So is the M1A BP removed now?
So is the M1A BP removed now?
Did I miss something with daily missions? Is there no rotation?
Side note: Things are beginning to feel more and more out of my control when it comes to farming gear. DZ has hackers. Enormous damage output disparity in DZ. Getting kicked from challenge mode missions right before the end. Crafting nerf wrecked me as a casual.
Just a bunch of things that are like a bunch of little kicks in the groin.
Bought the Navy MP5N BP, rolled with shit damage
6965 DMG. Better than the vector I had but still. Talents are Meticulous, vicious and unforgiving. Any good?
Also in the crafting screen it says that it has a mag size of 50, mine is only 32?
Bought the Navy MP5N BP, rolled with shit damage
6965 DMG. Better than the vector I had but still. Talents are Meticulous, vicious and unforgiving. Any good?
Also in the crafting screen it says that it has a mag size of 50, mine is only 32?
Bases it on your current main weapons load out i.e. the mag you have on your current vector what it would bump your MP5 up to
Where is this new BP? BoO?
Regarding the mag size, it suggests what mag you would have with your current mag,that is why.
It's funny because every single mission in the game is like this. The only difference is that by putting you into a room, they made it extremely tedious.Can't blame anyone glitching the incursion. Shit is like all the worst parts of the game put into a single room for 45 minutes. Bullet sponge enemies, one shot kills, and grenade spam. It's not super hard and people only wipe because by the time you get to wave 15, they just want to get the fuckin thing over with and end up making mistakes.
Is anyone surprised? lolholy shit that means sentry's 4 set bonus is broken in pvp if that's possible
headshot another agent with pistol for 15% damage buff that applies to everyone in the team, without going rogue.....
Is anyone surprised? lol
The DZ is all about this kind of behaviour, and you can only imagine why some people would rather just avoid it altogether.
Running an M44 with explosive rounds in the DZ is just hilarious
Just to see how it works I went rogue on three guys extracting their stuff and I one hit killed two of them before I managed to get the third one with a one shot kill as well as he ran away
I just waited there for them and let them kill me then, it was just too quick
The DZ is what it is and if some players don't like that, I get it. Problem is there are so many things broken in the game, that even players who like it will eventually just bail out and stop playing (some already have).
Thought you were against the whole griefing and hunting bambi's thing?
Hamish is doing CM incursion on stream.
Well, he's 'trying' to get past the first wave......
oh wait this is hilarious , twitch chat is telling him that the players he's playing with are exploiters and he should drop them....there's a 222 GS guy that's getting destroyed in wave one lmao
The DZ is what it is and if some players don't like that, I get it. Problem is there are so many things broken in the game, that even players who like it will eventually just bail out and stop playing (some already have).
Hahaha, at the gym at the moment so can't watch. Thanks for the update Death.
I just find it funny that the hardcore DZ players are feeling exactly like what PvE players have been feeling since the second week. DZ guys want a place to PVP, PVE guys just want a place to co-op farm. And of course the DZ doesn't satisfy anyone now because, surprise surprise a PVP based entirely on RNG loot drops creates a massive unbalance.
They eventually beat it, the 3 players were 214-222 GS and one even had a video on his stream doing the exploit..
Stream chat is totally toxic today....feel bad for Hamish.
I think that's exactly what they want.It feels like Ubisoft wants people to stop playing this game.
Is the Incursion on hard do-able with 4 x 175-180's? If not, back to the DZ I go![]()
The hunted becomes the hunter. Welcome to the fold.Running an M44 with explosive rounds in the DZ is just hilarious
Just to see how it works I went rogue on three guys extracting their stuff and I one hit killed two of them before I managed to get the third one with a one shot kill as well as he ran away
I just waited there for them and let them kill me then, it was just too quick
I find it funny that they were proud of the fact that players were spending twice as much time in the DZ when it was basically because there was nothing to do in the game. They funneled more people there by removing the penalties, but they also made it a potentially more toxic place because there's no reason not to go rogue if you were planning on being an asshole anyway.Yup, with supply drops and general drop rates in the DZ being super underwhelming, I'm not sure what the future holds for the DZ. I still like it for what it is but some fundamental things need to change asap for this mode to remain interesting..
Is the Incursion on hard do-able with 4 x 175-180's? If not, back to the DZ I go![]()
GS does not matter that much, the recommended GS is 130 for hard btw.
Team work, skill balance and communication is way more important that good gear and higher GS.
The hunted becomes the hunter. Welcome to the fold.
They eventually beat it, the 3 players were 214-222 GS and one even had a video on his stream doing the exploit..
Stream chat is totally toxic today....feel bad for Hamish.
Yup, with supply drops and general drop rates in the DZ being super underwhelming, I'm not sure what the future holds for the DZ. I still like it for what it is but some fundamental things need to change asap for this mode to remain interesting..
I find it funny that they were proud of the fact that players were spending twice as much time in the DZ when it was basically because there was nothing to do in the game. They funneled more people there by removing the penalties, but they also made it a potentially more toxic place because there's no reason not to go rogue if you were planning on being an asshole anyway.
(It's doubly funny because in the very thin lore of this game, going Rogue is the equivalent of betraying the United States since half the game involves you hunting down First Wave agents. I wonder if at the end of Russian Consulate, Hornet could just wait 5 minutes and then have his rogue timer turn off?)
