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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot


Unlimited Capacity
Jack Random said:
Quick question re: additional characters (alts)

Do you need to do single player still in order to get an alignment?
To you get Token credit for beating levels online in someone else's game?

I want to make a Bioengineer, but i really don't feel like going though all of the story again.

ya, u just choose ur alighnment after the HoH as usual
wayward archer said:
Commando is an interesting class. I feel weaker against enemy leaders but have an easier time against trolls who have a status effect attack cause I can knock out their hammer very quickly. Just the basic way you approach a battle is different too. With my champion I get right in the middle of the battle and start locating and eliminating elites and leaders, with my commando I tend to keeping moving, thin the herd and take on the leader last.

And maybe the plasma or laser cannons are a bit better, haven't used em yet, but the slug cannon is terrible. Sometimes it takes forever to go from pulling the trigger to seeing bullets start flying and the left trigger RPG on it misses a whole lot more than the rifle's grenade launcher. Even though my commando is cybernetic and he's got access to cannons he's sticking to rifles.

I found this to be true as well. You would think Cannon's would own for Commando but I definitely prefer rifles, specifically of the plasma type. The grenade on the rifle is definitely a life saver as well.


wayward archer said:
Commando is an interesting class. I feel weaker against enemy leaders but have an easier time against trolls who have a status effect attack cause I can knock out their hammer very quickly. Just the basic way you approach a battle is different too. With my champion I get right in the middle of the battle and start locating and eliminating elites and leaders, with my commando I tend to keeping moving, thin the herd and take on the leader last.

And maybe the plasma or laser cannons are a bit better, haven't used em yet, but the slug cannon is terrible. Sometimes it takes forever to go from pulling the trigger to seeing bullets start flying and the left trigger RPG on it misses a whole lot more than the rifle's grenade launcher. Even though my commando is cybernetic and he's got access to cannons he's sticking to rifles.

I just played a game with a lvl 45 Commando. He was using cannon type weapons and was cleaning house!


What are the requirements for the Elite Armor Achievment? Do all pieces need to have the first name the same? Or do they just all have to be orange?


Steroid Distributor
fin said:
I just played a game with a lvl 45 Commando. He was using cannon type weapons and was cleaning house!


What are the requirements for the Elite Armor Achievment? Do all pieces need to have the first name the same? Or do they just all have to be orange?

I'm pretty sure they have to be red. I don't know if there is anyone that has the the achievement yet so it's hard to say what is correct, but I understood that you needed a full set of epic armour (which is red).
fin said:
I just played a game with a lvl 45 Commando. He was using cannon type weapons and was cleaning house!


What are the requirements for the Elite Armor Achievment? Do all pieces need to have the first name the same? Or do they just all have to be orange?

I think they all have to be red. I had a full orange suit and weapons and it didn't gimme the achievement.


So for the No Death Achievemnts it has to be in single player story?

I just replayed Hall of Heroes no deaths and got no achievment :(


how do you take out those purple torns? before u fight
u see the 1st purple torns. I thought u'll get a skill later for it so i went ahead fight


slept with Malkin
Made it to Hel tonight with my bioengineer, and I've been getting some sweet elite drops for my level just need the bounty to make it. As much as the game bugs me at times, I really can't wait to go through again and hit 50.


I played for an hour and 40 minutes and finished the first level. I think I got to level 9 or 10 with my berserker.

Very fucking fun game.
Ok so I was one of those detractors when the demo came out. But decided to give this game a chance and surprisingly liked it. I chose Commando, so the analog fighting didn't bother me as much; and now that I've got Cannons I'm liking the combat quite a bit. My cannons don't work on everything though, some enemies seem resistant to it, do I have to melee some enemies or use another weapon?

Also loving the Cyberpunk Norse Mythology setting - which I did from the start - and happy that the actual gameplay is pretty decent as well. Game's a little rough around the edges, but it's fun and gets better.

Here's to you Dennis Dyack and the Silicon Knights! You guys do know how to make games after all :D
(But shoot the guys who did the menu interface and SFX please!)


