Before you read of all this crap I wrote, the topic isn't just about these but any other religious historical inaccurate or inaccurate claims for Kingdom Come II: Kingdom Harder?
Excuse some of my ignorance to the game as I haven't had time to really even begin it. But I came across a dumb comment on X complaining that KC Deliverance II had a quest where you side with some antisemitic church(es). I like reading stupid posts sometimes, especially on the topic of religion, and especially from people that believe the "Jews run the world" nonsense. You can always spot them misusing bible verses and pretending to know a great deal of history about Jewish people. Their issue was that they wanted to join the antisemitic church(es) since it was a roleplaying game and lead them to victory and get rid of the Jews. They were claiming that this is some kind of rewriting of history done on behalf of the storytellers of the game.
Again I haven't played much of the game, but some of the historical realism is a bit lost on this game compared to the first one if this is true. Their claim is that in the game, a priest was kicked out of the church due to being a homosexual and he's a bum on the side of the road at some point, telling you this story (a complete stranger). If this is true, they say it's a pretty dumb rewrite of history as homosexuality for hundreds of years was a capital punishment crime in most (if not all) areas. Religion and state were very much entangled as the religion in almost every country usually dictating some of the laws. That's one of the reasons divorce was incredibly rare, and in even more very rare instances we had the coveted divorce duels where instead of paying alimony, you just fought your spouse in combat.
Given that this was a priest and the Catholic Church had a bit more ruling in the land back in these times, on the surface this seems to be legit if you didn't really know anything going on. But it seems kind of split and depends on the region and how that church leadership would handle it. Mutilation may happen, execution sometimes, and in some instances, they'd just do what the game does and cast the priest into exile.
Some crappy source from a crappy website known as Wikipedia. There's also a link here somewhat related from the Catholic Church (I'm not Catholic, but assuming this is where people PayPal the Pope?).
To address the claim that a large portion of Christians didn't have antisemitic churches or leadership and that's a 'lie to tell the goyim', I actually already studied about this several months ago. Antisemitism and parts of the church dabbled in this from the beginning. Note here: history is complex and I recognize and salute the ones that called out this antibiblical behavior, but we're addressing the claim that Kingdom Come II threw this stuff in here to appease the "Jewish world leaders". So let's begin!
This might come as a shock, but the original Christians was very Jewish. In the Acts of the Apostles, Paul is still a Pharisee, gentiles went to synagogue to learn, gentiles had special provisions before going to learn, and some of the earliest Christians were called The Way as well as other terms. Some early antisemitic groups came together to combine other religions with the bible as a way to remove itself from anything Jewish. We'll cover several events below that should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, these pseudo-Christians and churches weren't very cool with Jewish people.
The first canonized copy of the New Testament was by a heretic named Marcion. Marcion was a crazy gnostic who put together the first New Testament by heavily editing, removing and adding his own books. He had additional books by the Apostle Paul, edited out entire sections of the bible, and made blasphemous claims that the Jewish God was different and there was a "Supreme God" (see the link to Gnosticism for more lol) that sent Jesus to destroy the Jewish God. He was not a fan of the Jewish people to say the least. He didn't like the Gospel of Luke and the book of Hebrews because he felt they were 'too Jewish'. And just think, we're only 00 years after the birth/death of Jesus so far and it's already starting!
Today, a number of people believe in supersessionism (replacement theology) which states the Israel is no longer God's chosen people, but the church. This comes form around the time of Marcion, 150 AD from Justin Martyr who explained to other gentile Christians at the time "[Those of Christ] are the true Israelitic race". This actually caused a bigger split from gentile and Jewish Christian at the time into something new, and a lot less familiar to Jews. Emperor Constantine stated, "It was declared to be particularly unworthy for this, the holiest of all festivals [Passover to Easter], to follow the custom of the Jews, who had soiled their hands with the most fearful of crimes, and whose minds were blinded. In rejecting their custom, we may transmit to our descendants the legitimate mode of celebrating Easter...". He later continues, "We ought not, therefore, to have anything in common with the Jews, for the Saviour has shown us another way...and consequently, in unanimously adopting this mode, detestable company of the Jews, for it is truly shameful for us to hear them boast that without their direction we could not keep their feast...it would be still by your duty not to tarnish your soul by commutations with such wicked people."
Now, note Constantine was considered the first Christian emperor of Rome after his conversion. We also have the First Council of Nicaea that really put a wall up between doing biblical things and keeping old traditions to make sure there wasn't Jewish stuff being crept into the church. Now about this time, you're probably wondering what in the heck any of this has to do with a game in medieval times and the comments made by some idiots online. It's coming. Be freakin' patient!
