Yeah they had to reset all AB gloves to make the change retroactive.
Also since they are still bugged this will happen again.
Yeah they had to reset all AB gloves to make the change retroactive.
Yeah they had to reset all AB gloves to make the change retroactive.
Also since they are still bugged this will happen again.
Really? I checked my no-stat AB gloves after the patch and they had been fixed.
238k to 203k DPS here (but when I use a skill I go up 14%, meaning my DPS after a skill os what it used to be bedore using a skill). Still fine in a solid group of 4. Still awful when going up against enemies with a smaller group or are in a panic sumituation where the only option is to melt an enemy before they melt you.,.11.8 base DMG to 10.1, 290 DPS to 240 DPS, yikes, I'll live, but damn...
Scared to look at my alt Reclaimer build I was working on. The Reclaimer set is just absurd to be honest. It's like having four Gjallerhorns.
Geez I hope so, such a massive dick move- make gold tech valuable then nerf the drops. Not my fault there was nothing to use gold dt on prior to 1.3 so I'd been maxed for some time. Now? Stamina/Firearm mods for days 😊Looks like they nerfed the Blue Div tech from dropping in DZ05 & 06. Dammit, Massive! /s
Seeing as it's mostly a PVE game I don't see why they keep scrambling desperately to nerf things. Should just buff everything a little.
Especially considering the ever expanding enemy health pools as you go up in content.
238k to 203k DPS here (but when I use a skill I go up 14%, meaning my DPS after a skill os what it used to be bedore using a skill). Still fine in a solid group of 4. Still awful when going up against enemies with a smaller group or are in a panic sumituation where the only option is to melt an enemy before they melt you.,.
Yeah, played DZ all morning with it and still seems to be a viable gun compared to the others...still seems underpowered compared to a 1 on 1 NPC fight. Heh. Sounds like Massive are looking to change that, though!Mine went from 253k to 215k. Still shreds and still one of the better weapons in my arsenal.
Kill yourself with frag grenades.
Is balanced useless on an assault rifle?
Finally managed to get my EDR up to 85%, now I can go after the heavies in DZ06. Too bad my DPS is 144k for both my primary and my secondary though.
Try rerolling the main stat and see what happens.
Is balanced useless on an assault rifle?
Stealth g36 nerfs lol
No nerfs only buffs lol
More clear patch notes lol
got this beauty today:
i was thinking about recalibrating determined to fierce to give me that pvp edge, but seeing as i'm gonna switch to savage gloves soon, i think i'll just stop running smart cover and switch to pulse and leave the weapon as is, that way i still get near max crit hit chance and keep determined because its quite useful for pve
Game was nearly unplayable for me and my pals today. Delta errors and lag galore. They just gave up. I decided to stay on a bit more and it improved overtime, but it was still nowhere near decent.Wtf is going on with this game? They're just leaving it to die?
I like the world and the setting, but I've given up. Totally bored of using 3 clips and a medkit while 80% behind cover to kill 1 NPC.
Massive have successfully sucked all fun of the game.
^Sad to hear Gore, will you be back for the dlc?
Its not bugged. Been tested.Anyone else using a reckless chest piece? Is it bugged again?
Under my survivability stats>all damage resistance instead of -10% as it should be, it's .0%.
Wonder if this is reflected in game and i'm getting the damage boost without getting the additional incoming or it's just UI related.
Its not bugged. Been tested.
So, if I don't have Xbox gold, is this game worth it? I know that you won't be able to play with friends, but I just want to wander around this abandoned snowy NYC.
So, if I don't have Xbox gold, is this game worth it? I know that you won't be able to play with friends, but I just want to wander around this abandoned snowy NYC.
Server maintenance tomorrow July 14th - 09:00 AM CEST / 03:00 AM EDT / 00:00 AM PDT. Estimated downtime is approximately 3 hours.
Added kill volumes to the Dragon's Nest Incursion
Increased Player versus Player damage modifier for all weapons by 20%.
Edit - Shotgun + sentry is going to wreck in PvP even more now. Damn
Where are the xp events that were supposed to be a part of the season pass?