Was bummed when my character lost 53k DPS with the nerfs. Played one underground mission, leveled up, opened my sealed cache and got a weapon with 70k more DPS than my nerfed AUG. So, I guess we're cool...
Well at least you can fast travel directly to the terminal or underground section after initially discovering it.
Ah thanks for that tip, I had just entered and now the server went out for maintenance.
I think I might be going crazy but I lost 49k DPS on my MP5, I have only 140 when I remember having 199 last friday (last time I logged in) I need to go read the path notes lol
Let me guess 3 striker, 2 sentry?
Those got nerfed to oblivion. Put them in the stash or trash where they belong now.
Which difficulty level? a link? I wanna see some stream too![]()
That was from the first Operation you do which is on Normal. Doesn't really matter though as the good loot comes from Rank-up Caches anyways. The higher the difficulty the more Underground XP you earn but keep in mind the longer the mission will be because of increased difficulty as well.
I played w/ randoms and was able to complete CM Operations but the sweet spot was clearly HM w/ Directives but that could change w/ better gear and whatnot down the road. CM w/ level 34 enemies is no joke.
Nice, I'm liking the positive reviews so far. Might as well check it out once it hits on the ps4, I'm stuck with the season pass anyways. lolQuite enjoying the underground missions.
Got 2 pieces of firecrest and an SVD rifle so far
Begin with a BANG:
Access the Tactical Operations Center.
Objectively Experienced:
Complete each of the 6 different mission objectives in the underground.
The Beast Below:
Reach Underground Rank 40.
Tier One:
In a group of 4 finish an Operation on Challenge with 5 directives enabled.
Gone Spelunking:
Retrieve all 55 Audio Logs and 25 UrbEx Diaries the Underground.
Underground has new trophies/achievements. Those bums at bungle couldn't even give us that in the first 2 expansions lol
Don't have season pass. Is UG worth getting?
In the trailer for this new update ubi shows free costumes for splinter cell,rainbow six and other one.I check in the ubisoft club in the xbox one and i only see the splinter cell and ghost recon costumes are locked until 5th of july.Where is the rainbow six costume?
Pretty sure you have to play RS Siege to get the RS costume.
Don't have season pass. Is UG worth getting?
Very curious myself
They'll be available next week Tuesday on all platforms.In the trailer for this new update ubi shows free costumes for splinter cell,rainbow six and other one.I check in the ubisoft club in the xbox one and i only see the splinter cell and ghost recon costumes are locked until 5th of july.Where is the rainbow six costume?
Hello division GAF. I played the shit out of this game when it came out. 80 hours in a couple weeks. I played a bunch of challenge modes, and I've seen all of the dark zone.... But I never did any farming or raids or anything, and I currently at like 175 gear score.... Is this expansion for me?
I kind of feel like this DLC deserves a new thread in the general gaming forum, precedent has been set, the only problem is that only 30% of the population has access to the content :/
70% are playing on PS4? What's next on tales from my ass?
Btw there is a thread.
30% have the season pass?
Good luck with that no scope. M1A blooms like crazy from the hip now.
i like his idea of the reclaimer build! i think that'll be the new tactician build
70% are playing on PS4? What's next on tales from my ass?
Btw there is a thread.
Some things to note:
Even though Underground can drop all except the DZ gear sets, it seems it's heavily weighted towards Firecrest and Blind gear sets
Falcon Lost has been tweaked and the APC not hits you even in the pit.
Nobody scopes with marksman rifles bruh.
Yup, it seems like a much stronger support class than tactician. I have some interesting combos in mind to try out once the dlc comes out on PS4 (and I end up buying it ofc)![]()
Don't have season pass. Is UG worth getting?
And unlike HVTs it scales if you play solo, and it has matchmaking.
I've not got the chance to play (PS4) but it seems that the update seem to be more good news than bad news for a change beyond the connectivity issues. Is this the general consensus?
I haven't followed the update news (PS4 user) too closely but I am assuming these new missions have hard and challenging modes, if that's the case do both difficulty levels scale?
Hard story missions scale according to number of players.
Challenging and Heroic missions do not scale.
Incursions do not scale.
Underground operations (any difficulty) scale according to number of players.
There are 4 difficulty modes, like normal missions. I haven't tried Challenge and Heroic, but Normal and Hard seem to scale. But I wouldn't be surprised if Challenge and Heroic didn't scale, since normal missions don't scale on these difficulties.
Where can I find weapon kits? I don't want to craft them because I don't have much Phoenix Credits and it's expensive.
They drop from named enemies and UG chests (the ones you can find during the leve), I even got one from trash elites in a heroic story mission. I hit rank 11 and I think I had 5 of them though, so they aren't very common.