Saint John Chrysostom wrote the Seven Sermons Against the Jews. He also coined the term 'deicide' to describe Jews since him and others like him claimed Jews killed God. Some of these people really got out of hand and began burning synagogues by some churches. The Roman government was condemned by Bishop Ambrose for punishing the 'Christian arsonists' saying it was a moral act to burn synagogues. All of these things considered, it continued this way into the dark ages. During the Middle Ages, Jewish children were kidnapped and forced into baptism. Jews were constantly given the choice of baptism or torture/death.
And let's not even dive into the Spanish Inquisition!
There were several conspiracy theories that continued into the middle age (and seeing them posted today on various websites, I guess it's still a theory). One of them was that the Jews caused the black plague. It wasn't the rat soup you washed your faces in and drank water from, nah, it was definitely the Jews for keeping kosher. There was one that carried over even into the Nazi era stating that Jews were actual demons and destroying them is a good thing. Then there was (is) this wild one about Jews kidnapping Christian children (sometimes women) and draining their blood (blood libel). This is the cleanest photo I could find of it that was slightly SFW unless your work hates medieval art.
Martin Luther originally was outreaching to the Jews before he began writing stuff like "What should we Christians do with this damned, rejected race of Jews?" in which he replied "First, their synagogues should be set on fire.". Medieval Pope, Innocent III, felt the Jews should be kept alive for the Christian's sake and cast as "wanderers ought they to remain upon the earth, until the countenance be filled with shame" for killing Jesus. This created trade boycotts and social/political issues for Jews. These are some of the biggest issues that Jews faced in the middle ages, and putting this in somehow has made all of the extremely cringe anti-anti-wokers very upset that Kingdom Come has put reference to any of this in the game. Some of it stims from not being able to enter all the churches but they "took the time" to model the inside of a synagogue.
The irony of these people that push that Jews rewrite history is they all seem to misquote the Bible using Revelations 2:9 & 3:9 to prove synagogues are of Satan and, therefore, Jews are of Satan. Here's the glaring issue if they weren't such illiterates:
tl;dr: some claim homosexuals would be default murdered. some claim rarity to antisemitism in middle ages. my long reply?
Excuse some of my ignorance to the game as I haven't had time to really even begin it. But I came across a dumb comment on X complaining that KC Deliverance II had a quest where you side with some antisemitic church(es). I like reading stupid posts sometimes, especially on the topic of religion, and especially from people that believe the "Jews run the world" nonsense. You can always spot them misusing bible verses and pretending to know a great deal of history about Jewish people. Their issue was that they wanted to join the antisemitic church(es) since it was a roleplaying game and lead them to victory and get rid of the Jews. They were claiming that this is some kind of rewriting of history done on behalf of the storytellers of the game.
Again I haven't played much of the game, but some of the historical realism is a bit lost on this game compared to the first one if this is true. Their claim is that in the game, a priest was kicked out of the church due to being a homosexual and he's a bum on the side of the road at some point, telling you this story (a complete stranger). If this is true, they say it's a pretty dumb rewrite of history as homosexuality for hundreds of years was a capital punishment crime in most (if not all) areas. Religion and state were very much entangled as the religion in almost every country usually dictating some of the laws. That's one of the reasons divorce was incredibly rare, and in even more very rare instances we had the coveted divorce duels where instead of paying alimony, you just fought your spouse in combat.

Given that this was a priest and the Catholic Church had a bit more ruling in the land back in these times, on the surface this seems to be legit if you didn't really know anything going on. But it seems kind of split and depends on the region and how that church leadership would handle it. Mutilation may happen, execution sometimes, and in some instances, they'd just do what the game does and cast the priest into exile.
Some crappy source from a crappy website known as Wikipedia. There's also a link here somewhat related from the Catholic Church (I'm not Catholic, but assuming this is where people PayPal the Pope?).
To address the claim that a large portion of Christians didn't have antisemitic churches or leadership and that's a 'lie to tell the goyim', I actually already studied about this several months ago. Antisemitism and parts of the church dabbled in this from the beginning. Note here: history is complex and I recognize and salute the ones that called out this antibiblical behavior, but we're addressing the claim that Kingdom Come II threw this stuff in here to appease the "Jewish world leaders". So let's begin!
