speculawyer said:Don't forget that Bush chose Cheney to be VP. So you can't say he protected us from the poison he selected.
And holy crap . . . imagine how bad our economy would be right now if we had gone ahead with such wars. We would be in collapse from government debt. Cheney's brain was still in 1950s thinking USA was king of the world. No . . . these days we are completely dependent on foreign oil, foreign debt financing, and cheap foreign labor. Our economy is hollow and Cheney didn't realize it. He probably still doesn't.
It's quite easy.Mama Robotnik said:America, how did this man get to be one pretzel away from being your Commander in Chief?
Jexhius said:Dear lord, what a crazy bastard.
As if such a thing were even feasible.
OuterWorldVoice said:It would be one thing if Cheney had any diplomatic, strategic or intellectual abilities beyond the naked thirst for power, but he never demonstrated any. He was a failure in every way you can measure failure on the job. And a thoroughly dislikable prick. People who like Cheney in my experience, are evil hearted weirdoes who moved on to the tea party when he rode off into the sunset.
Those videos are sad. Now excuse me while I go have a panic attack.FunkyMunkey said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUPMjC9mq5Y
You can thank a majority of those people, and the people who think as they do and lack any thread of common sense. DERRRRR IM A PROUD AMURICAN VOTER DERP, WAIT WAT AM I VOTING FOR AGAIN?
Blackace said:Push over? lawl
Blair played Bush like a fiddle..
For every 100 bad things said about the US 1 or 2 get said about Blair.. Seems like people forgot that the war would never have happened without his "intel"
I'm sitting in your driveway right now.speculawyer said:Tell us something we don't know.
Kworn said:THIS makes me feel that more and more 9/11 was setup by the American Government
Scares the shit out of me
FunkyMunkey said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht8PmEjxUfg
You can thank a majority of those people, and the people who think as they do and lack any thread of common sense. DERRRRR IM A PROUD AMURICAN VOTER DERP, WAIT WAT AM I VOTING FOR AGAIN?
StoOgE said:Sounds like Tony Blair is trying to remake his image with a bit of a "see, I wasn't their lap dog. I only went along with two of their wars. I put my foot down on number 3, 4 and 5!"
they're going to invade iraq again so that they can build mini malls and mega malls.SmokyDave said:Are we sure that these places are off the hook now?
I get the feeling that the middle east adventure is far from over.
FunkyMunkey said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUPMjC9mq5Y
You can thank a majority of those people, and the people who think as they do and lack any thread of common sense. DERRRRR IM A PROUD AMURICAN VOTER DERP, WAIT WAT AM I VOTING FOR AGAIN?
Trurl said:I'm not sure if I'm more amazed by the implied lack of concern for human life, or by the arrogance it takes to think America could succeed with a plan like that.
Lagspike_exe said:Americans are risking loosing their empire because of many individual interests, like the one reflected through this son of a bitch. He didn't want to invade those countries to change them, he wanted to do it to get a % from the weapon sales to the US army.
SmokyDave said:Are we sure that these places are off the hook now?
I get the feeling that the middle east adventure is far from over.
fortified_concept said:If this shithole of a world was the least bit fair that disgusting little weasel and Cheney would be on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The fact that the weasel says anything doesn't mean shit to me. He could be lying again to promote his own interests as he always did.
Cerebral Assassin said:How was supporting the US in a legally dubious war promoting Blair's own interests?
In the UK it may have been legally dubious, but not in the US. That's just the "illegal war" nonsense people made up.Cerebral Assassin said:How was supporting the US in a legally dubious war promoting Blair's own interests?
What crimes, nothing illegal was done?If this shithole of a world was the least bit fair that disgusting little weasel and Cheney would be on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity. The fact that the weasel says anything doesn't mean shit to me. He could be lying again to promote his own interests as he always did.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:In the UK it may have been legally dubious, but not in the US. That's just the "illegal war" nonsense people made up.
What crimes, nothing illegal was done?
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:What crimes, nothing illegal was done?
fortified_concept said:I won't do this with you again. You're a nationalist blind to your country's crimes and no matter what I tell you you'll always have a pathetic excuse that you think is sufficient.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Still the US isn't beholden to international law.
fortified_concept said:...and there's the pathetic excuse...
fortified_concept said:...and there's the pathetic excuse...
edit: fyi he stealth edited
Facts, try and use them. :lolfortified_concept said:grow up
Delusional, try and- oh I see.Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Facts, try and use them. :lol
From the guy who posts thisWazzim said:Delusional, try and- oh I see.
I can assure you that IF this would have happened, I would not be standing here as I am now. I would surely try to fight back with the terrorists. (bombing and stuff)
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Facts, try and use them. :lol
:lol I thought the exact same thing.frey said:Am I the only one who read it as Cherie wanted to invade Iran, Syria, Iraq, etc?
Interesting. Lots of muslims claim the absolute opposite. You might find yourself a lonely bomberWazzim said:I can assure you that IF this would have happened, I would not be standing here as I am now. I would surely try to fight back with the terrorists. (bombing and stuff)
IDK how it is with you guys but we muslims kinda feel like one and if the Pentagon would have been so stupid to go on war with those countries...freaking hell would brake loose.
Not to scare you all :lol
This is just a example of reformed democracy failing, do it like the ancient Greeks did:
Smart people get to vote, dumb/misinformed people STFU.
jorma said:I'm pretty sure he is referring to international law rather than US law. Just a hunch.
LOL No I wouldn't be that stupid to run and explode like any other idiot.Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Son, you'd be dead. :lol
Well duh but hey, a man can dream of some epic apocaliptic war.SmokyDave said:Interesting. Lots of muslims claim the absolute opposite. You might find yourself a lonely bomber![]()
fortified_concept said:We've already discussed this and everyone was laughing at you in the end. If you murder someone you can't say "I don't recognize the authority of this court" to get away with a conviction because you live in a society and you're forced to live by certain rules. If USA wants to be part of the international community and enjoy the advantages that entails they have to abide by some basic rules otherwise they have to become completely isolated and live by their own.
Wazzim said:LOL No I wouldn't be that stupid to run and explode like any other idiot.
I would become supreme leader myself, make a deal with the American gov. and resign from my post with some nice pile of public money.