hi GAF, I recently went back I played through a few old titles as when these launched I was a child and I'm shocked how fun and cool they were (and still are!). In no order:
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, 2006, Ubisoft + Arkane
Incredibly fun, the combat is excellent! The physics just adds so much interactivity to it, the VA and the world is so enchanting. It's really immersive and seriously, the combat/physics and *swiftness* of it blow so many releases (ahem, Avowed) of today!
Rainbow Six Vegas 1&2, Ubisoft, on Steam
Absolutely bonkers cover system, smooth and effective. There's a certain flow to this cover system + tactical, slow yet ruthless and fun combat. Control team members, smoke and move, Terrorists Missions, so so good. I mean Ubisoft, holy you were so good.
Stranglehold, Midway Studios, on GOG
This is a Max Payne clone and I dare say some stuff is legit better than it, fast & frenzy gunplay, great sets, great physics, lots of interactivity, fun combat and flow, decent albeit obvious, popcorn story. Later levels get quite hard! Bonus: this is John Woo's Hardboiled sequel, he is a cameo character in this, lol.
Driver San Francisco, Ubisoft, (delisted everywhere)
Really cool concept, you're a cop you get hit and land in a hospital, enter supernatural stuff - you can pretty much posses any car in the city, race, get style points, help SF, catch criminals, get to the end. I spend so much time just making donuts with a Dodge! Seriously, one of the best car games, right along with NFS: Most Wanted (2005).
SWAT 4 (Gold), Irrational Games, on GOG
Fantastic tactical based team shooter, clearly Ready or Not (excellent) got inspired from this. This was made by Irrational Games so Ken Levine and folks who made System Shock 2 so it is quite spooky in an emotional way, so many cool missions that bring out the evil inside humans, do yourself a favor and play the missions as I won't spoil them!
Prey (2006), Human Head Studios, (delisted from all stores)
A Cherokee Mechanic, ex-US Army + Supernatural Powers from his Native American lineage + Alien Spaceship that is a living organism + DOOM 3 idTech engine = pure badass. Dark atmosphere, shocking twists, super cool enemy designs and (meh!) portal mechanics. You should try this out solely for it's artstyle and the shooting and quite possibly one of the best alien abduction scenes out there!
Rise of Legends (Abandonware)
This is kinda a sequel for Rise of Nations but has a cool setting (steampunk + arcane) and really cool characters, world building. Unique and a cool RTS.
2 March, 2025, EDIT: Fixed typos and cleaned up, beautified and added a few more titles.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (delisted from all stores)
Vin Diesel, corny jokes, gloomy sets, great combat, cool story. This version includes a remake of the prequel and I suggest playing through both of them! Seriously, why is the gunplay so good? Bullets spraying, gun blazing through dimly lit passages looks so hot!
Darkest of Days (delisted from all stores, abandonware)
Super unique time travel FPS-Action with a bleak watercolor like artstyle. You're an agent of a time travel history preserving task force and you jump in time to fix stuff. From Rome to WW1, to the American Civil War, gunning down enemies in a futuristic gun is always so fun. Has a bit of jank but it's quite special.
TimeShift, on Steam or GOG & Singularity, Raven on Steam.
TimeShift is surprisingly fun shooter! Still looks great and plays great. Quite hard as well. Cool but cliched story. Singularity on the other hard is a classic Raven title before Raven got sucked into the COD grinder. Lite horror with a cool time bending US-USSR Cold-war setting, quite fun and has cool secrets to uncover. Mostly linear.
Mark of the Ninja, Klei, Steam
Incredible stealth mechanics and controls, extremely fine-tuned and sharp, pure perfection. Nails the game mechanics so well. Quite the benchmark of game design.
