I thought i had tried all gun, rifle and canon types. Which ones do work in your experience?kyle (in stereo) said:Try a different gun.
I thought i had tried all gun, rifle and canon types. Which ones do work in your experience?kyle (in stereo) said:Try a different gun.
Diseased Yak said:Absolutely loving this game. I don't have as much time to play as some of you, I'm only about 8 hours in, up to the World Serpent closing in on the end of it. Level 22 Berserker. I have a question:
Does it "gimp" a Berserker to use anything other than dual swords/staves?
The best dual swords I've found so far do like 259 dmg, but I have a two-hander sword that does 450+, which is what I'm using. I realize that Berserker's get bonus stuff for dual-wield, but is there any other reason not to just use whatever is the most powerful weapon at your disposal?
Diseased Yak said:Absolutely loving this game. I don't have as much time to play as some of you, I'm only about 8 hours in, up to the World Serpent closing in on the end of it. Level 22 Berserker. I have a question:
Does it "gimp" a Berserker to use anything other than dual swords/staves?
The best dual swords I've found so far do like 259 dmg, but I have a two-hander sword that does 450+, which is what I'm using. I realize that Berserker's get bonus stuff for dual-wield, but is there any other reason not to just use whatever is the most powerful weapon at your disposal?
I'd say IGN's rating at 7.8 is just about right, for me. If all the improvements above are made for the sequel, I could see it scoring 9+ easily.
ringlord said:If you have dual-wield bonuses, then they should show up in the +xx% next to your dual sword damage and be included right there in the 259 number. The one area that is 'hidden' (sorta) is your base melee damage. Beserker's do get bonuses to that (or else to total damage), but I think it applies to all weapons.
The sure fire way to see which has higher damage output overall: equip each in turn and go to the 'stats' page from the menu. Switch to the 'sword' tab and you'll see your base, weapon, and total damage with your current equipment. Whichever load out has a higher number for 'total' is the winner.
My guess is that it'll be your 450+ two-hander.
Edit: urg. benjamin makes a good point. If dual-weapon damage is truly doubled, it might not should up under the stats screen, which would be bogus, imo.
kyle (in stereo) said:I had to double check the color of the horizon and make sure my water faucet didn't pour blood.
It's a cold fucking day in hell when I agree with an IGN review, and they're largely spot on with this one.
kyle (in stereo) said:I had to double check the color of the horizon and make sure my water faucet didn't pour blood.
It's a cold fucking day in hell when I agree with an IGN review, and they're largely spot on with this one.
fin said:Silicon Knights really need to add a screenshot mode and sharing system. Adding a room in the Aesir lobby would be great. Just walk in get your screen shot taken, and allow you to sent it to friends.
I got this Epic Hammer last night that takes over 200k to build. It looks so badass but I'm not sure if I wanna spend so much on it.
Union Carbine said:Some sort of arena or onslaught mode of endless waves of bad guys would have been awesome too - like an entire mode of ramped up challenge rooms.
That'd be great. Sounds like the 'horde' mode on GoW2.Union Carbine said:Some sort of arena or onslaught mode of endless waves of bad guys would have been awesome too - like an entire mode of ramped up challenge rooms.
The exp % bonus is directly tied to your combo meter. Combo 1 = +1% experience bonus, Combo 2 = +2%, etc...slasher_thrasher21 said:Ok so after putting 20 hours in I think I just now realized something. So the exp % that rises up, that goes up after fighting? But it also goes down when you use a ruiner and starts over completely when you die? Is that right? So in order to get your exp % high up you have to not use the runiners or die? Am I following this right?:lol
slasher_thrasher21 said:Ok so after putting 20 hours in I think I just now realized something. So the exp % that rises up, that goes up after fighting? But it also goes down when you use a ruiner and starts over completely when you die? Is that right? So in order to get your exp % high up you have to not use the runiners or die? Am I following this right?:lol
ringlord said:Yep, exactly.
