If you can catch it on sale, then yes. I believe it was on sale yesterday at Amazon. The single-player, "story" part is done VERY well. The look of New York is captured in high detail, the cinematics are cool, very good game. Most of the gripes you read are about everything related to the end game. I remember just walking around the world when looking for collectables seeing things I never saw before, or having encounters with bosses roaming around that were awesome. The game shifts completely to something else in the endgame.
I've had pretty good luck with random matchmaking on X1 (first on hard, then challenging and lately, heroic runs have been going well too). Usually, when we group up, first we ask if everyone has a mic, then ask if they've done it before on that difficulty, decide who the bomb runner is and re-adjust abilities/talents. A little prep goes a long way.I got kicked from 2 groups while trying to matchmake into Falcon Lost last night. I can get my GS up to 230, but it would give up my Tactician 4-piece boost, so I stick to 213. That's actually why I was trying to grind FL, so that I can start replacing the older stuff.
When I finally got into a group, it was pretty rough. One of the dudes was butter. He went down about 15 times, and he was always in the middle of nowhere - apart from the group. At the last wave, everyone died because we were trying to revive him.
It was horrible.
Server maintenance tomorrow July 14th - 09:00 AM CEST / 03:00 AM EDT / 00:00 AM PDT. Estimated downtime is approximately 3 hours.
Added kill volumes to the Dragon's Nest Incursion
Increased Player versus Player damage modifier for all weapons by 20%.
Edit - Shotgun + sentry is going to wreck in PvP even more now. Damn
I've had pretty good luck with random matchmaking on X1 (first on hard, then challenging and lately, heroic runs have been going well too). Usually, when we group up, first we ask if everyone has a mic, then ask if they've done it before on that difficulty, decide who the bomb runner is and re-adjust abilities/talents. A little prep goes a long way.
So its confirmed that the g36 got other nerfs apart from the 15% damage Nerf.
So that's why my G36 is basically uncontrollable now.
Massive fucking sucks. I don't know if I have ever seen a game beta and launch so amazing and then turn into complete dog shit. Developers usually at least wait for the sequel to fuck things up.
So that's why my G36 is basically uncontrollable now.
Massive fucking sucks. I don't know if I have ever seen a game beta and launch so amazing and then turn into complete dog shit. Developers usually at least wait for the sequel to fuck things up.
whats the bullet per damage on that?
I have a 229 Aug with responsive/brutal/fierce and 26% crit hit damage
havent tried a proper build for it since the firearms reuqirement is so high.
Increased Player versus Player damage modifier for all weapons by 20%.
Edit - Shotgun + sentry is going to wreck in PvP even more now. Damn
That's really dumb. It won't do anything to tankticians running in a group, but simply make it harder for non tanks and weaker players who will just die that much faster. Again, a massive oversight of deploying changes without any practical testing![]()
This just means we can run around in our 4 man less afraid of random rogues with our buildsThat's really dumb. It won't do anything to tankticians running in a group, but simply make it harder for non tanks and weaker players who will just die that much faster. Again, a massive oversight of deploying changes without any practical testing![]()
So now everyone will be tankticians, apparently.
1.1 DZ was the best time I ever had fighting other agents. Hope it can capture some of that magic again.No now we will be back to that 1.1 meta where everyone dies in half a second with no time to react.
With the right talents and a lucky crit headshot you can already easily one pump people with the M870. It's going to be ridiculous when that happens more often
1.1 DZ was the best time I ever had fighting other agents. Hope it can capture some of that magic again.
1.1 DZ was the best time I ever had fighting other agents. Hope it can capture some of that magic again.
Question: Do I need to have all side missions and encounters to be able to have rotating Critical SnD's? I completed one I had on the map, but I dont see any other ones now.
Broken Reckless and all was better than the garbo we have today.1.1 in 2016 LUL
Thanks. Working on my alt, and I just realized I had another safe house I hadn't unlocked. Thay should do the trick then.I cleared the map a while ago and whenever I complete 1 critical SnD safe house another random safe house will have critical SnD so think your answer is yes you need to clear the map for more critical SnD's to appear. I did 4 criticals on the bounce earlier ready for the reset.
Damn this game. Finally get a night to play and I keep getting booted.
Thanks. Working on my alt, and I just realized I had another safe house I hadn't unlocked. Thay should do the trick then.
Definitely should do, think the encounters and side missions will need to be complete and you'll be good for crit SnD's rotating.
Had a good few hours in the DZ with loot, supply drops and fighting off some rogues as well as being rogue afew times.