Heroes of Might and Magic® 3, GOG (Steam version is bad)
A timeless masterpiece, gorgeous, vivid artstyle that still shames recent releases. Wealth of options, deep strategy through combing simple elements. Easy to learn, hard to master. Exceptional game with a fanatical, crazy userbase.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, 2006, Ubisoft + Arkane
Incredibly fun, the combat is excellent! The physics just adds so much interactivity to it, the VA and the world is so enchanting. It's really immersive and seriously, the combat/physics and *swiftness* of it blow so many releases (ahem, Avowed) of today!
Rainbow Six Vegas 1&2, Ubisoft, on Steam
Absolutely bonkers cover system, smooth and effective. There's a certain flow to this cover system + tactical, slow yet ruthless and fun combat. Control team members, smoke and move, Terrorists Missions, so so good. I mean Ubisoft, holy you were so good.
Stranglehold, Midway Studios, on GOG
This is a Max Payne clone and I dare say some stuff is legit better than it, fast & frenzy gunplay, great sets, great physics, lots of interactivity, fun combat and flow, decent albeit obvious, popcorn story. Later levels get quite hard! Bonus: this is John Woo's Hardboiled sequel, he is a cameo character in this, lol.
Driver San Francisco, Ubisoft, (delisted everywhere)
Really cool concept, you're a cop you get hit and land in a hospital, enter supernatural stuff - you can pretty much posses any car in the city, race, get style points, help SF, catch criminals, get to the end. I spend so much time just making donuts with a Dodge! Seriously, one of the best car games, right along with NFS: Most Wanted (2005).
SWAT 4 (Gold), Irrational Games, on GOG
Fantastic tactical based team shooter, clearly Ready or Not (excellent) got inspired from this. This was made by Irrational Games so Ken Levine and folks who made System Shock 2 so it is quite spooky in an emotional way, so many cool missions that bring out the evil inside humans, do yourself a favor and play the missions as I won't spoil them!
Prey (2006), Human Head Studios, (delisted from all stores)
A Cherokee Mechanic, ex-US Army + Supernatural Powers from his Native American lineage + Alien Spaceship that is a living organism + DOOM 3 idTech engine = pure badass. Dark atmosphere, shocking twists, super cool enemy designs and (meh!) portal mechanics. You should try this out solely for it's artstyle and the shooting and quite possibly one of the best alien abduction scenes out there!
Rise of Legends (Abandonware)
This is kinda a sequel for Rise of Nations but has a cool setting (steampunk + arcane) and really cool characters, world building. Unique and a cool RTS.
2 March, 2025, EDIT: Fixed typos and cleaned up, beautified and added a few more titles.
The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (delisted from all stores)
Vin Diesel, corny jokes, gloomy sets, great combat, cool story. This version includes a remake of the prequel and I suggest playing through both of them! Seriously, why is the gunplay so good? Bullets spraying, gun blazing through dimly lit passages looks so hot!
Darkest of Days (delisted from all stores, abandonware)
Super unique time travel FPS-Action with a bleak watercolor like artstyle. You're an agent of a time travel history preserving task force and you jump in time to fix stuff. From Rome to WW1, to the American Civil War, gunning down enemies in a futuristic gun is always so fun. Has a bit of jank but it's quite special.
TimeShift, on Steam or GOG & Singularity, Raven on Steam.
TimeShift is surprisingly fun shooter! Still looks great and plays great. Quite hard as well. Cool but cliched story. Singularity on the other hard is a classic Raven title before Raven got sucked into the COD grinder. Lite horror with a cool time bending US-USSR Cold-war setting, quite fun and has cool secrets to uncover. Mostly linear.
Mark of the Ninja, Klei, Steam
Incredible stealth mechanics and controls, extremely fine-tuned and sharp, pure perfection. Nails the game mechanics so well. Quite the benchmark of game design.
Heroes of Might and Magic® 3, GOG (Steam version is bad)
A timeless masterpiece, gorgeous, vivid artstyle that still shames recent releases. Wealth of options, deep strategy through combing simple elements. Easy to learn, hard to master. Exceptional game with a fanatical, crazy userbase.
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