I would say "no focus" is bare minimum. Focus makes the game a lot easier, and kinda feels like cheating. I would also recommend "no waypoint markers" (this is a display option, not difficulty option), so you're more encouraged to explore rather than have a "Go here!" marker on your screen.About to start my first game. I read an article that recommended custom settings to make this as close to the classic games as possible, but cannot remember the article, can anyone help me out?
Should I be playing with focus if I want a decent challenge?
In the Rev3games gameplay walkthough/interview, the Dev specifically said how you could go back and play any level as many times as you like, to collect anything you missed first time around.
Every time I think about the movement and control in the new Thief, I think they've built the game for the controller. Things like the lack of a jump or the fact that to peak, you need to use the interact button at the edge of a wall. It's like it was designed around using fewer control inputs.
Every time I think about the movement and control in the new Thief, I think they've built the game for the controller. Things like the lack of a jump or the fact that to peak, you need to use the interact button at the edge of a wall. It's like it was designed around using fewer control inputs.
I played for five minutes, then backed out and plugged in a 360 controller. Plays better.Every time I think about the movement and control in the new Thief, I think they've built the game for the controller. Things like the lack of a jump or the fact that to peak, you need to use the interact button at the edge of a wall. It's like it was designed around using fewer control inputs and because of this, it suffers. Navigating the environment seems to be too focused on showing you nice animated interactions with it as well. Just let me move, peek, jump freely. I hate scripted environment interaction when it's so restrictive.
Sorry if it has been asked already, I didnt see it as i skimmed through the thread. How do you get the minimap on. It says it is turned on in the options but it does not show as i am playing.
Is the Steam Overlay working for anyone? Tried restarting Steam, turning the option off/back on and nothing.
Ahh! df is failing me. I'm so close to just pullig the trigger for the ps4 version. Despite a potentially lower framerate and the touchpad inventory gimmick. I'm just so game starved. And I want the best version possible.
Ahh! df is failing me. I'm so close to just pulling the trigger for the ps4 version. Despite a potentially lower framerate and the touchpad inventory gimmick. I'm just so game starved. And I want the best version possible.
It works. I think the Steam community was running into issues and maybe that's why it was causing issues for you? It does work though.
I had something funny happen earlier. I was needing to flip open the top of a display case, then grab the jewelry inside. The first time I did it, I left the case open after I took the jewelry and when a patrolling guard came by, he noticed it and was alarmed. I retried the section and basically accidentally came up with a solution: I flipped a light switch, darkening the room and causing the guard to come over to the switch to investigate. I quickly swooped over to the display case, opened it up, grabbed the jewelry, closed the case, then swooped back into the areas not covered by the light by the time he flipped it back on.
Yeah. But I have these new consoles. I want games to play on them.I'll say it. You don't have a pc capable of playing it? It really does play pretty damn well on the PC.
I'm at 5 hours 30 minutes on the game clock just starting chapter 3. I'm playing on Master with everything off except light gem and save anywhere. I'm pretty sure I've been playing for longer, as time played doesn't count reloads which I've done many times.
Definitely recommend playing with "items more expensive" if you're not using focus, as it kind of corrects the economy of the game as you won't be spending anything on focus enhancements.
Also, I can't stress enough that this game is meant to be played at the hardest difficulty with all assists off.
This is one of the best game worlds designed entirely around exploration. All assists off and highest AI settings is the way to immerse yourself in it.
Absolutely fantastic game so far.
This really is a true Thief game, and in my opinion, a better one than Deadly Shadows.
It just goes to show, they made a classic Thief game, and the mainstream absolutely hates it. The publishers were right. The masses want Dudebro, and it's financial suicide to make anything in this classic vein. A shame.
Yeah. But I have these new consoles. I want games to play on them.
The goalposts keep moving. In one thread people told me that the dumbing down of game mechanics and the cinematic set pieces that Thief got needed to be done to appeal to a casual crowd and sell, but now that stuff doesn't count. It just doesn't end.It just goes to show, they made a classic Thief game, and the mainstream absolutely hates it. The publishers were right. The masses want Dudebro, and it's financial suicide to make anything in this classic vein. A shame.
I'm at 5 hours 30 minutes on the game clock just starting chapter 3. I'm playing on Master with everything off except light gem and save anywhere. I'm pretty sure I've been playing for longer, as time played doesn't count reloads which I've done many times.
Definitely recommend playing with "items more expensive" if you're not using focus, as it kind of corrects the economy of the game as you won't be spending anything on focus enhancements.
Also, I can't stress enough that this game is meant to be played at the hardest difficulty with all assists off.
This is one of the best game worlds designed entirely around exploration. All assists off and highest AI settings is the way to immerse yourself in it.
Absolutely fantastic game so far.
This really is a true Thief game, and in my opinion, a better one than Deadly Shadows.
It just goes to show, they made a classic Thief game, and the mainstream absolutely hates it. The publishers were right. The masses want Dudebro, and it's financial suicide to make anything in this classic vein. A shame.
Why did Human revolution get by being a hardcore game and both sell well and get high praise? Because it was a good game that didn't chase the focus tester. Thief did. Thief is getting what it deserved.
Despite these issues I still enjoy this game, but of the the 3 that came before it, it's easily the worst in the franchise.
Some of mah shots.
I'd say it's far from Dudebro as you say, as I've played through it on Custom Master Difficulty and have yet to kill or knockout a single person and am at Chpt. 3. I've pretty much pickpocketed every person I've come across.
Played this for about an hour before it became unbearable and I had to stop. The controls are awful, contextual controls misfire more often than not and swoop works inconsistently. The AI is probably the worst AI I've ever encountered in a stealth game (or any game really) and the horrible mouse smoothing on top of all that and the audio bugs with voices coming out of nowhere and sounds not matching up with cutscenes was just too much for me and I had to quit.
How are you guys able to play this game at all? I wanted to throw my keyboard across the room when Garrett went into cover when I wanted him to pick up an item the millionth time.
What I meant by people want Dudebro is that this game is not Dudebro.Thus it got slammed by the reviewers and justified publishers' views of creating big-budget contemplative games like this.
Played this for about an hour before it became unbearable and I had to stop. The controls are awful, contextual controls misfire more often than not and swoop works inconsistently. The AI is probably the worst AI I've ever encountered in a stealth game (or any game really) and the horrible mouse smoothing on top of all that and the audio bugs with voices coming out of nowhere and sounds not matching up with cutscenes was just too much for me and I had to quit.
How are you guys able to play this game at all? I wanted to throw my keyboard across the room when Garrett went into cover when I wanted him to pick up an item the millionth time.
Secret Thi4f level(S) confirmed.
Multiple tabs can be a bitch sometimes.
This isn't Thief. But it could be.
Secret Thi4f level(S) confirmed.
Multiple tabs can be a bitch sometimes.
visually it looks like Dishonored
truly, the andy kaufman of GAFThis really is a true Thief game, and in my opinion, a better one than Deadly Shadows.
It just goes to show, they made a classic Thief game, and the mainstream absolutely hates it. The publishers were right. The masses want Dudebro, and it's financial suicide to make anything in this classic vein. A shame.