PhatSaqs said:Someone confirm this. Been afraid to do color based auto-sal as I dont want it touching my runes/charms.
it's true, charms do not auto salvage.
PhatSaqs said:Someone confirm this. Been afraid to do color based auto-sal as I dont want it touching my runes/charms.
fin said:Just finished listening to that EvilAvatar podcast with DD. It sounds like they got some really great plans for Too Human. Denis hinted at some community stuff, I hope they go all Halo 3 on it and flesh out the online stuff ala Wouldn't that be cool if SK aped Forza 2 and had an online marketplace that uses the ingame bounty for items? Kinda like a Too Human Ebay.
He also said that his favorate playable class wasn't in the game. So we can expect more character classes for either the DLC or the sequel.
See, that just bugs me. As much as I enjoy the game, you have to think that Too Human could really use every bit of help getting its toe in the door with people. Withholding classes or levels or anything for any extended period when it could've been on the disc/factored into marketing/reviews seems so dumb.fin said:He also said that his favorate playable class wasn't in the game.
Francias Castiglione said:Got it this morning, been playing all day. I'll post more later (must. keep. playing.) but this most certainly is not deserving of the ridiculously low scores some people gave it, I've played games that deserve those scores and I didn't WANT to keep playing them like I do with this. There are problems, not denying that, but the pros far outweigh the cons from what I've played.
xxjuicesxx said:I can't believe Too Human didn't even make top 10 on Live activity this week.
It sounded to me from listening to Denis that they were really having a hard time just balancing the current classes (and judging from some impressions, they didn't get it completely right) so its no wonder they didn't want to put any more in. Thats also pretty much the main reason probably why there was only 2player co-op, though I'm also thinking that the engine performance hindered that too.Shins said:The lack of weight to things is definitely the worst offender in the graphics department.
See, that just bugs me. As much as I enjoy the game, you have to think that Too Human could really use every bit of help getting its toe in the door with people. Withholding classes or levels or anything for any extended period when it could've been on the disc/factored into marketing/reviews seems so dumb.
Its great that there's plans for DLC, but I'd prefer less DLC and a truly polished sequel to copious amounts of DLC for a game that didn't sell enough to warrant continuing.
xxjuicesxx said:I can't believe Too Human didn't even make top 10 on Live activity this week.
Fair enough, I suppose. I can't listen to this at work (and to be honest, I kind of hate listening to Dyack talkCombine said:It sounded to me from listening to Denis that they were really having a hard time just balancing the current classes (and judging from some impressions, they didn't get it completely right) so its no wonder they didn't want to put any more in. Thats also pretty much the main reason probably why there was only 2player co-op, though I'm also thinking that the engine performance hindered that too.
Glix said:I'm playing through single before I do any co-op. Maybe there are a lot of other people like me?
Glix said:I'm playing through single before I do any co-op. Maybe there are a lot of other people like me?
Shins said:Fair enough, I suppose. I can't listen to this at work (and to be honest, I kind of hate listening to Dyack talk), but that still strikes me as bad phrasing though. Saying you have some great ideas for future games is fine. Telling me your favorite class isn't even available is just mean!
Maybe Dyack gets off on withholding.
Glix said:(Concerning LIVE ranking) Well, guess its a niche title then!
I really really hope it does well enough to finish the trilogy.
sooo, with no too human on the top 10, bomba total?urk said:Yup, any game that is "Live aware" will be tallied in Nelson's list. Even Oblivion cracked the top ten with no multiplayer to speak of. The only way a title isn't seen by Xbox Live anymore is if the console isn't online at all.
I'd wait for next week's Top 10. If it hasn't cracked it then... :- \Jack Random said:sooo, with no too human on the top 10, bomba total?
Shins said:I'd wait for next week's Top 10. If it hasn't cracked it then... :- \
Jack Random said:sooo, with no too human on the top 10, bomba total?
urk said:Yup, any game that is "Live aware" will be tallied in Nelson's list. Even Oblivion cracked the top ten with no multiplayer to speak of. The only way a title isn't seen by Xbox Live anymore is if the console isn't online at all.
funkmastergeneral said:is there any way to reset the obelisks in the world tree? I think I blew my load there a little early and didn't get the best loot possible.
Jack Random said:sooo, with no too human on the top 10, bomba total?
When I checked last night, the lowest person on the All-Time Total Kills leaderboard was ~119K. Keep in mind that this is not really a good judge of units sold since rentals, and playing same game on multiple 360's would also count, and also all the free copies that go out to press/etc. But then, on the opposite end, you have all the people who bought the game and are not connected to live at all._tetsuo_ said:it didnt make top 10? That's really weird, because the lowest ranked person I've seen on the leaderboards was like 100,000
Combine said:Another thing I'd like to see in the sequels is more audio options. I really would love some sliders to be able to set the Music, SFX and Voices at different levels, because in my setup at least, the SFX are way too loud and drown out the rest of the audio.
Then again, the audio in general also needs to be heavily optimized because there were several glitches with it that I've noticed during regular gameplay.
Combine said:Another thing I'd like to see in the sequels is more audio options. I really would love some sliders to be able to set the Music, SFX and Voices at different levels, because in my setup at least, the SFX are way too loud and drown out the rest of the audio.
Then again, the audio in general also needs to be heavily optimized because there were several glitches with it that I've noticed during regular gameplay.
RSTEIN said:Anyone been inspired to read any Nietzsche? Anyone read Human, All Too Human? Or the concept of the eternal recurrance or the Ubermensch?
Good stuff.
Jtyettis said:Never inspired to read Nietzsche even after countless hours of it in grad school.
RSTEIN said:Pfft. Take your slave morality and shove it, you God worshiping idiot.
The End said:I really, really enjoyed the demo. Spent almost 2 hours last night playing through it, fiddling with my equipment, etc.
I think I'm going to reward myself with the game for finishing my Unix Networking class this week.
Any hope of finding codes for the bonus pre-order armor lying around? Can you buy in on XBLM?
slasher_thrasher21 said:You know I have a code I didn't use at all and it wouldn't pain me to give it up. Pm me and when I get home I can pm you the code.
funkmastergeneral said:20 inventory spots for charms just isn't enough when you're trying to finish a tier 3 charm, I wish there was some kind of bank like PSO
I really, really like this game though. Too Human 2 could be amazing
Carman Dix, Art director of Too Human:
Underneath, Denis is still that boy that genuinely loves video games with a passion.
Steve Henifin , Audio director on Too Human: The public perception of what Too Human was I dont think scratched the surface of what was really going on here internally.
stephentotilo said:Hey all,
I posted a couple of things today I think you'll be interested in. Two parts of an interview I conducted with the design, art and sound directors of the game. I specifically asked not to talk to Dyack for his one.
So you've got this post:
And this much longer one:
There's a good amount of stuff in the second one about the controls, the art direction, sound, why the game has as many levels and enemies as it does. Etc.
bathala said:![]()
Bioengineer armor looks tight. almost like Crysis armor
just lvl 17 at the ice forest. and its not epic set. just mish mashFrancias Castiglione said:What level is that? Looks quite Spawn like actually.