They have got to patch in some indicator to let me gauge when it will be available again.VaLiancY said:funnything is my Sentient Weapon was up and did tons of fucking damage while his was on cooldown.
They have got to patch in some indicator to let me gauge when it will be available again.VaLiancY said:funnything is my Sentient Weapon was up and did tons of fucking damage while his was on cooldown.
VaLiancY said:ArGHHHHH!
Shins said:They have got to patch in some indicator to let me gauge when it will be available again.
mm04 said:So I finally took down Hod and it went straight to a cinematic. Does he not drop any loot? That was disappointing, but I did get an orange pair of boots a few encounters earlier so not all is lost. I swear, Giancarlo must've had some great luck because it isn't nearly the equipment exchangefest he claims it is and I'm 18 levels in. I wore my level 8 purple gear for a good 4 or 5 levels before I switched to something else.
VaLiancY said:Come on Dennis, give me a caster or something like the Sentinel in Mass Effect. I really wanted the Bioengineer to be a support class with the ability to cast status effects and also do some healing.
I must listen to this interview.
WipedOut said:God this game is addictive. Finally beat the Ice Forest last night. Beserker and HOD = Not fun. Must have died 10 times. Reached level 20 and now have a full compliment of Orange Armor and Weapons. Unfortunately they are level 24 and can't touch them yet.
Same here. Took me forever to find a decent one hand sword, and when I did I couldn't equip it (orange blueprint). Had to level about about 5 times before I could. I'm finally using it and heads are rolling - it's great. When I finally get some orange pistols that use slug ammo I'm going to jump through the ceiling. As you get higher in level you really are changing less often and you're hunting for that specific item; it's sooo satisfying when you finally find it. I'm definitely not tripping over awesome loot by any means.RSTEIN said:I just beat Hod as well and did not receive anything (maybe I did, but nothing exciting). The bosses don't seem to drop anything good. I agree with you about the loot. I find myself wearing my blueprint stuff for maybe about 3 levels or so before a superior alternative pops up.
goldenpp72 said:what is garm? I cant even pinpoint where you are![]()
goldenpp72 said:what is garm? I cant even pinpoint where you are![]()
urk said:I defeated Garm and saved. When I come back into the level, the door won't open. In fact, it's dark until I cross back over the small bridge to the central arena. At that point, the glyphs on the door light, but it still won't budge.
If I reload the save, it starts me out to the left hand side of the door, in a small elbow where I can hear the sound effect of chains and gears moving. If I strut around the area and return, the "Saving" dialog will appear on the lower right, but the door still refuses to open.
Any ideas? Please tell me that I'm an idiot and there's a latch or lever I need to yank on.
fin said:You may have to restart.
funkmastergeneral said:Too Human seems way too glitchy for such a high profile game
RSTEIN said:I would have disagreed with you before last night. However, last night I fought Hod and let's just say... yeah, the bugs in this game are cringe worthy - bad for any game but an absolute embarassment for a first party, mega budget, first-in-a-trilogy game. I don't want to spoil it for anyone but lets just say the targeting system totally falls apart at Hod. During the first two levels leading up to Hod, I was fine with the targeting system. Annoying at times, yes. But it completely falls apart to such a degree that you really have to wonder about Silicon Knights' internal testing and, well, just general game design philosophy and the care and pride they have in their games.
Anyways, I did beat Hod (without dying) and I'm still having a freaking blast with the game. There's a lot of good here.
PhatSaqs said:Who is/which boss is Hod?
Kung Fu Jedi said:I'm curious as to how if falls apart at that point in the game? Worked fine for me, and I've fought Hod twice now, without dying. The actual boss battle itself is too repetitious, but that's a criticism of the game in general I think, but I didn't find the targeting system at that point to be any better or worse than the other parts of the game.
RSTEIN said:I don't want to spoil it for anyone but lets just say the targeting system totally falls apart at Hod.
urk said:Instead of targeting a platform, my rifle would consistently snap to one of the mechanical pieces behind or next to me. After rolling to dodge attacks, it was almost impossible to reacquire the same target again without having to manually adjust the aim. And if you run backwards, you'll often shoot at thin air, instead of shifting into a backpedal where you can fire while retreating a bit.
RSTEIN said:That sounds like falling apart to me![]()
xxjuicesxx said:Yea the targeting system could have used some work.
This means you can't easily target the ....., specific floating platforms against Hod, or Polarity exploding goblins out of the pack of goblins charging you.
I think there are a few in cyberspace on the first level that are designated tier 1 charms. Not sure how much variety there is, though.funkmastergeneral said:Is there any way to easily get tier 1 charms? I just started doing the charm quests at level 38, and my problem is I don't have enough tier 1 charms to start working on my tier 2 charms, and only tier 2 charms drop for me now. am i screwed?
funkmastergeneral said:Is there any way to easily get tier 1 charms? I just started doing the charm quests at level 38, and my problem is I don't have enough tier 1 charms to start working on my tier 2 charms, and only tier 2 charms drop for me now. am i screwed?
bigdaddygamebot said:Newp.
Tier 2 charms accept Tier 2 runes...if I'm not mistaken...
I might be confusing tiers with colours though...
bigdaddygamebot said:Ohhhh...yeah, sorry.
As for Tier 1 CHARMS...I still get them dropping and I'm 44th level. Not as much as I used to, but i only check my inventory when I level now and when I check back in...I always have two or three more.
Someone confirm this. Been afraid to do color based auto-sal as I dont want it touching my runes/charms.funkmastergeneral said:Wow, really? Maybe I just have shit for luck, my auto salvage is on blue, but charms aren't auto salvaged I believe.
Confirmed. runes/charms are not affected by any of the auto salvage settings.PhatSaqs said:Someone confirm this. Been afraid to do color based auto-sal as I dont want it touching my runes/charms.
I'm pretty sure that's the case. I have auto-salvage set for blue, and I always get the "Inventory Full" message when new charms pop up. I think with runes it just gets rid of the least valuable ones, though.PhatSaqs said:Someone confirm this. Been afraid to do color based auto-sal as I dont want it touching my runes/charms.
Awesome. :lolStantron said:I made my first level 3 charm last night. Now, when I hit an enemy, there is a chance of creating a large puddle of yellow toxin that disintegrates enemies that walk into it. Better yet, the puddle will spread larger and in the direction of enemies it kills. Haven't been able to try it on Trolls yet, but it's pretty damn awesome.