Costanza said:
I played for an hour and 40 minutes and finished the first level. I think I got to level 9 or 10 with my berserker.

Very fucking fun game.

2nd level is pretty much hell at parts with a berserker. I started today and had no problems with the first level but the 2nd one has some pretty crazy stuff in it thats pretty annoying as a zerk.
Grecco said:
So for the No Death Achievemnts it has to be in single player story?

I just replayed Hall of Heroes no deaths and got no achievment :(
I think people got it to work in co-op, though I've run through it twice after finishing the game through the Aesir teleport menu (teleport to 1-1 and play through killing Grendel) and it didn't unlock for me. The first time I went back to Aesir for a sec, so I think that screwed it up. Not sure what the problem was the second time because I played straight through without dying. :(


Unlimited Capacity
o my lord. im playing solo for the first time through hel in a whi8le. lvl 50 commando, and its so god damn hard

they gobs are sjhooting so many missles that it rendered my missle defense spider useless :lol :lol :lol


I've gotten 3 of the no death in a level achievements online so, they do work outside of campaign, the well achievement wont though.. for me :(


I just went through my 2nd run in World Serpent via story mode without dying and did not get the achievement.

But I did get the HoH on my first playthough in story mode.


Chrange said:
If combo meter affects loot, Commandos are screwed...you have any idea how hard it is to get combo as one? It's possible with juggling, but against a boss that's not happening.
Commandos can build combos up pretty quick using Battle cries and grenades. Building the meter on bosses is tricky unless there is adds, but I think that applies to most classes.


just went throught both level 3 and 4 coop. my champion is now 38, i found some decent gear. Avery nice sword for myself. But some lucky berseker is going to receive a nice red epic level 39 dual staves tomorrow when i get home after work. the think has some nice runes already applied to it.


Finally got my commando to a son of odin lvl 50. I'm pretty happy with the armor and weapon set I've picked up through this run. Know to decide which class to play next.




Big Sword!




Just got the game today, few questions;

1. The 'efficiency' meter that seems to have popped up, what's that about? I'm trying to use a few juggles, harder hits or general melee's but I haven't seen it go above 4%

2. I'm playing as a Champion with Cybernetic enhancements, what is a good weapon to go with? I am personally using a two handed sword as my main means of offense, is that the correct weapon / allignment, it doesn't seem to indicate all that much what is good for each class, I tried using a Hammer but it seemed much of a muchness.

3. Does anyone else some times have problems trying to launch enemies into the air to juggle? I find it to be bit of a pain in the ass as Baldur seems to get caught up in another animation before so it doesn't register the two taps and instead, I get a normal slide attack. Same goes with trying to jump after juggling an opponent.

4. Some opponents seem to have a shield, I can't tell whether I am approaching them right. When I attack them some times they just seem to have their guard down and other times I just can't damage them at all, is there a certain combo or attack type associated with certain enemies?

5. Enemies that explode are hell annoying. Is there any real tactics to avoiding getting a status effect from enemies? It's hard to pick off the exploding enemies from a far with a long ranged weapon when they are surrounded by other enemies making locking on damned near impossible.

6. Ok seriously wtf this game is just taking the piss now, I'm getting pack raped by enemies at close range and absolutely bombarded from long range, I can barely move much less do anything useful....


Mohonky said:
Just got the game today, few questions;

1. The 'efficiency' meter that seems to have popped up, what's that about? I'm trying to use a few juggles, harder hits or general melee's but I haven't seen it go above 4%

2. I'm playing as a Champion with Cybernetic enhancements, what is a good weapon to go with? I am personally using a two handed sword as my main means of offense, is that the correct weapon / allignment, it doesn't seem to indicate all that much what is good for each class, I tried using a Hammer but it seemed much of a muchness.

3. Does anyone else some times have problems trying to launch enemies into the air to juggle? I find it to be bit of a pain in the ass as Baldur seems to get caught up in another animation before so it doesn't register the two taps and instead, I get a normal slide attack. Same goes with trying to jump after juggling an opponent.

