Yeah, my dad was very anti-videogame. However, I was fortunate to get NES when i was like 7 or 8. Back then, I was a very timid and excitable kid.
I remember playing Super Mario Bros back then and made it to 1-4 (bowsers castle) for the first time and got very excited/nervous. Videogames up to that point were basically Donkey Kong/Space Invaders/Pac Man, etc. so the whole concept of a boss level and a fire breathing dragon-guy boss to defeat was about the most intense thing I experienced back then. My dad, seeing my excitement, felt my heartbeat, which was racing, and basically freaked out and immediately took the Nintendo away from me, because that "wasn't healthy".
I eventually got it back in a few weeks, but from then on, gaming was always a very sneaky thing I did as a child, because of all the dumb ways my dad would react to things. I would play very quietly, volume down real low, because I really didn't want to attract his attention in any way that I was playing games and get some dumb reaction. If I bought games (even when I was a young adult prior to moving out), I always snuck them in to avoid a "comment" being made. I snuck in new consoles as I got older (he got pissed when he first saw I had GameCube, LOL) and with absolute disgust in his voice, was like "You're 23, aren't you EVER going to outgrow that garbage?" I'm 44 now, and the answer is nope, lol.