Want to say a huge thankyou to burrito and ruthles for the sentry gloves and chest piece. 2 items that haven't dropped for me since my original 191's and they very kindly gave me their 268's from the DZ)
Some of the attributes don't quite meet my build but it's improved it greatly. It's a shame only 1 attribute can be recalibrated as the gloves have pistol/smg dmg and were electronics when I needed stamina and use an assault rifle but I can look out for a decent Mp7 now having rolled them to stamina.
After recalibration, knocking some rolled armour off other items due to almost running 6000 armour without any mods I'm more than satisfied with my setup. 4 sentry, 2 FM, All weapon talents active: 220k dps/3k firearms, 500k toughness/75% armour mitigation and 31k skill. Obviously have the damage boost from 4 piece sentry now too compared to running 3 sentry, 2 FM and savage gloves.
Thanks again guys!
Want to say a huge thankyou to burrito and ruthles for the sentry gloves and chest piece. 2 items that haven't dropped for me since my original 191's and they very kindly gave me their 268's from the DZ)
Thanks again guys!
Nice!! Sooooo Jealous, cant seem to get 268 sentry's to drop. I'm starting to think I may have to sacrifice my Missus as an offering to RNGesus and see if that does the trick.![]()
Nice!! Sooooo Jealous, cant seem to get 268 sentry's to drop. I'm starting to think I may have to sacrifice my Missus as an offering to RNGesus and see if that does the trick.![]()
No worries, whole point of running in a group is to share loot so everyone can gear up how they want. If only the supply drop, chest and weekly rewards could be traded...
Once PS4 gets the dlc and we have access to the reclaimer gear set, it will make farming heroic FL a breeze. That would be a good way to get sentry/striker/tactician drops.
While we wait for maintenance to conclude, here is an one hour podcast of Skillup, Breezy, Marco, Arekkz and Likebutter talking about 1.3 and Underground:
Those who don't have the time to watch, pretty much they're not happy with the state of the game atm and decisions taken by Massive. UG as the first paid dlc falls short of expectations.
Who cares when bodies are about to start dropping like flies with sentry marks + shotties?
Hopefully this encourages people to put a little more distance between each other and use cover more often.
Smart Cover all day every day!Hopefully this encourages people to put a little more distance between each other and use cover more often.
its nearly impossible to kill people from a distance in this game. from tankticians to heals+triage and the fact that you need to be up close to actually kill someone because for some reason massive thinks you should need to unload two clips into someone that's in a downed state to kill them, yet a melee hit is enough to send them to valhalla and yeah...
http://tomclancy-thedivision.ubi.co....aspx?c=tcm:154-259002-16&ct=tcm:148-76770-32With update 1.3, we implemented the first version of the Season Pass events.Twice a month, Season Pass owners will see an exclusive supply chest drop outside of the Dark Zone in the streets of New York. Its location will be indicated on the map, and the chest will be protected by a group of level 32 NPCs. By opening the chest players will receive 3 items of High-End or Gear Set quality adapted to their Gear Score. A new chest will automatically drop and replace the old one on the 1st and 15th of each month, so make sure to claim yours before the next drop!
Update 1.4 will bring more variety to these exclusive drops with random locations, as well as increased frequency.
Once again we want to thank you for your loyalty, commitment and patience; working on The Division and its passionate community is an incredible learning experience for all of us!
Watching StreamerHouse in the DZ. The PvP almost looks like PvP again. 👍 They're testing a 4pc DeadEYE build.
So I think the thing that honestly bothers me most about how this game's loot system works is that it almost requires that you have the gear Challenge and Heroic mode drop in order to do Challenge and Heroic modes.
The other ways to get at that loot are decidedly limited to things like weekly HVTs.
Dark Zone 5-6 are guaranteed 229/268 drops (other than a random named weapon here and there). You can be up there with well under 255 GS and do okay in a good group of four. I spent two hours in there this morning and walked out with 6 268s (2 supply drops, 4 boss drops) and 20+ 229 weapons and gear.So I think the thing that honestly bothers me most about how this game's loot system works is that it almost requires that you have the gear Challenge and Heroic mode drop in order to do Challenge and Heroic modes.
The other ways to get at that loot are decidedly limited to things like weekly HVTs.
So I think the thing that honestly bothers me most about how this game's loot system works is that it almost requires that you have the gear Challenge and Heroic mode drop in order to do Challenge and Heroic modes.
The other ways to get at that loot are decidedly limited to things like weekly HVTs.
Would it really be more fun if you could get one shotted from long distances?
Dark Zone 5-6 are guaranteed 229/268 drops (other than a random named weapon here and there). You can be up there with well under 255 GS and do okay in a good group of four. I spent two hours in there this morning and walked out with 6 268s (2 supply drops, 4 boss drops) and 20+ 229 weapons and gear.