This might come as a shock, but the original Christians was very Jewish. In the Acts of the Apostles, Paul is still a Pharisee, gentiles went to synagogue to learn, gentiles had special provisions before going to learn, and some of the earliest Christians were called The Way as well as other terms. Some early antisemitic groups came together to combine other religions with the bible as a way to remove itself from anything Jewish. We'll cover several events below that should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, these pseudo-Christians and churches weren't very cool with Jewish people.
The first canonized copy of the New Testament was by a heretic named Marcion. Marcion was a crazy gnostic who put together the first New Testament by heavily editing, removing and adding his own books. He had additional books by the Apostle Paul, edited out entire sections of the bible, and made blasphemous claims that the Jewish God was different and there was a "Supreme God" (see the link to Gnosticism for more lol) that sent Jesus to destroy the Jewish God. He was not a fan of the Jewish people to say the least. He didn't like the Gospel of Luke and the book of Hebrews because he felt they were 'too Jewish'. And just think, we're only 00 years after the birth/death of Jesus so far and it's already starting!
Today, a number of people believe in supersessionism (replacement theology) which states the Israel is no longer God's chosen people, but the church. This comes form around the time of Marcion, 150 AD from Justin Martyr who explained to other gentile Christians at the time "[Those of Christ] are the true Israelitic race". This actually caused a bigger split from gentile and Jewish Christian at the time into something new, and a lot less familiar to Jews. Emperor Constantine stated, "It was declared to be particularly unworthy for this, the holiest of all festivals [Passover to Easter], to follow the custom of the Jews, who had soiled their hands with the most fearful of crimes, and whose minds were blinded. In rejecting their custom, we may transmit to our descendants the legitimate mode of celebrating Easter...". He later continues, "We ought not, therefore, to have anything in common with the Jews, for the Saviour has shown us another way...and consequently, in unanimously adopting this mode, detestable company of the Jews, for it is truly shameful for us to hear them boast that without their direction we could not keep their feast...it would be still by your duty not to tarnish your soul by commutations with such wicked people."
Now, note Constantine was considered the first Christian emperor of Rome after his conversion. We also have the First Council of Nicaea that really put a wall up between doing biblical things and keeping old traditions to make sure there wasn't Jewish stuff being crept into the church. Now about this time, you're probably wondering what in the heck any of this has to do with a game in medieval times and the comments made by some idiots online. It's coming. Be freakin' patient!
Saint John Chrysostom wrote the Seven Sermons Against the Jews. He also coined the term 'deicide' to describe Jews since him and others like him claimed Jews killed God. Some of these people really got out of hand and began burning synagogues by some churches. The Roman government was condemned by Bishop Ambrose for punishing the 'Christian arsonists' saying it was a moral act to burn synagogues. All of these things considered, it continued this way into the dark ages. During the Middle Ages, Jewish children were kidnapped and forced into baptism. Jews were constantly given the choice of baptism or torture/death.
And let's not even dive into the Spanish Inquisition!
There were several conspiracy theories that continued into the middle age (and seeing them posted today on various websites, I guess it's still a theory). One of them was that the Jews caused the black plague. It wasn't the rat soup you washed your faces in and drank water from, nah, it was definitely the Jews for keeping kosher. There was one that carried over even into the Nazi era stating that Jews were actual demons and destroying them is a good thing. Then there was (is) this wild one about Jews kidnapping Christian children (sometimes women) and draining their blood (blood libel). This is the cleanest photo I could find of it that was slightly SFW unless your work hates medieval art.

Martin Luther originally was outreaching to the Jews before he began writing stuff like "What should we Christians do with this damned, rejected race of Jews?" in which he replied "First, their synagogues should be set on fire.". Medieval Pope, Innocent III, felt the Jews should be kept alive for the Christian's sake and cast as "wanderers ought they to remain upon the earth, until the countenance be filled with shame" for killing Jesus. This created trade boycotts and social/political issues for Jews. These are some of the biggest issues that Jews faced in the middle ages, and putting this in somehow has made all of the extremely cringe anti-anti-wokers very upset that Kingdom Come has put reference to any of this in the game. Some of it stims from not being able to enter all the churches but they "took the time" to model the inside of a synagogue.
The irony of these people that push that Jews rewrite history is they all seem to misquote the Bible using Revelations 2:9 & 3:9 to prove synagogues are of Satan and, therefore, Jews are of Satan. Here's the glaring issue if they weren't such illiterates:
"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
tl;dr: some claim homosexuals would be default murdered. some claim rarity to antisemitism in middle ages. my long reply?