4. Some opponents seem to have a shield, I can't tell whether I am approaching them right. When I attack them some times they just seem to have their guard down and other times I just can't damage them at all, is there a certain combo or attack type associated with certain enemies?

5. Enemies that explode are hell annoying. Is there any real tactics to avoiding getting a status effect from enemies? It's hard to pick off the exploding enemies from a far with a long ranged weapon when they are surrounded by other enemies making locking on damned near impossible.

1. If memory serves me right, Efficiency is percentage of your attack chain. You get a reduction of that much from combo based attacks. Example, You're ruiner takes 23% less combo.

2. One hander swords so you can proc crits. You can go for more damage with a two hander but I prefer swords for faster dps.

3. Everyone has problems, the target system has its problems.

4. Finishers and Ruiners knock out sheilds.

5. Use a rifle to pick of targets from a far and if they're grouped together, use the grenade launcher. Avoid pistols, they are subpar to my play style due to their lack of range.


Played quite a bit today. Went from level 31 to 41. I was hosting a co-op match the entire night and people popped in and out. Later some kid hopped in who was a level 50 Berserker and he said he bought the game yesterday. He also had a level 30 Commando...

Anyways, he said he just wanted to help me level so he kept giving me any of the decent drops. I didn't really feel like I was leveling any faster but my bounty went up pretty quickly. Went from nearly zero to 1.1 million.

Pretty happy with my Bio, I'm able to solo pretty well but to call him a healer is laughable. The spider recharges so slowly even though he's level 6/10 and my health regen which is maxed doesn't seem to do much. I feel like I've leveled him in a healing direction as much as possible but he just seems to be a great combo melee character.

Can't wait to hit 50 and trick out my inventory, I have a level 29 armor set but it looks really badass (should post some pics) and it has great stats. Really surprised nothing better's popped up at level 41 though.

Overall: Having a blast. Addicted. Don't wanna go to sleep.


I would level my Commando but my wrist is killing me from playing SPEA last night. I got an epic helm from Hod only to found it was part of a Champion set so I gave it to SPEA instead. Hopefully we can get some better shit for my 'Zerker tonight.


VaLiancY said:
1. If memory serves me right, Efficiency is percentage of your attack chain. You get a reduction of that much from combo based attacks. Example, You're ruiner takes 23% less combo.

Whats the best way to build this efficiency meter up? As I said I'm struggling to get it above 2%


Mohonky said:
Whats the best way to build this efficiency meter up? As I said I'm struggling to get it above 2%

Just link up combos, slide attack, and juggle. I tend to slide to the minor attack goblins, juggle an enemy leader and do a finisher on him in midair if I'm quick enough.
Xevren said:
Level 2 as a berserker sure is....interesting....

if you mean as in FUCKINg DYING ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME INTERESTING than yea i agree.

there was this one part with like two trolls and some other fucking mini boss where i died at least 15 times.

i've never been so close to killing my xbox with my bare hands.


Yea I died a few times at the multiple troll parts. I have a problem with those mantis like bastards, every time they do that shockwave attack it seems like it ALWAYS hits even when its pretty clear it doesnt. Really annoying.


Truant said:
Yes, the visual cues don't allways compliment what's actually going on, code wise. Should be easy to patch, though.

The games over all execution feels very rough; the poor animation, clipping, horrid voice sync and all over 'not finished' visual presentation leaves much to be desired but it's incredibly addictive, I've gone from lvl 1 to 19 and played 5 hrs today alone so it's certainly holding my attention easily. Fun game but definitely needed some polish. I'm hoping that if they ever get round to releasing a sequel they'll have tidied up the engine and had more time to focus on polishing it up. Definitely going to get a hardcore following but I suspect Too Human is going to have limited appeal in the greater scheme of things.


Junior Member
Played a bit more after my initial playthrough... Hall of Heroes three times, Ice Forest again, and World Serpent again. Got up to level 40, with a couple of red drops around level 30 and a nice orange set at level 38/39 dropped from Hod. 760/1000 Gamerscore. Really surprised how much GS I got.

