Seeing a few people that were having trouble logging on, now getting in.Hey guys,
If you're experiencing an issue with Underground, please reply with a clear description.
DLC NOT OWNED: Fixed, just restart your client
DELTA ERROR 20001082: Under investigation
STUCK IN WAITING QUEUE: Under investigation
MAP NOT OPENING: Under investigation
What makes you think that the PS4 won't have any of the bugs?Underground dlc is on a different server that the base game, so these issues will persist till they are fixed.
Thanks for beta testing all these bugs xboners and pc players![]()
You know I agree with you, but with the developer that we are dealing with.....These are major issues and you would expect them to fix these asap, so hoping that the ps4 update comes out with the fixes next week.
Fucking knew there was a catch with the whole div tech conversion thing. No way they keep the drop rate the way it was.
XP is pretty useful right now, since ranking up Underground rewards you a sealed cache which can drop 229/268 gear.Watching some streams and it seems that:
Underground can drop all gear sets except the dz ones like nomad and final measure.
Chests on HM underground have a small chance of dropping 229/268 gear.
Directives DO NOT give you better rewards, just more underground xp.
XP is pretty useful right now, since ranking up Underground rewards you a sealed cache which can drop 229/268 gear.
Is anyone surprised at this point?I know, just goes against what the devs kept on saying about having more directives to get better drops. SMH.
Typical fresh update BS. I hate it too but I've come to expect it. Can log onto my lower level alts but just Connecting for my 30. Gonna try later. On X1.What a clusterfuck, can only log-in with my alt and then it tells me I do not own the the DLC (bought Gold Edition w/Season Pass).
What a clusterfuck, can only log-in with my alt and then it tells me I do not own the the DLC (bought Gold Edition w/Season Pass).
I know, just goes against what the devs kept on saying about having more directives to get better drops. SMH.
Did they actually say that?
So what's the word on the new DLC? Worth the buy?
So what's the word on the new DLC? Worth the buy?
only like a million times
The Reddit Patch 1.3 Megathread is on fire with bad connection issues... hope it,s fixed when I come back home after work...![]()
Finally got it all sorted, played an Operation, rewarded with a 229 First Wave Pistol (modded out - 150K DPS w/ 27 round mag).
Its in your character's inventory. You open it directly from there.Update looks amazing. Except the whole part of my character losing 53k DPS due to the nerfs to sentry/striker and SMGs and AUG/Vector in particular. Eesh.
QUESTION: where do I go to collect my underground sealed cache? Leveled up to 2 and said I earned one, but, uh, now I don't know where it is. Thanks!
QUESTION: where do I go to collect my underground sealed cache? Leveled up to 2 and said I earned one, but, uh, now I don't know where it is. Thanks!
This may have been answered multiple times already but I searched and couldn't find an answer. Since I'm playing on PC while my friends are on PS4 I am curious as to whether or not you can matchmake for underground?
Thanks in advance.
Thank you!Its in your character's inventory. You open it directly from there. characters I have that are saved to Pennsylvania Plaza ( BoO) will connect, others that are at normal safe houses wont log in (DELTA)
My alt that was at a the Boo is now saved at the safe house near the new mission. Switched to an alt that was in a normal map safe house, DELTA. Switched to another alt saved at the Boo. Logs in (Did the first new mission). Logged out. Went back to the alt that I had moved from the BoO to the safe house near the new mission and..... DELTA
There is a separate inventory called MISC, it should have them.
Yes, all activities in the game have matchmaking.
I remember that they always used the term 'rewards' and not loot and this is probably why. The directives should give you better loot though.
Seems to be working now, I just got in.[Maintenance] In roughly 20 min to fix Delta errors, infinite loading, and Underground mission launch issues.
Est. down time - 15 min.
Massive are massive trolls with the inclusion of the even longer walking transition from the BoO to the Underground BoO. Holy shit lol
Underground is PVE.