Is anyone else's Steam social settings acting up with this? None of my achievements or screenshots are showing up in my social timeline, and when I click on achievements from my library it takes me to my profile, which doesn't display me as having played the game at all. It seems like a bug to me. Any known way around it?
Having the same issue with the game not showing on my profile at all. It really sucks.
By the way, does anyone know if I have to do the takedown tutorial in my pacifist run?
Having the same issue with the game not showing on my profile at all. It really sucks.
By the way, does anyone know if I have to do the takedown tutorial in my pacifist run?
Which scene? Which version?Holy god, that prologue ending cut scene... that frame rate, wow, woooooooow.
Which scene? Which version?
I just started the PC version and the entire prologue ending sequence was a pre-rendered movie file (which runs poorly as usual with bink files in UE3).
Has the PS4 version screen tearing?
Do you get something for linking your Square Enix account to the game? I've tried to do so, but it fails to proceed after me inputing my email address.
PS4, and yeah, that pre-rendered sequence, along with bits of the opening sequence in in Chapter 1. That slow down was at garbage levels. The actual game itself has seemed to run fine for me, but I don't know, I don't usually noticed slight frame rate drops here and there, but those two instances, hooooly shit.
And, different subject, did the pre-rendered assets in that prologue cut scene look way worse than the in game models, or was it just me?
after a few missions I have absolutely no idea what they mean![]()
My performance for the first mission. I was surprised to get opportunist and not ghost, but I did knock a dude out. Not exactly sure of the parameters.
Hey guys, I feel kind of dumb, I don't know if I hit a bug or what but I can't get past a part in the instructional level. I'm by a bridge over water, there's a guard on it, and guards on all sides. Obviously I'm supposed to cross through the water silently(?) but I can't figure out how. Any ideas?
after a few missions I have absolutely no idea what they mean
ghost probably means you leave absolutely no trace, meaning no one saw you, no knocked out people, maybe no loot taken either?
predator you get definitely for knocking out people, not only killing them, its pretty hard to kill people anyway, its only possible with the bow and some enviromental traps I think? you dont even have a sword in this game.
so what the hell is opportunist?
really confusing
oh and what I found out, I saw it on one of the loading screens: every mission has three thieving challenges, one for eacht play style, and you only get the one that was for your playstyle. so only one. and if you go for the ghost challenge but are rated as an opportunis, well then you get nothing.
On Lockdown I got mainly Opportunist, and it said something about using the environment to your advantage...
Got it for PS4.
Never played a Thief before. What's the optimal setup to start. I've read to start on Master difficulty, but what about the other options.
I think Thief would have benefitted from being designed for the new consoles and PC. I think designing it for the old consoles has crippled the scale of the game. You see screenshots of the clock tower from above, looking over the city and you think what could have been. Instead it's really bland, boring level design with too much linearity and loading screens breaking up small segments.
I also wish they would stop naming stuff that way too. Thief. Tomb Raider. Those games already existed. Add a sub title or a number to the end ffs.
My performance for the first mission. I was surprised to get opportunist and not ghost, but I did knock a dude out. Not exactly sure of the parameters. After about two hours of playing, I really do enjoy the feeling of this game. It's certainly rather rough around the edges I can tell already, but perhaps all the negative press helped to temper my expectations.
When that started playing it reminded me of cutscenes from 1998 or so because the framerate was hideous. Maybe an homage to the older games?![]()
Yup. It sure was. And I bet you're right about the encoding. I don't think it would play correctly on anything. It's almost laughable. I got a chuckle at least.Was it the cutscene at the end of the tutorial? Because that had a terrible framerate for me on PC too, I just thought it was encoded terribly.
I thought that too til I picked it up at Target today and the Bank Mission and "Bank Heist Steelbook Case" was included anyway. Weird. I'm not sure why they bother mentioning the Bank Heist mission as some sort of added bonus because everyone seems to get it.The bank mission wasn't bad either, but I hate that it's been put to the side as a pre-order bonus. It should have been part of the main game.
Sorry if this has been asked but couldn't find in OP or the resolution thread, is this game 30FPS on PC as well?
Yup. It sure was. And I bet you're right about the encoding. I don't think it would pay correctly on anything. It's almost laughable. I got a chuckle at least.![]()
Walk through the water, slowly. If you go too fast you'll make enough noise for them to hear you.
this game could be really great if it were not for the horrible horrible controls.
I really dislike having to push the climb or the lockpick button twice all the time. No clue why it does that most of the time.
Ps. I basically decide to hang the towel when I realized you could use that teleport speed scurry non stop to blaze through a level. Including most times right by multiple guards. Had such high hopes, that was my problem I think.
Got it for PS4.
Never played a Thief before. What's the optimal setup to start. I've read to start on Master difficulty, but what about the other options.
Playing the game on master with no focus, just finished the first level with no detection and I'm loving what I've played so far:
I can't comment on the AI, I've had no issue with it on the master difficulty.
Has anyone already played the Bank Heist map?
I need help getting the Eye of Auriden, can't seem to get the door open.
Why on earth would you get it on the PS4 with the PC Gaming Rig you have smokey? You can brute force the game to run great on the PC versus the slowdowns in the PS4 version.
trophies lol
which door? the one right in front of it?
there are 2 huge levers right next to the door
Yeah butOne seems to reset when I try to reach the second lever.
hmm, ok, maybe thats what the plates on the ground do.
I disabled them, you can to that below the stairs, you ned the wrench and the cutter for that though
maybe there is a way around the plates