You can still use ruiners and not drop a combo level if you perform a 2-in-1 slide into a ruiner while you're progress to the next combo level is greater than half.
But, yes, if you die you lose that temp XP bonus until you're able to build back up your combo levels.
Diseased Yak said:Does it "gimp" a Berserker to use anything other than dual swords/staves?
The best dual swords I've found so far do like 259 dmg, but I have a two-hander sword that does 450+, which is what I'm using. I realize that Berserker's get bonus stuff for dual-wield, but is there any other reason not to just use whatever is the most powerful weapon at your disposal?
border said:I hit level 50 at 25 hours of playtime. I am now at 35 hours and have been doing all the dungeons in co-op with my +% Loot Drop stat nearly maxed. I have not seen a single piece of red gear drop for myself or my partner. The only red gear I've seen has randomly turned up in the in-game stores. So basically it seems I'm better off rebooting the game again and again and checking the stores for good gear than I am actually running the instances.
People claim that your performance on a boss determines what they drop, but that seems like bullshit. Last night we downed Hel with no deaths in probably less than 3 minutes....and she still had nothing of interest for us. We completed uber-crazy challenge arenas in Helheim and the obelisks dropped runes and purples.
The one piece of Elite gear I've gotten from the store (the Berseker swords) is nice, but guess what the repair bill is if you die 5-10 times over the course of the instance? Roughly 130K. That's from a durability drop of 2500 to 2000. Now imagine if you were paying that on every piece of gear. The salvage value of the loot isn't going to go up anymore at max-level, so at some point it may actually start costing you money to run instances.
If this is how endgame progression grows, I suspect I will lost interest pretty fast. I can't keep plugging away at the same 4 dungeons again and again when the rewards are so pathetic.
border said:People claim that your performance on a boss determines what they drop, but that seems like bullshit. Last night we downed Hel with no deaths in probably less than 3 minutes....and she still had nothing of interest for us.
border said:We completed uber-crazy challenge arenas in Helheim and the obelisks dropped runes and purples.
border said:The one piece of Elite gear I've gotten from the store (the Berseker swords) is nice, but guess what the repair bill is if you die 5-10 times over the course of the instance? Roughly 130K. That's from a durability drop of 2500 to 2000. Now imagine if you were paying that on every piece of gear. The salvage value of the loot isn't going to go up anymore at max-level, so at some point it may actually start costing you money to run instances.
border said:If this is how endgame progression grows, I suspect I will lost interest pretty fast. I can't keep plugging away at the same 4 dungeons again and again when the rewards are so pathetic.
Truelize said:Found it!!
Challenge room in the Ice Forest.bigdaddygamebot said:Holy shit. Where is that???
I guess I must have missed this, but how do you tell if a piece of armor is for a specific class? Is it listed on the stats page? I know it says if it's human/cybernetic alignment, but I wasn't aware of character class alignments.VaLiancY said:I would level my Commando but my wrist is killing me from playing SPEA last night. I got an epic helm from Hod only to found it was part of a Champion set so I gave it to SPEA instead. Hopefully we can get some better shit for my 'Zerker tonight.
Cornballer said:Challenge room in the Ice Forest.
Doodis said:I guess I must have missed this, but how do you tell if a piece of armor is for a specific class? Is it listed on the stats page? I know it says if it's human/cybernetic alignment, but I wasn't aware of character class alignments.
Yup, on the stat page. I think it's right under the human/cybernetic listing.Doodis said:I guess I must have missed this, but how do you tell if a piece of armor is for a specific class? Is it listed on the stats page? I know it says if it's human/cybernetic alignment, but I wasn't aware of character class alignments.
I can't remember exactly. It was one where you blast through the sidewall on one of the platforms and head up a ton of ramps. About midway through the level. The only time I cleared it was when the game glitched and let me die multiple times before finishing the room. :/Jtyettis said:I found that the first time I ran through, but does anyone remember or know which specific section that is on 2?
