latter had less shaking of the car, and had better practical effects. Forbidden Journey was also better than Gringotts thanks to the physical sets involved. Rip Ride Rockit had the fun music selection but Dragon Challenge was the better coaster.
Hippogriff was a poor coaster that ends in 5 seconds, and Dr. Doom was only awesome for the first rise and fall. Butterbeer is really good, and I enjoyed dinner at the Leaky Cauldron. The next day we ended up at the Captain America Diner which was typical theme park food, but it had a really nice view of the park.
All these ramblings aside, I am really pleased with what I got out of it on my trip. I am psyched to come back later in the year to get on the rides I missed plus Hulk and Kong.