Hall of Heroes and the World Serpent are actually decently designed levels once you get to know how to handle the various enemies. The pulls seem challenging but not unfair. The pacing is good, the battles fun. Still had problems with the audio near the end of the World Serpent. Give us a few more levels like that and you can make a case to pull the game's rating out of the 6.0 range.

Ice Forest? What a total train wreck. There's no way that didn't make it through playtesting without some serious red flags being raised (and obviously ignored). Dying within seconds, trolls on top of trolls with rockets coming in at you. Not challenging, just unfun. Would go for a second playthrough of Hel, but after that I took the disc out of my 360 and put it back in the GameFly envelope to go out today.
memecomplex said:
My cannons don't work on everything though, some enemies seem resistant to it, do I have to melee some enemies or use another weapon?
I'm playing w/ a commando right now as well. Some enemies are indeed resistant to guns/rifles/cannons (max of 1pt of damage per hit). Meleeing them is much faster and easier than trying to stick to guns for them.


playing as commando sux monkey balls when the fucking auto-aiming is broken
Locks on dead enemy
Locks on distant enemy while 3 goblins is right in front of you.
Doesn't Lock on at all just fires aimlessly.
pain in the ass on the second boss
For people that have hit the level cap, are you finding the game boring? I can imagine the problem arises that if you've hit 50, and for instance run HoH and get nothing of value, then it's like a waste of time. Before the level cap, even if you get shit drops, at least you got EXP to go along with them.
1. The 'efficiency' meter that seems to have popped up, what's that about? I'm trying to use a few juggles, harder hits or general melee's but I haven't seen it go above 4%

IIRC, That ties into your combo count, and there is a skill you can put skill points into that will increase that counter. This is the Red % number next to your HUD.


I'm wrong about this, but somehow I've done something that has made it go up quicker.

2. I'm playing as a Champion with Cybernetic enhancements, what is a good weapon to go with? I am personally using a two handed sword as my main means of offense, is that the correct weapon / allignment, it doesn't seem to indicate all that much what is good for each class, I tried using a Hammer but it seemed much of a muchness.

Hammer's are slower and tend to scatter enemies around and take a bit of adjusting to use them. If you dig using the two handed sword, then go for it.

3. Does anyone else some times have problems trying to launch enemies into the air to juggle? I find it to be bit of a pain in the ass as Baldur seems to get caught up in another animation before so it doesn't register the two taps and instead, I get a normal slide attack. Same goes with trying to jump after juggling an opponent.

I haven't had any issues with it. Just wait for your current attack to finish, then press towards the baddie. They should launch. Just hit A by itself and then do a finisher, or air combo. I use finishers since I'm a defender and a bit slow on air combos.

4. Some opponents seem to have a shield, I can't tell whether I am approaching them right. When I attack them some times they just seem to have their guard down and other times I just can't damage them at all, is there a certain combo or attack type associated with certain enemies?

Finisher's will knock that shield right off them. I tend to launch them and then do an air finisher.

5. Enemies that explode are hell annoying. Is there any real tactics to avoiding getting a status effect from enemies? It's hard to pick off the exploding enemies from a far with a long ranged weapon when they are surrounded by other enemies making locking on damned near impossible.

If they're glowing stay away from them and take them out from afar. They'll explode with status effects on contact if they're glowing. If you're having trouble, use a rifle and grenades. The explodey one will damage his buddies around him since they're more easily dispatched.

6. Ok seriously wtf this game is just taking the piss now, I'm getting pack raped by enemies at close range and absolutely bombarded from long range, I can barely move much less do anything useful....

Use your spider, ruiners, and roll. While the ruiner kills any close rangers, the spider will keep them from following you. Roll towards the missle guys and take them out.

Yea I died a few times at the multiple troll parts. I have a problem with those mantis like bastards, every time they do that shockwave attack it seems like it ALWAYS hits even when its pretty clear it doesnt. Really annoying.

Roll out of it, slide back in, finisher.

