Do you have some % Loot Drops or something?:lolJtyettis said:6 Epics so far since last night on the conveyer runs. The last one I got is a Rune worth a million bounty; Mastery: Champion Skill Tree +1.
Do you have some % Loot Drops or something?:lolJtyettis said:6 Epics so far since last night on the conveyer runs. The last one I got is a Rune worth a million bounty; Mastery: Champion Skill Tree +1.
Lebron said:Do you have some % Loot Drops or something?:lol
Uh. You shouldn't be dying that much. I'm around level 40 with my Champion and die maybe once a level, if that. Second playthrough I didnt even die in acts 1 and 2. Early on the game is rough in some spots, but the game really picks up. Not sure you've completed it yet if you're actually dying that much still. The final dungeon, save for a certain boss was piss easy.
Are you juggling and getting your combo meters up? Shooting the explodey guys before they get to you?
I honestly want to know how someone playing a Champion can complain about the Valkyrie.
I had the same thoughts and questions. Also states he hates it yet is going to try another class... So... in other words its sorta hooked you in a way perhaps? If I hate a game, I drop it quicker then dollar bills at a stripclub.
Alethea said:That Valkyrie death cutscene is pretty awesome, but after seeing it every 10 seconds in the final dungeon, I truly loathe it.
Grecco said:I saw it 37 times in the last boss alone. Yeah it sucks.
Alethea said:As stated in my post, I'm reviewing it for the site where I work. I got the copy straight from MS's PR people. I'm obligated to finish it and post the review, and that includes giving the other classes a chance in case they offer redeeming value for the game.
Also, I'm not a guy. Note my username.
Stay back and spam long distance fierce attacks until you thin the mob out a bit. That's what worked for me as a lvl 35ish Champion. I'd only get into trouble if I tried to wade into a large group.Alethea said:Honestly the only real deathfest for me was the final dungeon. I'm not sure why. I just kept getting overwhelmed. Also, I wasn't level 40, only upper 20s, so that was probably a factor.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Well hey thats a good enough reason to play the other classes then. At least your being thorough. Good job.
Sorry, I never know who is a guy or girl on here. I just know your a poster.![]()
Stay back and spam long distance fierce attacks until you thin the mob out a bit. That's what worked for me as a lvl 35ish Champion. I'd only get into trouble if I tried to wade into a large group.
I put some more points into distance on my fierce attack and used that. It's a lot more damage and range plus it knocks down people that are trying to shoot you which takes some pressure off. It was much more effective for me than using my pistols.Alethea said:Yeah, I did that a lot, only with ranged weapons. Too bad the game is a lousy shooter too. :lol
Alethea said:So, I have the strategies and controls down.
Alethea said:Heh. No big, I just hate how people assume I'm a guy just because I play games.
And yeah, I try to be thorough with games like this. I feel like I owe it to the players and the developers alike.
PepsimanVsJoe said:Game finally arrived(along with Circle of Doom). Gonna wrap up what I have left of Castle Crashers and get to looting.
Glix said:But you're dying every 10 seconds on the last level? That doesn't really add up...
Alethea said:And yeah, I try to be thorough with games like this. I feel like I owe it to the players and the developers alike.
Alethea said:Heh. No big, I just hate how people assume I'm a guy just because I play games.
And yeah, I try to be thorough with games like this. I feel like I owe it to the players and the developers alike.
Yeah, I did that a lot, only with ranged weapons. Too bad the game is a lousy shooter too. :lol
Alethea said:Heh. No big, I just hate how people assume I'm a guy just because I play games.
Xenon said:I think there is a major difference in the reactions to this game from people who have to play the game and people who are just interested in it. He did say that he enjoyed the combat some times so maybe its growing on him. I wonder if he read all the combat tips & info in the weapon and armor shops. I had 20 hours in and didn't even know they were there. I even found a number of things about the gameplay, like the fact that the Troll's armor is more vulnerable to lasers.
yeah, I just did the same. I need me some reds! I only got 2 so far.Jtyettis said:Yea maxed at 15%. I actually had to spread that out on different armor pieces until last night when I got 1 Epic Rune with +15% loot drop chance on itself.![]()
There's info strewn through the game, but I don't know if it's centralized anywhere. There are info screens in Aesir and you receive brief explanation screens while you're playing towards the beginning. Would've been nice to have an on-the-go encyclopedia like Mass Effect, though.Truelize said:But seriously, did I miss some huge tutorials telling me about how to use the runes in the charms and then use level 1 charms in level 2 charms etc???
Cornballer said:There's info strewn through the game, but I don't know if it's centralized anywhere. There are info screens in Aesir and you receive brief explanation screens while you're playing towards the beginning. Would've been nice to have an on-the-go encyclopedia like Mass Effect, though.
Been Crashing Castles.slasher_thrasher21 said:Hey Cornballer. I still never see you online much, only for a few minutes and then bam gone. Been busy? I got my champion to level 47 now so I'm looking to get him to 50.
Cornballer said:Been Crashing Castles.I might be on tonight, though I need to take care of a few things first.
Yeah, same stuff here. Mid-40's berserker, armor around 1400, one hit takes out 2/3rds of my health.Kung Fu Jedi said:Two hits from that floor slam took me out.
That sounds like the same epic charm I have. It's pretty bad-ass. Once you get the pool to spawn it's like an auto death sentence for mobs that rush towards it.funkmastergeneral said:just hit 50 and am now farming HoH over and over. Got the tier 3 charm that makes the pool of acid, now I just need to kill 80 leaders. Hopefully I can get some co-op in this weekend as well
Alethea said:As I stated in the same post you quoted, yes, I have completed the game as Champion.
I do some juggling, not a whole lot.
Alethea said:The game is just so poorly made. Glitchy, awkward, laggy. I thought it would be decent in spite of the issues I noticed in the demo, but apparently not.
Philthy said:Wait.. what? The juggling is the primary playstyle of the Champion. Everything should be up in the air as much as possible with this class. It's like playing a Sorcerer in Diablo and ignore the spells.
I've put over 35 hours into the game so far. Not a single glitch, no lag, no bugs, nothing. Are you sure it's not your 360 dying?
I also clocked the Valkyrie scene in at 12 seconds.
Grecco said:Your probably not looking well enough. Ive had a decent amount of glitches. Most notable was when i "Ghost rode" the spider.
Philthy said:I also clocked the Valkyrie scene in at 12 seconds.
Fistwell said:Yeah, same stuff here. Mid-40's berserker, armor around 1400, one hit takes out 2/3rds of my health.
Grecco said:I saw it 37 times in the last boss alone. Yeah it sucks.
Philthy said:I've put over 35 hours into the game so far. Not a single glitch, no lag, no bugs, nothing. Are you sure it's not your 360 dying? Wait, well, I had one bug second playthrough with Grendel. I got stuck in his hands. Sorry.
I also clocked the Valkyrie scene in at 12 seconds.
Damn. I haven't gotten any Epic armor yet. Gotta start spamming HoH.QVT said:
QVT said: