What? You got a link?Damn just read a story about a dude who got rogued on by a friend in the DZ, goes over to his house and fucking stabs him. Insane if real.
What? You got a link?Damn just read a story about a dude who got rogued on by a friend in the DZ, goes over to his house and fucking stabs him. Insane if real.
don't know what's going on with this game today, keep getting errors
Im down to run The Consulate a few times tonight when I get home, maybe one of us will get lucky & get it to drop for you.
i hit 30 over the weekend and i want to get into the more challenging PVE stuff. what's the most efficient way to get geared up?
i finished the 3 wings in the base and did the daily missions yesterday except the lincoln tunnel challenging one bc gearscore too low. right now i'm wearing a mix of purples/yellows. is there a particular blueprint or weapon or whatever i should be looking for?
i see a lot of people say to get the vector blueprint, is that still the way to go after the incursion update?
DZ rank 87.....so close to 90 then I can buy the Valkyria and promptly never use it i'd imagine
Has anyone found themselves buying stuff with Phoenix Credits just for the sake of it, they've gone from most wanted currency to almost worthless since 1.1.
Everyone has made this joke, but Massive is literally going in the opposite direction of Blizzard when it comes to the handling of the content in The Division. Where Diablo 3 made drops plentiful AND useful, farming enjoyable, and co-op experiences pretty fun even with randoms... well, we know what happened with The Division.
Also, I wish the PvE world was leveled up to 30 and we had all encounters basically reset with leveled up enemies and named enemies and they are on a 1 hour respawn timer.
I want to run around with my two friends through the city, get into hard firefights and get loot and once we made it across the city all the guys are back again. Maybe take a shortcut through the dark zone and get into some trouble there on our way back to the east/west.
As the MP5 doesn't require division tech anymore I'd recommend that over the Vector. Slightly lower damage but higher RoF and much bigger magazine.
As the MP5 doesn't require division tech anymore I'd recommend that over the Vector. Slightly lower damage but higher RoF and much bigger magazine. Next I'd recommend the HE extended magazine BP. If you can roll RoF/CHD/CHC that will increase your DPS significantly.
You should be able to make it through Lincoln CM with that gun/mag and purple/HE gear, providing the guys you're playing with are reasonably good.
What platform you on?
pc uplay. thanks i'll look into the mp5. that's the navy mp5 right?
Sent you a FRStill havent done Incursion, was busy almost all week, anybody up? My gearscore is 187. PSN: Matush_SVK
regarding GS drops- does high scavenging % increase likelihood of them dropping outside of the Incursion?
As the MP5 doesn't require division tech anymore I'd recommend that over the Vector. Slightly lower damage but higher RoF and much bigger magazine. Next I'd recommend the HE extended magazine BP. If you can roll RoF/CHD/CHC that will increase your DPS significantly.
You should be able to make it through Lincoln CM with that gun/mag and purple/HE gear, providing the guys you're playing with are reasonably good.
What platform you on?
Assuming you're talking about set items and not gear score. No idea but given how people have been saying scavenging affects the quality of the stat rolls and not the quality of the drop roll itself I'd have to guess no.
With that said they can still drop from bosses in CM missions, for example my first set piece was the striker gloves from the boss in Lincoln tunnel.
Edit-- set items.Just curious given I have gear that'll get my scavenging >120% but will result in a drop of GS...
Do you remember having a high scavenging % when those gloves dropped for you?
i just hit 30, and one look at r/thedivision makes it seem like the sky is falling. id go there to follow some news about the game and it seems like everyone there just despises the endgame with some white hot hate. wether its bugs, the grind, or something else.
is it that bad? kinda taking the wind out of my sails to jump back in
does DZ rank have any effect on dmg and/or stats against other players?
Yeah that MP5 is a beast. Using the AUG but I might move back to the MP5 until a 204 blueprint is available. The high mag size shits over the others.
I sent you a FRStill need 2 more for Incursion. PSN: Matush_SVK
Still need 2 more for Incursion. PSN: Matush_SVK
Using the AUG too with 180k DPS. However, everyone is making the MP5 sound like the bee's knees.
well, it's true. you can't really beat that 60 round magazine.
Using the AUG too with 180k DPS. However, everyone is making the MP5 sound like the bee's knees.
I just recorded this footage of me in the DZ:
New M1A is hitting consecutive 900k-1 million crit headshots with Pulse. I love it.
Yeah can't wait for a higher GS version.
New M1A is hitting consecutive 900k-1 million crit headshots with Pulse. I love it.
Yeah can't wait for a higher GS version.
Everytime I kill someone in the DZ.
Well damn... what's the GS on that M1A?
This was posted over on Reddit: http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1021776/Against-the-Burning-Hells-Diablo
Pretty interesting talk from the Diablo ROS game designer on how they fucked up D3 at launch and then fixed it. Around 30min in he starts discussing the loot loop and why it was wrong. He mentions how in original D3 the loop was so bad that players farmed terra cotta pots or did weird loot/quest runs to be most efficient because the game wasn't fun otherwise. Hopefully Massive can fix some of these things.
Any tips on getting good gear??
I took a break from this game for a little over a week. I played last night for about 2 hours and for the first time didn't really enjoy myself. I am a level 30 but most of my gear is not that great with the exception of a few things so since I have just recently finished all the main missions and all I have left is pretty much encounters I decided to finally check out the dark zone and I got wrecked. I wasn't finding much good loot and even when I did I would die and lose it from the AI, I was only able to extract once and I didn't have anything that great.
So I would love to know a way to get better loot? Is it just grinding the darkzone? Also I am frustrated that I cant do the free DLC mission since my rank is not high enough, I believe you have to be 140 and I think I am only in the 60's or 70's?
Replay missions on hard difficulty. You'll get a guaranteed high end from the boss each time. Doing the daily missions will get you the same thing plus some extra stuff like Phoenix credits which can be used to buy high end blueprints at the Base of Operations and you can use whatever crafting materials you have to craft some decent gear.
For crafting, I'd go for the Vector first since not many high end guns seem to drop from the missions. Then get the gear mod blueprints to fill in any empty mod slots on your gear.
Once you're geared enough to do challenging difficulty you can do the same thing there but now you get one guaranteed high end from the boss and one for just completing the mission on challenging.
i wish they'd just throw these garbage changes to the bushes and change crafting to what it was pre-nerf and change recalibration back to phoenix credits. i don't wanna fucking do these missions i have done over and over to get 13K credits a piece when recalibration for gear set items start at 76K. phoenix credits are much easier to come by, you run a challenging mission and you have 30+ whatever the boss drops on kill. you can go DZ and make a considerable amount of phoenix credits in a short time.
man, game is so grindy now
I just got a weekly reward as long as the leader hasn't done it yet I think you'll get it.So did the weekly rewards for the incursion reset yet or still disabled? The map seems to imply they did, but didn't they say the reward was disabled until Tuesday?
What? You got a link?
I'm not sure if it's this "article" or not.
I just got a weekly reward as long as the leader hasn't done it yet I think you'll get it.
Also it resets in 6 hours.
Well damn... what's the GS on that M1A?
man, game is so grindy now