For some this is basically anti-intellectualism dressed up as a proto religious belief system. For most it's all about belief not proof. Flat-Earthers are basically religious. It's essentially a belief that makes them feel special, important, meaningful. Even the well educated 'believe' this shit. -
The Men Who Believe The Earth Is Flat
If nothing else the sheer fucking
arrogance of these people is breathtaking. Mental illness is a possibility.
The thing I hate most about fake ass stories like that (besides how obviously fake they are) is that they give credence to the logical fallacy that just because youre smart or kind in some areas means youre smart or kind in all areas.
John from that story could be all those things and also a child molester. Or a cannibal. Or a Trump voter.
Let me tell you about Tom.
Tom says he's not crazy. I believe him.
"I am a normal person," he says.
But Tom isn't a 'normal' person. Not quite.
Well, he is and he isn't.
Tom is a golfer. A pro golfer.
Actually, Tom is more than a pro golfer. Tom is the kind of pro golfer who mentors other pro golfers.
Tom is the kind of person you want to hug.
Tom is chubby. His eyes are bright. He laughs and his belly shakes like a twerking strippers ass. When you arrive at Toms home the first thing he shows you is his balls. His golf balls. Hes got a collection signed by some of the best who ever played the game.
Tom has an almost childish passion for things.
Tom is a great guy. A good pro golfer. A loving husband and a great father. Tom is all these things and more.
But one tiny detail, not evident.
Not immediately.
Tom believes that when you fart, its actually a demon that lives in your butthole whos trying to escape and cast the world into darkness.
Tom absolutely believes in the butthole demon.
This not a joke.
This is not irony or an exercise in intellectual curiosity.
Tom is not playing Devil's Buttholes Advocate.
Again: Tom believes that when you fart, its actually a demon that lives in your butthole whos trying to escape and cast the world into darkness.