So if someone pushes me off flat earth I go to China? Is that how it works? Or is it just one big ass flat board with nothing on the other side?
So if someone pushes me off flat earth I go to China? Is that how it works? Or is it just one big ass flat board with nothing on the other side?
Lol. There's a wall of ice at the edge.
Huh. Welp I'm gonna be a flat earther for Halloween.
Nah. If you get pushed off the edge you just land on either a giant elephant or turtle.
Nah. If you get pushed off the edge you just land on either a giant elephant or turtle.
If there are so many of them why dont they charter a plane and fly to the edge?
They could livestream it or something.
The satellite picture NASA doesn't want you to see:
The sheer stupidity of this. Come on now.
His wife, Cami, shares his views. Our YouTube channel gets people to critically think, she said to the Fort Collins group. The heliocentric model says that were spinning at 1,038 mph. They say you wont notice it because its a continual motion. But you should be able to feel it. You shouldnt be able to function allegedly spinning that fast.
NASA = Not A Space Agency
Holy shit
Why? See, this is the worst part about discussing stuff with people like this. They claim things as a false foundation (can jet fuel melt steel beams?) which you most of the time can't refute just from your memory, or they won't accept your sources. And build on that.
Are there any actual flat earthers on GAF?
Are there any actual flat earthers on GAF?
Everything is density and buoyancy, bro. Things fall toward the earth because they're denser. There is no such thing as gravity.I mean if they really want to prove gravity is fake they're free to jump off a cliff to show me so.
But who benefits from telling people the earth is round?
For some this is basically anti-intellectualism dressed up as a proto religious belief system. For most it's all about belief not proof. Flat-Earthers are basically religious. It's essentially a belief that makes them feel special, important, meaningful. Even the well educated 'believe' this shit. - The Men Who Believe The Earth Is Flat
If nothing else the sheer fucking arrogance of these people is breathtaking. Mental illness is a possibility.
Are there any actual flat earthers on GAF?
People who sell scale model globes, the bastards.
If there are so many of them why dont they charter a plane and fly to the edge?
They could livestream it or something.
People who sell scale model globes, the bastards.
Why wouldn't they just sell a flat model "globe".
I wonder why this has become a bigger thing lately.
Why wouldn't they just sell a flat model "globe".
The map market had already been cornered.
I can trace my lineage through stellar phenomena of awesome proportions. The grandiose works of the Universe born from nothingness to bring me to you here today are truly miraculous.
And you think you are special because we're behind an ice wall?
Thirteen point eight BILLION years of work is not enough for you to feel special?
How special do you need to be?
I feel so bad for these people. It's somewhat comforting to think that most Flat Earthers simply put their faith in the wrong people; but I can't help but wonder if the denial exhibited by those who have genuinely tried to research the topic might be symptomatic of a serious illness. It seems like some of these people really think they've gained new insight through application of the scientific method, in spite of the fact that none of their conclusions stand up to the most cursory level of scrutiny.
Why wouldn't they just sell a flat model "globe".
I wonder why this has become a bigger thing lately.
I prefer this. One of my favorite book covers as a kid.
Why? See, this is the worst part about discussing stuff with people like this. They claim things as a false foundation (can jet fuel melt steel beams?) which you most of the time can't refute just from your memory, or they won't accept your sources. And build on that.
You have arrived at the real truth
They want attention and to be catered to. To feel special and be pandered to like children
How long before people are dumb enough to buy these guys tickets for space tourism just to make some vain attempt to convert these assholes
This is what flat earthers really want
To be honest, I don't see much of a difference between people who believe the earth is flat, or 6,000 years old, or that there are anthropomorphic sky pixies, that evolution doesn't exist and humanity is somehow special.
I can trace my lineage through stellar phenomena of awesome proportions. The grandiose works of the Universe born from nothingness to bring me to you here today are truly miraculous.
I was spawned deep beneath the Pre-Cambrian sea,
the scion of a far distant sun...
I have traversed the endless stars,
and journeyed to a myriad galaxies...
The dimensional gates of the multiverse
are mine to voyage effortlessly beyond,
Cosmic infinity is naught to one such as I...
I am as one with celestial eternity...
Clad in gleaming pentlandite armour,
on a whim I may reshape entire worlds,
Or extinguish the blazing light of a sun...
and I remain forever enchanted by sylphs...
I have seen demons lick your ivory hands,
And watched you ride naked upon the backs of fire-dragons...
Your eyes sparkle clear as hoar-frost,
And yet they are thrice as devoid of warmth.
Wielding this power cosmic, the omniverse is mine to conquer!
Our progency shall rule the very cosmos itself!
Arcane power lances from my fingertips,
Life withers before my baleful gaze.
The proud citadels of great antediluvian empires
Have been razed to the ground by my zircon blade.
Your invocations unleashed the great worm
Which compelled the devouring seas to Atlantis...
Riding the screaming crest of fettered lons,
I shall bring my crystalline chaos where order reigns!
Return with me... beyond the stars...
Rule with me... a thousand worlds...
The Galactic Nexus has empowered me
(I am gloriously, eternally omnipotent!)
And as a god I shall return to the Praesidium of Ys!