Don't want tyonquote the whole thing but you have about 200 excess armor there.
You sure you don't have extra mods with armor in them?
Roll that amor off the backpack to get skill power on it then and put armor on a mod to make up for the lost armor.
Don't want tyonquote the whole thing but you have about 200 excess armor there.
You sure you don't have extra mods with armor in them?
main stat of the backpack is skill power everything else is stamina....are you saying to roll off armor (the extra armor) and add +skill power? ill try that since its still a 240, atleast i've established the armor cap, just need to find the right gear pieces
Yes. Both mask and backpack should have additional skill power as their major attribute on them. That goes for every build. It's an easy and free way to get skill power without sacrificing anything else.
Lol I was running with 368k last night and felt like the lvl 35 snipers were dropping me with one shot.120k toughness for life.
Armor cap is at 5358How do you determine when you have excess armor? Or excess anything for that matter?
Lol I was running with 368k last night and felt like the lvl 35 snipers were dropping me with one shot.
268 sentry and tactician's are hard to come by in the DZ. i might have to try heroic falcon lost. ugh
You are supposed to play this like a cover shooter now for real. You will never see me outside a maxed out Smart Cover. 120k toughness ain't so bad with 75% damage reduction from Smart Cover. I'd rather kill things quickly.
Armor cap is at 5358
Eh if you have a competent team that does in on the left it takes like 20 minutes for a run. Just don't do it from the fucking pit.
268 sentry and tactician's are hard to come by in the DZ. i might have to try heroic falcon lost. ugh
i already got 4 piece sentry 268 (bp, chest, mask, holster), you have to farm the supply drops. concentrate on the ones that drop in DZ6 and 5...the lower dz drops has a chance of 268 but i always get a 229 item.
we tend to sit in a checkpoint and wait for the drop and keep server transferring after that for a chance to collect more. havent played any of the incursions since the update, tried heroic on FL and wiped on the last wave! not doing that shit again
120k toughness for life.
The DZ drop nerf is real. Green sealed caches are much rarer now, yellow drops are turning into HE armor more frequently than weapons![]()
just wait for supply drops then keep transferring servers lol
Does Cadecus drop >182?
high skill power is the forbidden fruit in this game, once you taste it you can go back to firearms+stamina combo. now you're sitting at home looking at your character and regretting all the choices you made before.
high skill power is the forbidden fruit in this game, once you taste it you can go back to firearms+stamina combo. now you're sitting at home looking at your character and regretting all the choices you made before.
Smart cover and pulse at max and always on.But what does it change outside of a stronger sticky bomb?
Smart cover and pulse at max and always on.
Basically it gives you a huge toughness and DPs boost as long as you can keep the tactician bonus on.
I tried the heroic Hudson camp mission. Even with max smart cover and 2pc final measure the rc cars still melt you. The added bosses at the end and infinite respawning rushed made it harder to solo but its doable.
But what does it change outside of a stronger sticky bomb?
Not crazy since there are people with 600k+ Toughness out there.
Might as well use nomad and hunters alt build without 4 tactician is 640k toughness, can get to 700k with lone star sets![]()
Might as well use nomad and hunters faith.
I wish this game had a class system instead of this fuckery that we got now.
I tried joining you a few times, but it kept saying your group was full. Then again, I would've been melted in DZ6 easily.10 hours of DZ today.
Everything was lone star, hunters and nomads. Even supply drops. Got 1 usable gun.![]()
Still no G36 drop for me, what have I done to deserve this
I think they are a myth lol
Still no G36 drop for me, what have I done to deserve this
I think they are a myth lol
Damn @DeathJr that build is boss.![]()
It follows the drop pattern
Normal - 131
Hard - 163
Challenge - 182
Heroic - 204
Also the NPCs are only 33 unlike 35 for the heroic incursions.
Skill Power scaling because of TA 4 piece (shooting range)? Base without it should be around 25-30k judging by the electronics.
Similar numbers when the talent is fully active
Where can I get Stamina mods with Skill Power? I got new gloves last night, and they boost my Toughness, but lower my Skill Power a few thousand. I bought the blueprints from the Base of Operations vendor, but I can't seem to roll SP.