PhatSaqs said:About the rares.... how do Orange and Red show in the menu? Not sure if i've seen an Orange yet or maybe that's all i've been getting. The text looks red in the weapon/armor menu, and the item itself is red on the selection screen but the display icon that shows when you pick up the drop looks a little yelllowy/orange.
Do reds show up as red on the screen when you first get them?
Shit. So all the Epic I thought I had were a bunch of ElitesJtyettis said:
Cornballer said:Challenge room in the Ice Forest.
border said:I hit level 50 at 25 hours of playtime. I am now at 35 hours and have been doing all the dungeons in co-op with my +% Loot Drop stat nearly maxed. I have not seen a single piece of red gear drop for myself or my partner. The only red gear I've seen has randomly turned up in the in-game stores. So basically it seems I'm better off rebooting the game again and again and checking the stores for good gear than I am actually running the instances.
People claim that your performance on a boss determines what they drop, but that seems
The exact same thing happened to me there last night. I died twice but wasn't booted out, and all of the obelisks were lit up when I reached them. Lots of orange drops.Cornballer said:The only time I cleared it was when the game glitched and let me die multiple times before finishing the room. :/
PhatSaqs said:About the rares.... how do Orange and Red show in the menu? Not sure if i've seen an Orange yet or maybe that's all i've been getting. The text looks red in the weapon/armor menu, and the item itself is red on the selection screen but the display icon that shows when you pick up the drop looks a little yelllowy/orange.
Do reds show up as red on the screen when you first get them?
Xenon said:I think its a little too easy to level up in the higher levels. Im at 47 now but I seem to be gaining a level and half just by running HoH. I dont think people should be hitting the ceiling so quick.
My combo meter was at 3 when Hel died last night -- still no interesting or useful drops.bigdaddygamebot said:Combos. Not deaths or lack thereof. Combos are a real bitch on alot of bosses and takes a whole different level of gameplay. Combos, Sir.
Is there supposed to be a timer on that one? I don't think it activated for me. Weird.bigdaddygamebot said:I think I know which one now...hopefully I can work my way up to it tonight and get all five to pop.
Those towers are real bitches to beat when it comes to the timer.
Yup, same for me. I'm not complaining, though.Doodis said:The exact same thing happened to me there last night. I died twice but wasn't booted out, and all of the obelisks were lit up when I reached them. Lots of orange drops.
I was thinking that I'm leveling too fast, but then I realized that I've sunk almost 30 hours into the game already to get near 50, which is a lot for me on one game.bigdaddygamebot said:And then you have other people complaining that they're not getting enough loot and leveling too slowly because they're dying too much.
You can't please everyone.
I like the fact that I can turn on the 360 for an hour or two and get a level or two. I'm a high level raider in WoW though so it could be just that I miss getting XP.![]()
border said:My combo meter was at 3 when Hel died last night -- still no interesting or useful drops.
border said:I'd much rather be rewarded for how I performed in an encounter rather than whether or not I was able to get some meter up at the time of death.
bigdaddygamebot said:Your Combo Meter might have been at 3 which means you can use your ruiner three times but when I talk about combos I mean just that.
Having your combo count at fifty, sixty and plus one hundred hits makes a big difference in what drops you get...or so it seems.
Francias Castiglione said:Are you sure? If so that is a really annoying way of doing it.
Cornballer said:Is the combo count available anywhere on the HUD? Also, is that the one that counts consecutive hits without taking any damage?
Is "combo count" the "hit counter"?
Yep.Cornballer said:Is "combo count" the "hit counter"?
No worries. Way too much terminology getting tossed around.bigdaddygamebot said:Yeah...THAT's what it's called.
Sorry about the mislabeling of things on the HUD.
Costanza said:I played for an hour and 40 minutes and finished the first level. I think I got to level 9 or 10 with my berserker.
Very fucking fun game.