Wait, what?
Can anyone else confirm this? I thought it had 4 player co-op campaign online?
It has a separate arcade mode which is side scrolling.
Wait, what?
Can anyone else confirm this? I thought it had 4 player co-op campaign online?
Wait, what?
Can anyone else confirm this? I thought it had 4 player co-op campaign online?
It has a separate arcade mode which is side scrolling.
4player online/ 2p offline campaign...the offline and online players cannot be mixed
4player offline only arcade mode
Ok so I can play the main campaign with 3 friends online?
I thought there was a separate "Arcade mode' that you play with friends online? Can you play the story campaign with friends?
For everyone who's asking what time the game comes out:
The game is coming out on 8/28 for Xbox 360 and PC via Steam. We don't know the exact launch time, since Microsoft and Valve get to choose when they upload content to their stores (Microsoft owns XBLA, Valve owns Steam). This timing depends on a number of factors. For instance: at the time of this posting, it is 8/28 in some timezones, but it is not yet 8/28 everywhere.
However, you can bet that once it's available for you to download, we'll be posting about it here on Facebook.
The PS3 launch is still set for 9/24 in North America and 9/25 worldwide. We'll have more news on that as it approaches.
We're almost there. TURTLE POWER!
So..has anyone actually played this?
Playing it right now. It's trying my patience.
This is coming from probably the biggest TMNT fan on the board. I'd get it no matter what, but I never put much faith into this.
Voice acting is trash.
Artwork looks like MS Paint.
Graphics are terrible.
I've fallen through the level a half dozen times.
The camera loves giving me a giant black screen.
Gameplay is wonky.
Playing it right now. It's trying my patience.
This is coming from probably the biggest TMNT fan on the board. I'd get it no matter what, but I never put much faith into this.
Voice acting is trash.
Artwork looks like MS Paint.
Graphics are terrible.
I've fallen through the level a half dozen times.
The camera loves giving me a giant black screen.
Gameplay is wonky.
BONUS Original Red Bandana Code! Enter this code to unlock all four red bandanas from the original TMNT comic books! ALT+yabbayabba
Everything you said here is incorrect. This is based directly off the Nickelodeon series.
I'm confused. Aren't there two TMNT beat'em up's due out this year? This one, with the nightmare fuel turtle heads, and the OTHER one, drawing directly from the Nickelodeon cartoon, art style and all, including Donny's teeth?
This one is the weird gritty human one.
The other one is the cartoony, bright, animated one.
Are you having any fun with it at all?
The gameplay video they showed looked like it had pretty decent combat and platforming.
Does anyone know if the Steam version also has local coop? Want to play this with my son.
The steam page list Local Co-op.
the lack of the amazing cutscene pic in the OT is highly disappointing.
I am shocked the VA is so bad. Could they not get the VAs for the turtles from the new series?
Reviewers are downloading their copies on Steam right now with the rest of the poor saps who got suckered out of $15, probably.Where are the reviews for this?
Eh. Not really. Online is far too buggy at the moment. It's just a bunch of turtles popping up from purple pixie dust the entire time and dropping through levels.
Why are Leo's eyes glowing? The rest of them have actual eyeballs.
Oh, if only ]:
Who ever is developing this game... how hard can it be to change the turtle designs?, ever since the first images of this game appeared, the discontent with the way they look has been pretty much unanimous... and yet you just shut your ears and pay no heed?... smh. (not buying this game unless there's a way FROM THE VERY START to change the way they look)