Since they can clearly bracket off players in the DZ, they just need two types of DZ. The DZ you have now where people can bring whatever crap they want and a normalized DZ where all PVP damage is the same regardless of your gear sets/gear drops and the game comes down to skill.
Well, bonus if they can allow people to make private DZ instances that you can just play with friends. Disable DZ rank gain in this mode if it would make some people "mad" for whatever reason.
Everyone has made this joke, but Massive is literally going in the opposite direction of Blizzard when it comes to the handling of the content in The Division. Where Diablo 3 made drops plentiful AND useful, farming enjoyable, and co-op experiences pretty fun even with randoms... well, we know what happened with The Division.just saw this video on Reddit about the challanges Blizzard had with Diablo III and how they fixed it. Massive should take note and fix the Division asap.
This sums up all the current problems that Division has currently.
It worked so good that people can make 8 man squads.I personally before the game released had always thought the DZ would be split into brackets cause Massive was saying how good their on-the-fly matchmaking was and how seamlessly it worked
Yeah, pretty much. But gear score is such a useless indicator of gear quality, that it doesn't even matter. Hell, bracketing off people by whether or not they finished the incursion would be a more useful measure than an arbitrary number.The second they made a RNG loot game with an area with PvP element that doesn't have brackets. Like driving a car at 88mph with no brakes and loose steering, you're gonna see some shit lol
You should be able to get 240 rewards every time you complete CM, because why artificially limit player advancement when the chances of getting a useful drop are exponentially small the more you play?Lol they wouldn't have been able to bear CM otherwise.
Ubi should have given you four chances to get CM loot per week instead of locking the three other chances behind having leveled up three additional identical characters.
It worked so good that people can make 8 man squads.
Yeah, pretty much. But gear score is such a useless indicator of gear quality, that it doesn't even matter. Hell, bracketing off people by whether or not they finished the incursion would be a more useful measure than an arbitrary number.
You should be able to get 240 rewards every time you complete CM, because why artificially limit player advancement when the chances of getting a useful drop are exponentially small the more you play?
Yeah, pretty much. Even then, if drops were plentiful, then at least you wouldn't feel as hampered by RNG than you do now.With how many stats on items in the game are completely useless and no one cares for, they should just redo their itemization and remove like a third or so of stats, change the numbers on the ones remaining and then turn gearscore into a proper indicator of the stat amount that people will have.
Yeah, it'd be different if you could actually pick a class (since this game essentially has a tank, dps, mage set up just like every other game) but there's no reason to have alts. The fact that there aren't even starting bonuses for alts (which again, Blizzard figured out already with Paragon points) is kind of insane too (along with shared crafting inventories and credits).I completely agree.
I was just saying that if you need to have a lockout then don't block players behind a long boring grind that doesn't give you anything even slightly different than what you already have in the game. The characters are identical.
DZ rank close to 90 then I can buy the Valkyria and promptly never use it i'd imagine
Has anyone found themselves buying stuff with Phoenix Credits just for the sake of it, they've gone from most wanted currency to almost worthless since 1.1.
There was a suggestion on reddit that was at least interesting. Introduce a mode where they spawn enemies across the entire map that you can kill, like the mobs in the DZ. But you can adjust the difficulty of these new mobs to scale to your current gear and improve your chances at getting better gear - like the Torment levels/Greater Rift levels in Diablo 3.Also, I wish the PvE world was leveled up to 30 and we had all encounters basically reset with leveled up enemies and named enemies and they are on a 1 hour respawn timer.
I want to run around with my two friends through the city, get into hard firefights and get loot and once we made it across the city all the guys are back again. Maybe take a shortcut through the dark zone and get into some trouble there on our way back to the east/west.
Make new weapons and gear and all talents require high Electronics, its like it wants me to go that route and now my health is terrible. Going from 95k to 45k health is horrible. I don't even feel any benefit of my skill power being 40k.
With how many stats on items in the game are completely useless and no one cares for, they should just redo their itemization and remove like a third or so of stats, change the numbers on the ones remaining and then turn gearscore into a proper indicator of the stat amount that people will have.
Anyone doing anything on PS4?
Never again![]()
Also, I wish the PvE world was leveled up to 30 and we had all encounters basically reset with leveled up enemies and named enemies and they are on a 1 hour respawn timer.
I want to run around with my two friends through the city, get into hard firefights and get loot and once we made it across the city all the guys are back again. Maybe take a shortcut through the dark zone and get into some trouble there on our way back to the east/west.
There was a suggestion on reddit that was at least interesting. Introduce a mode where they spawn enemies across the entire map that you can kill, like the mobs in the DZ. But you can adjust the difficulty of these new mobs to scale to your current gear and improve your chances at getting better gear - like the Torment levels/Greater Rift levels in Diablo 3.
It'd change the DZ to an entirely PVP zone, but why does that matter when that would only make the experience better for people who are interested in PVP (and presumably you play PVP because it's a challenge to fight against equally geared human players and not because it's fun to hunt bambis or whatever).
Gain 1 explosive round for your M44 for each time Klyka whispers the word bambi after one-shotting defenseless players.