I missed 2 kicks on a grunt and then he kicked me to deathI was killed by a Grunt and a Spectre yesterday =(
you know looking back i kind of enjoyed the 50 gooser challenge really taught me about pilot ejects and my aim but this 100 wins crap is awful at Gen8. It takes so long i've had all my other G8 challenges finished and lvl50 after 40 games.
16-17 hours of wins lmao.
I agree with the gooser as well. It wasn't the longest and I learnt a lot because of it.
I think if a player can't learn to get at least 2 Gooser a game looking for it, then don't let them regen. Making players like that regen without learning causes the Gen 8/9 issue, where people keep quitting if they are not winning/mvp.
did you get it organically just playing the game or did you move to last titan standing and wait for pilot ejections? I was trying not to play last titan standing for gooser kills but I'm not getting many in attriction or hard point. Im also kind of enjoying being stuck at 5th generation this is the first challenge I didn't have done when I hit 50. I'm getting to use the CAR SMG more now that I'm not regenerating or grinding weapon challenges..
I did it in pilot hunter. Because those kills actually help the team tremendously. People want to stay alive as much as possible so they eject, etc etc.
Fortunately, they addressed gooser and I never have to hear about it again lol! 100 wins is cake walk compared to situational bullshit. Can't wait for that patch to come.
Fortunately, they addressed gooser and I never have to hear about it again lol! 100 wins is cake walk compared to situational bullshit. Can't wait for that patch to come.
I remember looking at the challenge, then looking at my stats. I went, I have to win 1/4 of the games I've played thus far.
Surprisingly, my roomie and I won ~90% of the matches we played while I was gen 8. It took me a weekend, but it got done without any real pain at all. Variety pack'd it up. Surely It was the highest win percentage I had for a period yet. It rose my overall win percentage up by like 5 or 6%
Wait until you are actually gen 8 then lol.
I actually loved the gooser challenge the better I got at it.
I am Level 3. I have the CQB unlocked, but every time I select it, it puts me back to Rifleman.
Whenever I play with Izuna, we never lose a game. In fact it's so unfair that I browse the internet while playing sometimes lol.
I can shoot any ejecting pilot out of the sky if I needed to. The problem arose from the situational luck required. Some would cloak, some wouldn't eject, some jumped out normally. And I didn't want to play LTS. Also, didn't want to completely change my playstyle to just sit back and wait. It sucked.
No server found on PC UK?
Xbox live is down (Xbox comute according to Titanfall/Respawn) cant sign into Xbox Live :/
Xbox live is down (Xbox comute according to Titanfall/Respawn) cant sign into Xbox Live :/
Servers went down literally seconds after I reached level 50 for the first time. Good time to call it a night!
I am Level 3. I have the CQB unlocked, but every time I select it, it puts me back to Rifleman.
dude. So good. I'm loving Cluster Missile, definitely my favorite ordinance.Had a lot of fun this week playing. I rarely get to play, lucky to get in 4-6 hours a week, so the game doesn't get tired at all with me.
Punched a few guys...
One of my favorite moments...literally seconds later...I had a pilot shooting at me from a walkway above and he decided to duck into a room when I shot at him.
Ended up winning the match for my team by making a direct hit, right through the doorway, with a cluster missile! Who says controller gameplay isn't accurate? LOL
Hey Wheelhoss, this must be the first time we meet again in a gaming thread since Animal Crossing![]()
did you get it organically just playing the game or did you move to last titan standing and wait for pilot ejections? I was trying not to play last titan standing for gooser kills but I'm not getting many in attriction or hard point. Im also kind of enjoying being stuck at 5th generation this is the first challenge I didn't have done when I hit 50. I'm getting to use the CAR SMG more now that I'm not regenerating or grinding weapon challenges..
What's up!!! Added you. Hope we get to play, bro.
What Titan weapon do you use? I'm a few regens away from having to worry about that challenge, but I've only been successful with the chain gun and only have three so far.
How much have some people played this game? I feel like I've put in quite a bit if time and I'm only 80% of the way through gen 3. I know the xp increases through the gens, but damn that is a lot if playtime.
dude. So good. I'm loving Cluster Missile, definitely my favorite ordinance.
Can't wait to play tonight after dinner...
Honestly though, 50 Gooser and 100 Wins suffer from the problem of taking so long it feels like a countdown rather than a challenge. 100 wins was the worst, because I would type in a calculator how long it would take.
Did they fuck up match making? 8 gen players should not be all on one team vs guys who haven't hit their first regen.
The system may be intended to result in same number of wins and losses, but currently I'm not getting into any games at all. It might be the particular server here in Australia and South East Asia, but its almost like the community stopped playing overnight. I'm on XB1, and am stuck in a loop of trying to find team mates, or opposing team, or just getting booted from the server/connection back to main menu. it sucks.
Yeah, what little I've played of the game I've been hounded by this, which is probably why I haven't played it more, honestly. It's like I've put 2 hours into the game and still haven't won a single match because I've been tagged up with other lvl 1-10s or lvl 20s matched up against lvl 40-50s =\
Few things frustrate me as much as being forced to hop out of my Titan and engage the enemy pilot 1 on 1, when a bunch of teammates are right around me.The best feeling is a fellow titan punches a pilot who's rodeoing you without any communication. Helps me remember there truly is goodness in the world.
I find the XO-16 with Accelerator to do fine work.If quad rockets and a stryder didn't kick so much ass I'd have this damn gooser challenge completed. I can't 1v1 a Titan nearly as well with any other weapon.
100 wins is much worse than Gooser.