Starting tonight, planning to be disappointed but hoping for the best.
play on master difficulty and remove as much of the hud (cheats) as possible and you can have a lot of fun
I am loving the game and so far (chapter 6)
Starting tonight, planning to be disappointed but hoping for the best.
When is the best time to do the Bank Heist bonus mission? I'm at Chapter 3 and am about to attempt to finish as many of Basso's missions as possible before progressing.
Once you have all the tools acquired you should take the mission. The wrench for opening vents, wire cutters for disarming traps and the knife to cut out paintings.
how do i go buy arrows and stuff lol. im in the second mission i think and im a point where i need arrows but i was never told where to go to buy them lol. Where do i go?
And how can i get them mid mission 2
Just finished the game. One of the worst ending in the history of video games! was really enjoying the game till the ending. I'm still confused and don't know what the hell just happened lol
Wow this game's performance blows on PC...
In my custom playthrough, I currently have the No Upgrades option on, which means "All non-critical tools, gear upgrades and trinkets are disabled". Does this count towards the Claw? Because I noticed that certain plaques and grates around the city can't be removed without an upgrade (I assume to the Claw to make it a wrench?).
Wow this game's performance blows on PC...
doniewhalberg said:The wrench is a separate purchasable item to the claw man. So you would still have the claw for traversal, and it looks like Moff below knows when you can purchase the wrench or not on that setting.
Moff said:the wrench can be bought with the no upgrade custom option
and the claw is part of your toolset at the start of the game, so you'll always have it
play on master difficulty and remove as much of the hud (cheats) as possible and you can have a lot of fun
I am loving the game and so far (chapter 6)
Just got the reverse of this one. End of Chapter 6, all sound effects disappeared, soThis game has some weird, weird audio bugs.
In Chapter 5,all the music/ambient sounds were turned off and didn't come back. I just quit the game, hopefully they'll return when I load my save.I was killed by the steam monster (which seems a blatant Amnesia rip), and when the game respawned me
I hope this is a puzzle encounter thing rather than a proper boss fight, else this probably highlights everything that went wrong with the design process.Damn what a terrible last boss. Out of nowhere compared to the whole game setting.
I'm guessing that in one month from now this game will have an average rating of 74.76% at
I do find I get bored and quit more often than I hoped I would. Pushing on through to Chapter 7, though. The first half of Chapter 6 was a really solid Thief mission.
I'm still undecided on this.
I fooking love T1/2/3 and also the Thievery mod for UT. Have that butchered the Thief name, or is it still basically the same ?
I'm weirdly relieved to hear that. Just have to tidy up a few sidequests in the new area that's been revealed.You're pretty much done man. Chapters 7 & 8 is a big big mega finale chapter really, run into each other. You get a point of late return warning entering chpt 7.
I'm still undecided on this.
I fooking love T1/2/3 and also the Thievery mod for UT. Have that butchered the Thief name, or is it still basically the same ?
I'm still undecided on this.
I fooking love T1/2/3 and also the Thievery mod for UT. Have that butchered the Thief name, or is it still basically the same ?
its the worst thief
It's not a bad game (all though it is the worst thief)
I still don't get the argument that it's worse than Deadly Shadows. The levels are comparable in size and linearity, but the movement is much better and the city hub has much more to do. Granted I've only played up to Chapter 3, but 27 hours in, I've put in enough time into the Bank Heist and other side jobs to be much more impressed with new Thief than I ever was with DS.
I really liked deadly shadows, but I'd have to replay it. I havent since its release.
As i remember it, its levels were much bigger and much less linear than most of newthiefs
Movement is much worse! In DS you could scale almost any wall with an item, you could move around objects in the world, areas were a lot more open and traversing the city wasn't a huge pain. Sure, the game wasn't great, but it was actually fun to play and they tried to make it like the previous Thief games unlike this one.
- Fixed an issue where, for some users, controller right stick would not turn the camera and controller hints would not appear.
- Fixed an issue where, for some users, the keyboard mapping menu would immediately map a key and then hang.
- Fixed an issue with the fog when SSAA was enabled that was introduced in v1.1.
- Fixed a crash when the user had 99 saves and tried to access the save menu in game.
- Added an option to the launcher configuration dialog to run the 32-bit version on a 64-bit machine. The 32-bit version has several features disabled causing it to use less memory, providing a smoother experience for users with lower spec machines. The checkbox for this option can be found in the display tab of the launcher options dialogue.
- Update: Deploy additional DLLs with the game to avoid issues with corrupt DLLs on user machines, which could cause the game to not start at all.
- Update: Moved Lockpick and Frame Search helper to the HUD menu and will now also affect mouse/keyboard.
WARNING: Disabling Frame Search helper while playing with mouse/keyboard could make it very hard, if not impossible, to find the button.
- Various performance improvements.
- Various crash fixes.
I dunno about that; I'm on course to hit 25-30 hours played by the's a perfect weekend rental.
Well, I'll probably get bored after ten hours so it works.I dunno about that; I'm on course to hit 25-30 hours played by the end.
Wow this thread is moving fast!!
Thief has opened my eyes to how good games can go horribly wrong. wtf happened between dues ex and this game lol? What did ppl have to do to make them relies they are doing all the wrong things.