Ice Forest? What a total train wreck. There's no way that didn't make it through playtesting without some serious red flags being raised (and obviously ignored). Dying within seconds, trolls on top of trolls with rockets coming in at you. Not challenging, just unfun. Would go for a second playthrough of Hel, but after that I took the disc out of my 360 and put it back in the GameFly envelope to go out today.

I played it again last night, didn't have much of a problem. I know what sections you're referring too. Just do like I mentioned above. Ruiner, spider, take out the long range baddies, and then the trolls.

I'm playing w/ a commando right now as well. Some enemies are indeed resistant to guns/rifles/cannons (max of 1pt of damage per hit). Meleeing them is much faster and easier than trying to stick to guns for them.

Try a different gun.

Doesn't Lock on at all just fires aimlessly. pain in the ass on the second boss

I have no idea why you'd be using a gun on the second boss
when he dodges all projectiles
bathala said:
playing as commando sux monkey balls when the fucking auto-aiming is broken
Locks on dead enemy
Locks on distant enemy while 3 goblins is right in front of you.
Doesn't Lock on at all just fires aimlessly.
pain in the ass on the second boss

When it locks onto a dead enemy just take your finger off the trigger for a second... it won't relock their body.

I have zero locking problems with the rifle, but I do think Pistol locking is completely broken against trolls. Your left pistol can move around to different body parts easily but more often than not your main pistol stays locked on the body or shoulder... even after they get blown up.


Unlimited Capacity
funkmastergeneral said:
For people that have hit the level cap, are you finding the game boring? I can imagine the problem arises that if you've hit 50, and for instance run HoH and get nothing of value, then it's like a waste of time. Before the level cap, even if you get shit drops, at least you got EXP to go along with them.

the games a lot more fun to play at lvl 50. Plus, that's part of the intriuge. Going on a run in hopes finding something awesome.


Just finished the game last night with my Defender. Ended at Level 30. Lots of orange drops (using a drop boost of between +7 and +11 typically), one way out of level drop -- a level 44 helm with 4 empty rune slots.

Overall, I enjoyed it. There's plenty of room for improvement, but I'll still play this guy up to 50 and then most likely run through the game again with a Champion and Commando.

The rough edges stand out and I hope they're fixed for the sequel. Cut scenes need a lot of work -- A LOT, but the story does pick up toward the end. The scene after Hel and then the ending scene are both the best two in the game, which is as it should be; and neither had much action, which is probably why I thought they were good. The action cut scenes were very poor, imo. Big strides could be made with some mo-cap, better facial expressions, and better lip syncing.

As for gameplay, I had a different experience than some here. I didn't mind level 2, at all really. Yes, I died a few times but I felt like they were avoidable deaths for the most part. I also didn't mind most of the bosses. Hod is crap, but only because the fight is boring. I didn't die on any of the bosses.

GRENDL-1 was fine, and I liked the level 3 boss although it took be a while to figure out how to completely take him down.

Garm was a bit tedious, and it felt like I was doing something wrong, but I could never figure out a better way to hurt him.
I would lay into him with some elite pistols I had, always circling around to one side to avoid his bite and most missiles. Occasionally I would move in for a finisher, but that never seemed to do much. When he would 'rest' with his head down, I'd do a finisher and that did quite a bit of damage. I rolled whenever he attacked and managed to avoid a lot of damage that way. I ran to collect health from the surrounding canisters when I was hurting. Fenrir seemed useless against him, as far as I could tell.
Took some time, but I never died.

Hel was more or less a
pushover after Garm. Her summons would go down easy enough and drop health if I needed it. And I would just hit her with guns or move over to her and do a finisher every now and then. It was a very laid back fight. I never really felt like I was in danger of dying, and was simply taking my time.

Again, all of these impressions are based off of the Defender, which seems like one of the more balanced classes, ironically. The game can dish out a ton of damage, the Defender can just soak it up.

