Anyone on in a hour or so to do some dz farm or heroic missions? Didn't realise there was more than 1 boss in any of the missions, only ran Lexington.
Yeah we got the usual boss and a couple named big pisser Cleaners. The Cleaners didnt drop any loot tho, which was kinda weird.Preparing you for the new Incursion
Multiple bosses though?
I can't even launch the 2 new story missions on any difficulty, the gates refuse to open..
I can't even launch the 2 new story missions on any difficulty, the gates refuse to open..
1-High GS Dark Zone 05-06 boss drops and supply drops are guaranteed 229/268 or named weapons.Wait, what? Where do you get 268 gear then?
not making the same mistakes as the last update where i deconstructed everything from my previous build. ill shelve my current build and go for dps/skill build this time around (still tactician) and if i dont like it ill switch back but give up a bit of toughness for DPS. my alt will most definitely run a reclaimer set with 2 final measures. i think 430k toughness (95-100k max health) should be enoughToughness doesn't matter. Focus on DPS and skill and have someone with a maxed Smart Cover to kill things quickly. A 35 shotgun mob will kill you if you are not careful and it doesn't matter if he needs 2 or 3 shots. I'm running with 180k toughness tactician with maxed smart and it is fine.
just got a svd paratrooper with coolheaded and fierce. fierce pretty much makes the svd's innate talent, decisive, pretty obsolete. its a 204 weapon so hopefully by the time i'm geared up in all 268 items i will meet all stats requirements.
i'm tryna think of a good sniper talent to roll instead of decisive, the svd is pretty accurate already, the reticle is consistently tight, so accurate or balanced aren't a must. i don't know what to roll there
I'd say just make another character and leave it at lvl 14.Wow. This game got it's hooks into me. Let me ask a question about TDZ. I'm level 14 and I seem to be stuck in a (FUN!) loop at that 1-14 bracket, delving into TDZ and roaming. Amazingly fun. How long to people linger there before going back to leveling? Does it get more fun @ end game?
Very impressed with this mode. The risk vs. reward is insanely fun.
Toughness doesn't matter. Focus on DPS and skill and have someone with a maxed Smart Cover to kill things quickly. A 35 shotgun mob will kill you if you are not careful and it doesn't matter if he needs 2 or 3 shots. I'm running with 180k toughness tactician with maxed smart and it is fine.
Good for marking with sentry since the reticle barely moves and there's no recoil.Nothing cause the damage on is ass compared to an M1. Put it in the trash where it belongs.
You think a few things are broken in the game, you'd be surprised by how many actually are:
Massive Please Fix....
Still no 229 G36 drops for me
LMG's for days though![]()
Soooo, new patch is out......What broke?
For me, the Map. The game is now unplayable.
While I have Alpha bridge gloves with no main stat...
...someone has TWO main stats!!!
This game.... is the list of changes to be implemented with the July 7th maintenance:
Fixed a bug where the Pulse Skill would not always scan all the enemies in the affected radius.
Fixed a bug in Underground where bosses could spawn on top of trains and buses, making their loot drops inaccessible
As who hasn't played since the incursion patch hit...what is it that I'm supposed to do to get gear now that doesn't take an organized team? I'm at 182 gear score and I've done a couple of challenges, but aside from two garbage set pieces (with no stats) all I've gotten is 182 gear at best.
What are the things I can do now?
As who hasn't played since the incursion patch hit...what is it that I'm supposed to do to get gear now that doesn't take an organized team? I'm at 182 gear score and I've done a couple of challenges, but aside from two garbage set pieces (with no stats) all I've gotten is 182 gear at best.
What are the things I can do now?
1-High GS Dark Zone 05-06 boss drops and supply drops are guaranteed 229/268 or named weapons.
2-level up caches in the underground are guaranteed 229/268 oncw you hit a certain GS.
3-Heroic incursions and heroic underground missions as well.
Some other activities have a chance to drop these as well, but the above three are your best sources. DZ05-06 is a great entry point if you matchmake...folks mostly know the best routes for farming at this point and it's pretty easy to be extracting 9 229/268s at a time.
I'm 249 is that high enough? Does it matter what difficulty I'm in?
Fixed a bug where the Moon was upside down
heroic missions drop 204 weapons and they are not that hard to do. level 33 enemies and i run one (for phoenix credits) through matchmaking with a guy that had a gear score similar to yours, admittedly the rest of us were upwards of 230 gear score. but they are easy nonetheless and you should be able to complete them through matchmaking. that's for weapons, for gear i think you'd have to run high value targets, but i don't know much about it and its rewards because i've never done them
Those are 200 GS recommended, isn't there anything that's at my level in order to progress? I went to the DZ for a bit but everything was 163 at best. I've tried to matchmake Falcon Lost but the groups always break up before the end. Weekly HVT only appear to award gloves and require a group.
I don't know what to do to get better gear at my level.
haha took my toughness down to 410k last night running with cuco trying to see what a dps build will look like, shit was hilarious! not doing that again. i rarely play solo so dps can take a back sit, getting my toughness to 800k/ skill power 40k with the replacement of my current 240 TA gear to 268 pieces. Current build till I find 268 replacements, don't know why my skill is that low it's currently at 28k...dps 110k