Improvements needed for the next game:

o Make the main cut scenes better. I like the fact that the real-time engine is used so my Baldur is decked out in the equipment he has in-game, but cut scene animation and framing needs a lot of work.

o Make the mini cut scenes in the game skippable and give them subtitles. These are the scenes that take place within the levels, like when you unlock something in cyberspace and it does a little voice over and shows you a door opening in the real world. I think Thor attacking the giant sphere in level 3 is one as well. I want to be able to skip these, please!

o The melee controls need tweaking. Too often I try to do a juggle and a normal attack comes out, especially when I'm right next to an enemy (i.e. not performing a slide). Or I try to press the triggers and right stick at the same time to fire, and I end up doing a slide instead. If a slide begins and I hit the triggers a split-second later, then the slide should be interrupted and I should start firing. If I'm tapping the stick instead of holding or rotating it, then make a juggle happen somehow, even if the first tap has already been interpreted as a normal attack.

o Ranged targeting improvements. I should never be firing at a dead enemy. When whatever I'm targeting is dead, make it un-targetable, take my aim off of it and lock on to the nearest enemy. Give me some easy way to switch live targets. Ideally, rotating the right stick should switch targets, but that seemed to only work sporadically and only if the targets were far apart. It worked well for targeting troll parts, though.

o Explain your game to me. I need to know what polarity enemies are, how identify them, and what their effects will be. I need to know what dexterity does and exactly how it affects ranged damage. WTF is 'rot'? A status effect, I assume, but I'm guessing. For that matter, explain 'status effect'. I still don't know what 'annulment' does or exactly how 'improved dodge' improves my dodge; to my eyes, I still roll around the floor as I always did. There are dozens of examples like this. I tend to de-prioritize equipment that has bonuses that I don't understand. Let me hit LB on non-epic equipment to bring up a little pop-up window that explains each of the weapons bonuses with some explanatory text, as well as showing me the total % I currently have for that bonus. Show me my current base, weapon, and total damage (melee or ranged, as applicable) as well, if the item is a weapon -- don't make me go all the way to the 'stats' page for that.

o Improve the boss fights. As I said above, I don't mind them really, but I can understand why others do. The ranged- or melee-only route is a bit of a cop-out, and unfair to those classes that are weak in one of those areas.

o Offer some lore in-game. Give us some background on these characters and the story up to this point. Mass Effect did a good job of this, copy them.

o Allow me to take screen shots and (if you can pull it off) movies. Halo 3 did this, PGR4 did this, Gears 2 is doing pics. A game like this cries out for image sharing, at a minimum. Instead of blurry camera pics being posted on forums, you could have nice clean post-processed shots representing your game.

o 4-player (or more!) co-op and cut scenes in co-op.

Yeah, it's a long list but as I said, it's still a good game. I'll play it again, which is more than I can say for most single-player portions of games. I would never dream of playing Assassin's Creed again, for example, so Too Human holds a lot of value for me, in that way. I'd say IGN's rating at 7.8 is just about right, for me. If all the improvements above are made for the sequel, I could see it scoring 9+ easily.


Junior Member
kyle (in stereo) said:
I played it again last night, didn't have much of a problem. I know what sections you're referring too. Just do like I mentioned above. Ruiner, spider, take out the long range baddies, and then the trolls.

Like I said, it's not challenging, it's just not fun. It's a two hour (or more) level of jump to platform -> fight two or three trolls with various status effects while dealing with goblins -> repeat. Tedious would be a compliment.

HoH and World Serpent seemed to do a better job of mixing things up. Plus the levels themselves weren't overly long.

Helheim and Ice Forest just reek of rush-it-out-the-door-this-thing-is-shipping-no-matter-what.
Absolutely loving this game. I don't have as much time to play as some of you, I'm only about 8 hours in, up to the World Serpent closing in on the end of it. Level 22 Berserker. I have a question:

Does it "gimp" a Berserker to use anything other than dual swords/staves?

The best dual swords I've found so far do like 259 dmg, but I have a two-hander sword that does 450+, which is what I'm using. I realize that Berserker's get bonus stuff for dual-wield, but is there any other reason not to just use whatever is the most powerful weapon at your disposal?
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